PhotoRoom: AI Photo Editor

Graphics & Design
4.8 (71.4K)
184.9 MB
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Current version
Last update
7 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for PhotoRoom: AI Photo Editor

4.84 out of 5
71.4K Ratings
2 years ago, Blu3m
It’s perfect
Saw the ad for it on TikTok. Figured when I was going to start selling stuff again I would use it. Sure enough, I tried it out and it’s everything I had thought and more. I’m very picky about editing apps and this is perfect. It’s simple, fast, efficient, and has all the right tools. It’s very clean. Most cropping apps take a minute to crop and then you always have to go in and do a lot of fine tuning. This app does is it super quickly and gets it done the first time. It’s easy to make adjustments if you need to. It’s also easy to build collages, they have awesome glitch effects, you can make things move, they have a lot of good background options and templates … It’s great. I know this review was worded horribly, but the app is great. So yeah, if you’re looking to sell clothes (or other things) this app is definitely worth it. The only downside is the $10 a month that you have to pay for the pro version. I have the trial right now but it also seems like there is a lot you can do with the free version if you don’t want to pay. Which is nice. But also this will definitely increase your sales so I’m sure it’s worth it. (Maybe a longer free trial to give people the chance to get selling would be nice) The other thing is that they do offer a LIFETIME PURCHASE OPTION which I honestly REALLY APPRECIATE. There are a lot of apps that I just deleted right away because they have expensive monthly fees and no option to buy it outright. No phone app is worth that cr@p.
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3 weeks ago, CCRes@dog
Love ….But Frustrated Help?
So I have been using this app consistently probably daily for over a year now and I pay for the subscription because it’s worth it. However, in the past few days, I have been trying to utilize the bulk upload on both my iPad and my iPhone, which has always worked perfectly, and now it’s not. When I try to do a bulk upload, it just spins or if it does take my photos and bulk when I go to save or download, it doesn’t do anything like it just sits there and it’s stuck. The only way I’ve been able to edit my photos in PhotoRoom is to upload individually, which does not work for me and the business that I do. I have made sure I am updating with all your updates as well as powering off my devices and that has not fixed the issue. If it was just one of my devices, I would say it’s my device, but it’s both. I came on here to see if anyone else had made a comment recently over the past week to see if anybody else is having the same problem, but I didn’t say anything so I am posting this, a developer can assist. I absolutely live by this app and it is crucial to my business so I would like to see it get resolved quickly. Any suggestions? Love, love this App -please help me bring my workhorse back🙏🏻
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1 week ago, whathefteakydeaky
Love/Hate Relationship
I tried the free version and I liked it so decided to try the free trial upgrade to Pro. Good friends wanted me to take pregnancy family photos so I decided to keep it and pay for a year. A little pricey but heck I had a lot of fun playing and friends loved the photos and displayed them at gender reveal party. Fast forward… I got a new IPhone back in late October and couldn’t get Pro version to work. Now it’s nearly March and I just figured out how to get it back. I could not figure out how to contact developer and got so frustrated that I just kept giving up. So I guess I just lost out on over 4 months of my PAID subscription. I would gladly pay for another year but feel like I was shorted 1/3 of paid version. I realize it may not really be anyone’s fault, maybe just a glitch(but found no support for issue) Whatever the reason I feel kind of ripped off. If developers decide to right this wrong then I’ll be happy to continue paying and using the Pro version. Also will spread good reviews, otherwise I’m not pleased with my overall experience. I feel like I was just getting the hang of all the bells and whistles of this app when I lost the ability to use it fully. PLEASE HELP I do have fun with this and would hate to give bad reviews 😒
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4 years ago, HouseRules43
Best I’ve found for easy white background swap!
I don’t bother writing reviews for apps. Seriously, I think this might be my first ever. Needed a tool to give products plain white background. That’s’d think that would be easy to find a good tool for this application but most were either very complicated or the auto object detection was so poor that it took forever to manually clean it up. At that point I might as well just use photoshop. This tool usually does a pretty good job on the auto detection but most of my images require a little finessing however it’s pretty easy. Sometimes it NAILS it immediately and I do a silent cheer in my head. The only improvement I might suggest (it may already be possible but my tech challenged self hasn’t found it) would be the ability to adjust the degree of opacity when filling in areas that should be filled. Fantastic tool for me and I am looking at whether the Pro version would offer any significant benefits for the types of editing I am doing. The sub price is much more economical for me than other apps that charge a per photo fee.
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2 years ago, Halgal80
Why do you keep changing things??
I was a huge fan of this app and gladly paid for a year subscription, but then there have been tweaks and changes that began to frustrate me, and now you’ve made changes today that have made this once a simplistic tool I was happy to use into something ridiculous, WHY did you change the format?! Why can I no longer edit my background horizontal vertical levels anymore and WHY did you replace these tools with animated glitches?? This is NOT I paid for, these silly things are useless for the everyday seller, if it’s something people use for social media then make it separate, don’t take away and change the format, plus the layout is now odd and it’s adding my QR code’s automatically and I don’t need or want it…ughhhh! Please change it back so I can use this again! I rarely write reviews and funny enough I had to seek you out unsolicited to leave a review because I’m so pleased! I am using the pro version and so far it’s worth every penny as I use it daily for editing pictures of things I sell online and just for fun creative projects! There are a few quirks here and there but for the most part this is by far the most simplistic (user friendly for all) yet highly capable photo app editor in it’s category so far, keep adding more features and make a desktop version 😁
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2 years ago, AdamJeremiah
Latest update kills usefulness for CDs and DVDs
Until recently, I loved this app. However, recent changes are forcing me to consider abandoning it. It seems to want to remove everything around a person, which for some types of product is not a good thing. I sell a lot of media online and with CDs almost every one has people on it. In the last few weeks, following their updates, havoc has been wreaked upon my product photos.I cringe when I see a CD that has a person on a somewhat white background anymore, something that never happened. In fact, I cringe every time I see a person at all. Whatever recent changes occurred have not been for the better for my product needs. It’s frustrating because I know what the app used to do but I’m left now with what it does currently, which is: causing me to take multiple photographs to finally get one that takes, or sometimes not photograph an inventory item at all because no matter how many times I try to photograph it it won’t take. Very disheartening. If not fixed soon I will be canceling my subscription, which is not something I planned to do. This was my go to app and now it’s virtually unusable.
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1 year ago, GreenBayGirl
Wish I knew about this earlier!
I’m really only beginning to learn about how fast and easy this app truly is, but I’m 100% happy with it and I’m considering going to the pro upgrade! That said, I have been able to do a very reasonable amount of fancy photo upgrades on the free platform, so it’s really made for everybody in that you can for sure get tons of use out of it in just the free version. The pro upgrade lets you do things faster like upload and edit the background of large batches of photos. In the free version, you just do it one photo at a time. I dabble in online selling and this is PERFECT for adding cool backgrounds to my images or cutting out background clutter that would have made my photos look unprofessional without this as an option! Developers: THANK YOU for your free features and for your hard work in this build! I don’t usually write much for a review but I’m so excited that I really sat down and learned about what I could do with your program. Thanks again 😀
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4 years ago, Ja_Rowles
This is a great app but...
I really like this app. It quickly became my 3rd most daily used app. Unfortunately I had to cancel my subscription. Not for the cost, even tho it isn’t cheap. When your putting together an image the layers tool is totally in the way and can’t be minimized, moved or customized to a different side place so it when it cover the spot your working on it becomes a pain. Having the layer title always up saying “object” beside the highlighted layer tab Is totally in the way. Then having to begin the process of sending it to get that preview screen just to have to go back and adjust it (With the layer bar still in the way) trying to manipulate it where you want. Having to adjust it and preview again. Totally ruined the experience and adds a layer of difficulty to something that’s already tedious. I’ll still be using the app because it makes my store look great. For anything besides making the background of a single individual item white I’ll have to go elsewhere.
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3 years ago, Wackedupyo
Love the app
This is great for removing backgrounds. I like the different features it provides. However, there is one little caveat that I dislike about the scanning. Obviously lighting is very key to the scanning process but if your product has a shadow underneath (or maybe it doesn’t) it will remove it. For example, I tried to scan a car. There is enough lighting foe the product to show up all its features including its legs. However, when the app scans, it will leave out one leg or not scan them at all. I’ve read the articles and I don’t see mention of this issue. Unless of course you buy their PRO. Maybe in the near future I may do that, but for now - the features they provide for free are more than enough for what I need. It saves me so much time in removing backgrounds and if it scans and leaves something out then I go to another app to adjust it and come back to this one to remove the rest. Highly recommend this app!
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2 years ago, inarts
Bait-and-switch like new marketing tacit. Permanent watermark all over the images
I loved the app and would have given it 5 flying stars and a very positive review. However yesterday I found all of my images covered with a permanent net-like PhotoRoom logo watermark, making it completely useless. The app offed me to remove the watermark if I subscribed to Pro version. I wish i would have known about these marketing imposed limits on the usage of the free version so I could plan ahead, count my exports or simply opt out for another alternative. Now I have no idea what to do... will the watermarks disappear one day as they appeared? Or should I abandon the app for good? I understand that this is one of your marketing tactics to make people signup for a pro version. However, it is done poorly, as this information on limits is not present anywhere leaving users shocked and frustrated, feeling like bait and switch. If your strategy is to become an exclusive-paid subscription only app - you should be clear about it up front. Transparency is a form of respect towards your users and lack of it will cost your app those precious rating stars. I hope your marketing team will figure a less destructive way to increase sales.
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8 months ago, Topszzzn
They keep getting better
I am a small business owner and this app has made my life so much easier. So incredibly user friendly and it seems like each week they are putting out updates that make the service so much better! I’ve been using PhotoRoom for about a year now and the app looks and performs nothing like it did a year ago, they have added so many features and improvements it’s truly incredible. One of my favorite features are the groups you can make. I accidentally purchased a subscription on my phone but all my projects I have been working on were on my computers account. I simply made a group invited myself and was able to transfer all the projects over to new account. The new A.I is also fantastic and so incredibly easy to use. And on top of all that they price it at $10 bucks a month! Im excited to see what this team can do in the next year with this app 10/10 from me
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2 years ago, MyLoveBug
the only app i pay for lol
i just got done editing a photo and felt so good about it i had to write a review. i’ve had the app for YEARS and always loved it but i just got the free trial of pro last night and it’s a frickin game changer. this thing can cut out anything you want and the SHADOW FEATURE IS INSANE!!!! that alone is worth it. i took a horrible photo that i hated and now it’s my favorite picture of myself (i really wish i could upload before and after pics because it’s crazy good). the only thing i will say that’s annoying is that you can’t zoom in on a photo, so when i’m adding tiny objects i have to guesstimate where to put it because i can’t enlarge the photo itself. it makes sense but i wish there was an option for this! or at least like a magnifying glass or something. overall AMAZING app, just know that it will decrease your photo quality without pro (just figured this out)
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1 year ago, stacie303
There is no Free Version Anymore?
I am still considering paying for this app, but it’s not b/c I want to. Yesterday, I opened the app and it said that I’ve used my free 66 photos and now most are locked and the most recent ones have a countdown timer to when they will become locked, too. It feels manipulative, I thought the free version gave you the 2 basic backgrounds. Nope, they give you the 2 free basic background for your first 66 photo projects. Then, without warning- they take access and demand that you put in a credit card number before you can access your photos again. Pretty sneaky, if you ask me…. People that download you app and use it for business would probably be willing to pay for a monthly subscription, but don’t pretend that they can just use the basic free version and get by- because, you can’t. It’s a good app, but seems shady that suddenly they are demanding payment. Is the company running into legal or financial trouble, I wonder? Should we all find a new photo app b/c this one is going down with the ship? Hmm..
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10 months ago, MommyJay94
Backgrounds switching & auto cut
I absolutely LOVEEE THIS APP!! It has auto cut out where it can pretty much get it right 98% of the time without me doing anything at all! For example, it will take the person I want out of the photo so none of the background is there anymore just the person or ppl or item etc I want is outlined by the smart technology & removed from whatever else is in said photo! I love this because doing it on my own I would always miss stuff or get stuff I didn’t want to get so it wasn’t good cut outs when I did it on my own.. even when I do have to do touch ups, the smart technology makes it SO simple to get what I want fixed.. & for changing the background it’s so easy & flawless. This is all without paying for the app, if I had the money I’d do the paid version bc they have such great features on the free version I can only imagine for a paid version! :)
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3 years ago, sellerjood
I have NEVER wrote a review for an app partly because I don’t really care about these things but this app is AMAZING. I have used SO many apps in the past to try and get a white background and this app BLOWS my mind. I’m literally screaming inside right now because I’m so happy with this app. I am a seller and I take pictures of my items and post them online and it’s so hard to get a professional looking white background(this app has MANY different backgrounds but I needed white). This app is so easy to use. Literally I upload the picture and it takes a quick scan of the picture and automatically clears the background for me and gives me other options but I always choose white. This app is actually amazing. You can pay for a premium membership but even the FREE membership is AMAZING. I am so so happy right now because all my pictures look soo professional props to this app!!
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3 weeks ago, TOMH3NRY
Love it well done keep up the great work 🫶
well done keep up the great work 🫶 btw suggestion for your instant backgrounds UI/UX I think you’d benefit from having some sort of Boolean feedback mechanism on each result of the 4 results that are provided so as to improve your training data with user feedback and it would help you cut down costs related to the ML/AI and servers being ping prob more than needed as the results after the first 4 are typically very similar to the first four and even a simple if then logic statement without asking users “if user generates instant backgrounds then generates 4 more without interacting with any of the first 4 “ etc. I would prob do a calculation on how long the user considered each set of 4 before making a next move to generate more, choose one to use or abandon altogether. Hope that helps much luv
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3 years ago, sallysavings
Best App Ever!
I’ve tried for 4 years now to find an app that will allow me to easily remove the background for my Poshmark closet listings and this app takes just seconds to the job and even has a number of free additional features that I will use frequently that are amazing! I’ve only used this for 2 days now and I’m going to go ahead and subscribe for the PRO edition, not because the free version doesn’t do most everything I need it for, but there’s so many additional features I’d love to use that the $10 monthly fee is more than worth it! I have about 1,000 listings in my Poshmark closet and at least 1,500 more to list and I’m going to update all of my photos this week to finally give me closet a cleaner and more uniform look. It’s completely changed the look of my listings and I can’twait to update the rest of my closet!!
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12 months ago, Trackmyfreedom
The best mobile and desktop app I’ve ever had
This is seriously the best app overall that I’ve worked with that allows me no bg temova limitations, or any limits when subscribed to pro. The pro subscription is well worth the small cost they charge. A few suggestions that might help - Add an easy way to zoom into the image you’re editing the cutout of. I have to currently go on my computer and zoom in using the computers zoom in now. The browser zoom doesn’t work. - add a button to allow you to get into the magic studio without having to reup load an image. Currently I don’t see an easy way to navigate to the magic studio anywhere except the main page. - add a function for auto lighting correction - add an artifact remover function - Add an image enhancer function that renders an images visual quality in hd
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4 years ago, chwelch10
Absolutely Love It!!
I don’t think I’ve ever wrote a review for any apps before and I had to do it for this one. I sell online and I have downloaded probably 10 or more apps because I was looking to edit my photos and really didn’t like any of them. I happen to come across this app from a YouTuber so I decided to try it out. What a game changer! I was so happy that I bought the Pro Version because this company deserves it! It’s absolutely Amazing! Gives a white background right away or you can add a different background like brick, color, design. Contrast the picture and then contrast the background separately. You can start your picture from square for Poshmark, Instagram size, FB ad size pictures. If too much of the picture was whitened you can paint that back in the picture or erase parts that you want whitened. If you sell online you MUST have this app!!
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2 years ago, applejnque
Phenomenal !!!
I don’t write reviews often if ever. I think I can count on maybe one hand how many I have written but I DO read them every time I consider downloading an app. They DO make a difference in my decision process. Why I decided to download this app escapes my memory to be honest. I have 10+ other apps similar to what this one claims and frankly I need another like a hole in my head. However after using it for less that 5 mins I was not only ecstatic but amazed as well at the user friendly and intuitive functions and pleasantly surprised how many options and features it has. I am really excited to use it more and possibly update my review with what I find. Until then I highly recommend it and will tell everyone I know about it. Congratulations to the creators on a job well done. Thank you.
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3 years ago, Tessira
Fantastic app for product photos! However, I wish it didn’t crash every 2 seconds.
I absolutely adore this app. What would usually take hours gets cut down to just minutes. It recognizes items extremely well, so you don’t need to go through the tedious process of editing the background and item for a white background. I use this app almost every day for work. I work for a small business shoe company and I have to take photos and put them in a product line sheet for our company. This app is a true life saver (and time saver). I would highly recommend this app. This app worked flawlessly for months but is now crashing a lot after a recent update. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. Your draft is saved, so you can come back to wherever you were when it crashes.
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2 months ago, Trixie:-)
Best App Ever!!!
This app helps me to take drab, dull photos, and turn them into great photos!! My sales have increased, and my site traffic tripled within 3 weeks of using the PhotoRoom updated images of my products. I love how easy this app is to use. I really don't have the patience or desire to learn something complicated; however, I was able to produce market-ready photos on the first day I used this app. I have also noticed that the developers actually listen to users' needs and have implemented some requested features. For the same price as buying 1 gourmet coffee a month, I can have an app the works for me every day on a professional level, and it also provides with me unending entertainment on a personal level. 😃😃😃 A free version is also available .😄😄😄
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3 years ago, gxgxnusn
Endless Possibilities
Pleasantly surprised by this app. What you get for a fair price, is a very accurate background eraser and a whole bunch of tools to help you create any layout you desire. The interface is super easy to navigate and within seconds, I had removed the backgrounds from 15 pictures and ended up creating a new facebook profile picture and modified several pictures using their ebay picture tool that made my ebay listings look instantly much more professional. This is such a great app compared to three other background remover apps I tried before this one. First time in a while I feel like I m getting more than expected from an app that can actually really do what it says it can. TRY IT.
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8 months ago, smdmydude
Amazing app, too bad it’s extremely frustrating
I’ve been using this app for over a year now and loved it, had absolutely no complaints. I would even purchase the monthly subscription. Now, i feel like i’m getting ripped off. The subscription price was increased a few dollars, and I wish there was an option to pay a one time fee for it because i would gladly pay like $50 to use it because it’s amazing, but i’m in college, i use this app for work and projects and i just can’t afford that. Also, they keep locking certain features out of nowhere that i now need pro version to use?? I literally just a few minutes ago created a bunch of projects for work and i go to edit them again and most of them are locked saying i need to buy the pro version to access photos i JUST made?? this is so frustrating and ridiculous. i might as well just use Canva
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2 years ago, blue.condition
New Batch Update issues
Updated the app but prefer the old batch mode look. Where I'm editing one and I can still see all the other photos above and can scroll through them instead of having to exit out of my editing and see a full page of photos. The large "apply to others" banner also gets in the way of clicking the other photos when you exit the editing. Also being able to export indivial photos from the batch was great from the previous batch mode layout too. Used the new batch update and finished editing multiple photo. The app exports most of them to my photo gallery but not all. The ones not exported show an empty X square next to the checked list of exported photos at the end. (Ex: I edit a batch of 30 photos. Click export to gallery and only 25 show up even though the app shows that all have been exported .)
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3 months ago, kvtfight
Weird Shadows?!
I have been loving this app for product photography for my business. The instant backgrounds feature saving me & my content for months. However, lately the AI has been giving me a LOT of trouble with its output every single time! 😥 Whether I do a custom prompt or just select one of their instant background themes, it’s been giving me weird shadows on every single image choice. It feels like everything was going smoothly then the latest update broke the AI or something. I’ve been having to spend 2-3 hours manually editing the photos it provides in Adobe Photoshop to remove these weird shadows. This whole ordeal actually pushed me to buy a bunch of product photography backgrounds & accessories to start doing it without AI because I’m tired of the AI defects. Please 🙏 bring back the old PhotoRoom where the AI was actually creating great content.
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1 month ago, eridayz
1000% a scam
1000% a scam. Yes, the app works. But just know that you will continue to get charged EVEN AFTER cancelling. Their customer support is absolute trash. You only speak to bots that send you links to articles then when you say you need more help they claim that a rep will contact you by email but no one ever does! It’s impossible to get a hold of an actual person! I’ll get emails of all their little promos but never from their supposed rep. I tried to remove my card but of course there’s no option to do so. I tried clicking the request a refund button but it doesn’t even work! You click it and it automatically says “refund failed”. It’s a literal scam. I’ve seen many other ppl with the same issues so it’s just wild to me that this app is still up. I was charged for MONTHS until I finally had to call my bank to dispute all the charges. DO NOT get this app there are plenty of other legitimate apps that work and won’t steal your money.
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1 year ago, ddRick33
Too slow to keep up with me
PhotoRoom was a great app when I was first starting out reselling on eBay. It was a great help in making my pictures look good. Now that I’ve been doing this for about a year I’ve improved my processes and I just don’t have time to wait for PhotoRoom anymore. It has become slower over time… from bringing up the app to waiting for it to remove the background, to then going to the create screen and waiting for it to load. I waste a tremendous amount of time now just waiting for the app. Sometimes it will continue to scan for 30-45 seconds trying to determine the edges… why can’t I just stop the scan process and manually mark the areas? While it really helped in the beginning, I’m now going to build my own photography area with a white screen so I can take quick pics and move on.
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5 months ago, Geneva 102
Best Web Photo Editing App Ever!
Photoroom is hands down the best web photo editing tool I’ve ever used! It’s like magic how it can instantly and efficiently remove backgrounds from images in almost every instance. The AI-generated backgrounds are absolutely fantastic, and they make my photos look like they were taken by a pro. What I love most about Photoroom is that it puts the power of professional photography right in your hands. You don’t need to hire expensive photographers when you can master this app. It’s a game-changer for anyone who needs high-quality product photos. One feature I’d really like to see in the future is a 360-degree product video editing tool. That would take Photoroom to a whole new level and make it even more versatile for e-commerce businesses. Additionally, having more options for outstretched hands to show larger products would be a great addition. It’s all about attention to detail, and Photoroom is already on the right track! Overall, I can’t recommend Photoroom enough. It’s an essential tool for anyone who wants to create stunning product photos and elevate their online presence.
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2 years ago, Kim, a Poshmark Seller
New update is bad and seems to cause my app to crash
Since your new update, I cannot as easily batch edit my photos. I’ve tried many apps and this one has been the best but I don’t understand why the format for batch editing needed to change. Before I would edit the picture and apply to many and background too would carry over to all and now you have to select a background to the photos twice and it is slower and not as intuitive. Also It works with maybe 8-10 photos and now the app crashes if you select more. Essentially adding time to what used to be simple job. This company needs to remember that when they offer a paid app, a small business has invested money for the extra ease and has built it into their business model and relies on it but when the ease goes away it is a huge wrench put into your workflow. PhotoRoom, I look forward to you improving so I don’t have to leave you. Thanks
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2 years ago, JennyRead
Great for outfit planning and interior design
I absolutely love this app! I use the free version, which leaves a small white logo on the final image that doesn’t bother me - if I ever share the images, I’m happy for others to see that I used this app. I currently use it for adding clothes to Stylebook for inventory and outfit planning (this app is SO much better than the background remover built into Stylebook) and for adding furniture and decor to my personal Morpholio room designs (so handy when buying second hand). It’s so fast and more often than not, finds the outline of the item perfectly; but if it doesn’t, the “refine” option works really well and much faster than another background remover app I’ve tried.
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2 years ago, DeAug
I want to love love it, but the UI is bizarre
I really want to love this app. There’s a lot of great features and has so much going for it. My biggest problem is with the photo editing menu (adjust, transform, color, etc). It drive me nuts when I’m trying to adjust an object and I’m using the options in the menu on the bottom and the top half shrinks to allow the menu to expand. That’s fine and all, but WHY doesn’t the photo expand back when an object is being adjusted, or filtered? It’s microscopic, how can I possibly tell if the angle rotation is correct when the object is the size of a penny? Sometimes the photo does re-expand, but I’ve noticed when there’s more than one object, the sizing isn’t automatic. PLEASE keep the menu and photos STATIC. I want to scroll through the menu, the resizing is SO bizarre and unnecessary.
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2 years ago, Ashley4k
Love Love Love 💕
This is a lifesaver if you have an online business! It has everything you need to make your photos the way you want them, without all the hassle of setting different scenes up on your own! The best thing about it is, it’s simple to use, whereas a lot of apps are a pain in the *#%, to use! If your like me and you just don’t like to take all the photos of you product, because it takes half of your day up… you need this app! I actually look forward to taking the pictures and editing them now! I 100 percent recommend this app! It’s great even if you don’t have a business. It’s fun to play around with it, and give your photos a new look!!
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2 years ago, Dont often review
FREE to download, FREE to use! The Pro add on is worth it but not required to use. I know nobody ever believes someone when they say something ACTUALLY WORKS and they still don’t believe when you say “I know they’ll never believe me” but this APP is a the real MaCoy, a true GAME CHANGER! Its brought new life to my once dingy photos. I even have new profile photos! Advanced algorithms get a perfect 1st edit and if there should be something you want to take out or add back in it’s so simple with the easy to use interface. TONS of picture options, including free ones. Buying the Pro add on is NOT required or necessary to use the app but it does open up loads more backgrounds and layouts.
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2 years ago, tylersantacruz
Professional Feel with Amateur Quality
I’m a content creator and fell in love with this app when I got it. It’s a quick way to isolate objects & people to create fun pieces for my work. However, I noticed that the image quality is horrible on export. The biggest issue is how the text degrades. I could look past the original image, but the text is awful to look at on a computer or iPad screen. Would’ve given 5 stars but image quality is crucial these days, we’re not on Blackberries and Nokias anymore. The app also requires good internet connection which isn’t a major issue, but can be a setback if you’re trying to get something done in bad signal areas. This also means that sometimes I can’t find the layout I want/plan to use because they’re populated per upload. I’d love to give this 5 stars, or even 4. But I need better quality 😭
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3 years ago, ArieRae
Was better a month ago..
Overall this still works better than eBay and other editing apps, even after the last round of disastrous updates. I would’ve given 5 stars a month ago, hands down! But now it’s unresponsive to the back arrow at times, is taking 2X longer to scan very simple images (straight lines on a contrasting background) and now EVERY little touch is recognized as a erase or add (red/green functions), even when I’m just pinch-zooming with BOTH fingers. And it totally slows the process. It absolutely did not do that before. It was precise and did not cause me to hit the undo button several times for one photo just for moving it around. Figure out these issues, and I’ll certainly update back to a 5! Thanks!
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2 years ago, Dpringle
Privacy concerns! App itself is amazing.
I love this app for its simplicity and its functionality. The AI is really good about figuring out what is the subject and cutting it out properly. Really, really good. HOWEVER, a few times now when I’ve opened the app I get the iOS warning “photo room has pasted from clipboard.” If you have copy/pasted a password or credit card number recently, PhotoRoom now has that text! This was the entire reason that Apple added that pop up. Because apps would skim your clipboard in hopes of getting something worthwhile. This is definitely something that I will report. If you continue to use this, make sure you copy something benign to your clipboard before you open the app so that they get nothing useful.
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2 years ago, TigerLillyMunster
Seller’s Dream App!
I am so excited about this app!! I’ve tried sooo many different apps to get a clean white background and most of them are time consuming. Not this app! Plus it even has templates for certain selling apps like Poshmark and Depop and I think some others. But, hands down this is the BEST app for seller’s to make their photos look professional in no time flat. No more constantly tweeking photos for half the day!! Way to go! I hope the good stuff keeps coming! Love love love!! Happy customer here. The only thing, I will probably upgrade to Pro because it does leave their logo in the bottom corner. You can go to mark up on your iPhone to wipe it off tho. But that’s another step.
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3 years ago, Hellen Azul
Download it!
I never give reviews but I’ve been looking for an app to remove and replace backgrounds, I have downloaded over 15 and none of them have been able to complete this simple task. This is the first and only app I have found that does exactly what I need it to. It’s so easy to use, it also has its section of filters and effects but this app also provides its own shadows as well as numerous layers (again, it’s SO easy to use) that you can change and make look better, there’s also more simple things like blurring and cropping, this app has almost everything I have been looking for. I 100% recommend you download it
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4 years ago, Soyoung Kin
Easy and free!
I rarely write a review on apps. But it’s really imoressive and I think it’s somehow better than popular ones. I googled which photo edit app is good the crop the object and replace a background. I tried almoat 7-8 recommended apps. Some require we have to cut the edge of the object which is very difficult and doesn’t result clean cut(as you can imagine). On the other hand, once you upload your photo, this app cuts clean of objects automatically. Also some apps are free to download but costs you to save the final photos. This is absolutely free!! I strongly recommend this. Especially someone like me, not tech savvt, not good at using complicated function. Whoever developed this, they did a good job👍👍
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8 months ago, ArkCarver
Does the best job on background removal I’ve ever seen!
Cannot believe the quick and effortless job this app does on removing backgrounds. I’m trying to start selling on eBay and don’t have time to go through every item and painstakingly remove what the app has left behind. No need with this jewel. First time every time, the background is gone, cleanly and without either taking half of your photo or adding something you don’t want. I’ve not even tried the other capabilities but I’m sure they are equally as impressive. For some reason it won’t let me click in the stars but it is 5 star for sure.
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10 months ago, VFC Employee
App doesn’t work half the time and worst customer service
I have been using this app for months and if there isn’t perfect service or wifi it doesn’t work about half the time. Moreover, I have a paid account with this app and I don’t have access to my features!!! One day I just logged into the app and all of a sudden my features are gone even though my subscription is valid and I paid. I also can’t use the desktop app with my paid subscription - their backend doesn’t recognize me. I have reached out to customer service for days attempting to fix this issue and there’s no response. I am Now going to challenge the charge on my credit card and attempt to get my money back that way. Use Adobe Express. It does all the same things but without the absolute disaster of a customer service regime that doesn’t respond. Terrible app.
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1 year ago, toblkflys
Rev. to Previous Review Buyer Beware
I use a background removing tool daily for my eBay store. I had been using Pixelcut, but went in search of an alternative as I was tired of manually erasing missed background items in my pictures. PhotoRoom was one of the apps I tried and WOW! It is a game changer in removing backgrounds, HOWEVER, if you want to use the photo editing feature like ‘touch-up,’ beware. The developers use AI assisted tools to heal pics but they have included - no, forced on us - these nifty little tools which one cannot turn OFF. Consequently, trying to resize the pic by pinching often causes activation of one of these tools and it wipes out everything in its path. I am continually hitting undo as I try to resize again and again and again and again. I’m trying to decide which app I waste more time with.
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2 years ago, bradwayh
Something happened
This app is perfect for what I need to do when photographing items for resale. But it has issues and there seems to be no way to contact support. I’ve been using PhotoRoom Pro for over 2 years and have always had issues with the color of my item not matching the photo taken and uploaded by PhotoRoom. It usually requires a great amount of editing to make the color match with the actual item. This uses a lot of my valuable time! I use the camera within the app and have also tried selecting the photo from my photos…same issue…colors don’t match when uploaded to PhotoRoom. Just recently, the app lags between steps or freezes and then shuts down. I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled, updated, restarted my phone (apple 12 pro max)…no improvement. Please help …
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5 months ago, Rainizadi
Doesn’t work
Just downloaded… I tried using it and it instantly brings you to the page to get started. It asks what you use it for. I chose “reseller” and then it asked to upload a photo. I did. After it uploaded, underneath the cut out photograph, it says “create” or “skip.” I tried both options 4x. Closing out the app each time. It just takes you to a loading screen and nothing happens. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I have the most updated IOS. Very frustrating since the cut out feature, on my phone, dims the colors when it saves. Causing me to use so much time trying to edit the colors to the most accurate depiction. I sell clothing online. It’s been extremely time consuming and sometimes the colors are far from accurate. I was looking forward to this app. I was going to subscribe to the premium version as well.
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2 years ago, DebShoes
Animal Shelter’s Dream!
In an attempt to help the local shelter, I’ve been taking pictures of the dogs for them. I get some great shots using squeekie toys, cheese and whistles, but my backgrounds consist of chain link fences, trash cans, kennels and all sorts of other clutter. This app has been a literal lifesaver for some of these pups. The theme for February was Romance Novels and the way I was able to get those furry faces onto interesting and eye catching “book covers” really made the difference in our adoption rates. The click counts on the website and FB pages went through the roof. The app is very easy to use, so versatile and the creative possibilities are endless.
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9 months ago, MountainBulldog
What makes me really angry is that the good features you want to use are basically all premium and the ones that are left don’t work that well. The retouching just makes it look super weird! Also whenever you are done with your photo the water mark is there. And OF COURSE to delete it it’s going to be premium I can’t express how much i hate premium services because not all people are going to want download an app for fun and be reminded that you need to have premium in order to have “fun.” Anyways, the water mark it makes my photos look trashy and when I actually got a photo I liked I had to crop of the whole entire bottom because of that water mark. Overall not a great app buy if you want to blur something out but otherwise don’t waste your time.
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1 year ago, kbmusiclover4life
No customer service and a scam
I paid the $9.99 for the pro subscription. I tried to use the app and it said I hadn’t paid. I looked at my bank statement and the charge is on there. I contacted their help center and I sent photos of my charge. They told me I was never charged lol… clearly I was…I sent the photos and it says on my iPad that I have the subscription but I can not use the app it keeps asking me to sign up for pro again. After I sent the photos I received no response after making two separate conversations with their “help agents”. No phone number nothing to call they just get my $ and I am screwed. Waiting for apple to send me a refund which will probably take 5-10 business days. Not worth it you can find apps out here that are actually free with no subscriptions look up BG eraser. Save yourself the money and hassle!
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3 years ago, erikitty_soul
I can't believe you ruined it
You know, up until this past week, PhotoRoom was my favorite app. It was one of only 2 apps that I've ever paid for. I've used free ones most of my career. But this one WAS perfect, so I felt like it was actually worth my money. But they changed the entire way we can erase/change the background in it with what I can only assume was an "update". Well thanks for ruining a fantastic app. I went from being able to do 10 pictures in 20 minutes to it now taking 20 minutes per photo. It's complete garbage now! I will no longer be paying to use this useless app. I will move to a different app because ur product is now worse than ANY free app I've ever used & ive used a lot. I'm extremely disappointed. U should roll back the update and go back to the PhotoRoom it was 2 weeks ago.
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3 years ago, anr710
3 day free trial costs you.
I can’t speak for the usage of the app itself because as soon as I downloaded it I decided to try the pro out like I do with all my paid apps. Might as well try the free trial to see if it’s something I’ll actually use, then keep it or not depending on my experience and how useful the app is to me. However even though the terms say you will not be charged until the 3 day free trial is over, my card was instantly charged $12 and some change to cover the first month. If the app was useful and abided by their own policies I wouldn’t have had any issues paying for it. However they can’t even get their own policy set properly, how do we know their network security is stable? I have canceled the subscription and hopefully if you choose to try it out you don’t have this issue.
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