,  — 18 Feb 2022

How to Make the Most of Ad Variations using Custom Product Pages

Lina Danilchik

Unlock all the potential for your Apple Search Ads optimization with ad variations using custom product pages.

Ad variations using custom product pages are finally available in the SearchAdsHQ platform. Create additional ad variations of your App Store custom product pages and test them in SearchAdsHQ. In this post, we’ll explain how you can deliver more relevant search results ads to users with ad variations and SearchAdsHQ.

Want to know how to set up custom product pages on the App Store and use it in Apple Search Ads? Read Custom Product Pages Setup Guide.

The SearchAdsHQ platform supports displaying ad variations using custom product pages that have recently been created on the App Store and have been through the review process. You can see all the data from the ad group in one dashboard:  impressions, taps, downloads, TTR, CR, cost per acquisition, spend. 

How to Make the Most of Ad Variations using Custom Product Pages
SearchAdsHQ dashboard

Your new Ads dashboard will display Apple Search Ads statistics for ad variations and enable you to filter data by ad group, status, storefront, etc. 

Starting from now, UA managers can use custom product pages they previously set up in App Store Connect to create ad variations in Apple Search Ads and SearchAdsHQ. This integration replaced Creative Sets, but you will be able to see the historical data from your Creative Sets for the last 30 days in our new Ads dashboard.

Each ad variation should match an ad group. Ad groups may include various keyword themes in the semantic-based account structure. Create ad variations specifically for each keyword theme – thus highlighting different features or content. Or use ad variations for your segmentation based on the audience or interests. 

Note that only one ad variation using a custom product page can be enabled per ad group, except for the Default product page for users with iOS versions earlier than 15.2.

As custom product pages are available for users with iOS 15 and later, creating custom product pages is not mandatory. Metrics for users who cannot see ad variations using custom product pages will roll into the Default Ad.

Here are a few tips on how to use custom product pages for Apple Search Ads optimization:

  • align a specific visual asset and message with a separate semantic of keyword group; 
  • align a specific visual asset and message with the target audience (gender and age, new users, or returning);
  • align a specific visual asset and message in terms of audience segmentation (based on product analysis).

Pro tips for more efficient work with ad variations using custom product pages:

  • Start from 1-3-5 custom product pages at the beginning. 
  • Create your custom product pages from the available screenshots to streamline your workflow.
  • Redistribute existing screenshots or create new ones to increase the number of ad variations. 

Talk to our experts to learn more and make the most of ad variations using custom product pages and SearchAdsHQ. 

Optimize your Apple Search Ads campaigns with SearchAdsHQ
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Lina Danilchik
Lina Danilchik
Content Marketing Lead & App Growth Evangelist at SplitMetrics
Lina is Content Marketing Lead at SplitMetrics. She provides mobile marketers with best practices and tips on app growth, ASO, user acquisition and Apple Search Ads. Lina is also the host of App Growth Talks.
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