6 months ago, lucas bartsch
I love the updates but it would be cool to own a business. Ideas: you will need at least $100,000 to $1,000,000 to start a business,you can hire or fire employees, you can do interviews, you could hire a new ceo when you retire or have your kids take over, you could promote your business with ads and billboards and more, you could pick what business you want it to be like tech or candy and more, you could sell the business to a crime syndicate, you could sell the business for money for at least $1,000,000 or $5,000,000 or $10,000,000 or $50,000,000 or $100,000,000 or even more, you could promote your workers or demote them, you could make employees or bosses salary’s higher or lower. Military update: I think there should be a thing that you could pretend to be a officer, there should be ribbons and medals, when you are officer you should be able to boss around lower ranks, you should be able to fire soldiers when you are a really high rank, you should be able to steal awards like the Medal of Honor or ribbons off any kind of rank, you should be able to WORK HARDER FOR A RIBBON OR MEDAL, there should be new mini games for the military, you should not be able to go to war when you are a officer rank.I also love to be able to qualify for the olympics for swimming,gymnastics,soccer,basketball,golf,tennis,handball etc. and you should also add sumo That’s all I have but thank you for reading this.
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