YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream

Photo & Video
4.7 (32M)
300.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Google LLC
Last update
7 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream

4.68 out of 5
32M Ratings
1 week ago, Songfreak79
Needs a huge update
It doesn’t go into the dynamic island when you swipe up to go home to watch a video it just automatically pauses the video. It would be really cool if we could get diamond support for devices that supported or just in general when you swipe home if your phone does not have dynamic island, it should just keep playing the video on the lock screen as well as when you’re on the home screen and then you can go back into it then pause it whenever you want or maybe make an option where there’s like a little dot that appears at the top of the screen with the video playing and then you tap that to go back to the video that’s playing, but it continues to play while you swipe out of it whether you had dynamic or not you could just put a little at the top of the screen or a little viewing area like dynamic island that shows up showing your video that still playing that would be cool
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1 year ago, abigailkitt
YT has NOT improved with age
Love the concept & the content; HATE the platform! As YT has gotten more popular, it has gotten SO much worse! First, ads are out of control! As another said, I understand that a company must make money, but seriously? Ads are forced upon creators even when they do not wish to monetize & the amount of ads are ridiculous! We, the viewers, are bombarded with many more ads than TV uses. And the ads are for things in which I have ZERO interest (hint: STOP with the weight loss ads!). You can also eliminate any ad over 1 minute! If I want to know THAT much about anything, I’ll search for a video! Sadly, it has become all about the $. Now for the serious stuff (as opposed to the merely annoying). Creators must suffer with having their videos highjacked by ads AND stalkers! SO many creators have had death threats & stalking IRL & many other serious issues & YT does nothing! They do not take this seriously. And big tech doesn’t make it easy to find out how to complain directly to them about anything. They hide in plain sight. It’s such a shame that there really isn’t a viable alternative…yet. Remember that YT: yet.
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11 months ago, girl who has opinions
We need wayyy less censorship
I love this app because it's a place that you can find pretty much anything and see how cool people are. But even awesome things have serious problems. I feel like the more people who protest these things the more likely we'll be heard. Honestly this might not even be true which shows how sad our culture is rn but we need to try. Ok, venting time. Like the other reviews I think it's unfair to take down a video because it makes you uncomfortable. And as another of the reviews said we are already trying to make our country more diverse, more open to opinions. But disregarding one because you don't like it means you aren't being fair. It means you're saying we don't matter. Your consumers don't matter. We have freedom of speech for a reason. We have a right to say what we want. In certain circumstances I think censorship is needed but only when it would actually hurt someone and you don't need to take the video down. You could just tag it saying "hey this video is probably not great for children". Yk? I just think it's being selfish and unfair to refuse to let someone share their opinions when it's a human right.
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3 years ago, Sevallis
Alright, but flawed in fundamental ways
The iOS app constantly forgets the actively playing background video when I lock the screen, and even if it appears on the lock screen to pause/play, trying to start and stop it via Bluetooth headphone burins also constantly fails and instead starts playback of something random from my Music app. This apparently will never be fixed? Not being able to listen to video from my locked phone without paying a bunch of money monthly is rubbish and just eats up battery life. Also, when I swipe a video down and then go to close it, get rid of that stupid bounce animation that moves it if I had just liked a video. That animation makes me miss the X close button due to it moving around and getting bumped by other notifications. Make the other notifications come up above the video at the bottom and not move the playing video minimized strip, and make it instantly move to the bottom predictably so I don’t miss the close button and re-maximize it.
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4 years ago, SynthWendigo
They push quite literal porn ads for adult mobile games, often using footage for something else entirely to pretend it’s not adult content, and then demonetize any creator who says anything outside of their radical left leaning biased. I get so many targeted ads for alcohol based on my age and location and have NO way to shut those down, and I can’t even use their support page, as I am greeted with an error saying I am not authorized to view that page. As someone who deals with drinking problems, and autism that’s forced me to stop playing games with predatory monetizing in place, seeing these ads constantly really does impact me in a negative way. Including the GTA Online ones of their Diamond Casino adverts of come in to spin the wheel for a chance to win a new car. I only bother to watch on my iPhone, and I don’t like being harassed to buying Premium just to NOT be bombarded with ads promoting gambling, alcohol abuse, and the adult mobile titles. I get they are targeted toward my age, but seeing beer adverts at 4 am is entirely out of line.
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2 years ago, pcdavis80
I listen to the rain videos all night to sleep with and have subscribed to at least 100 sites.
I have so many interests from cooking Keto, the adventures of Marc Abel from Colorado Bigfoot and Adler Farms to name just a few. Some of the sites I visit feel more like family like The Hillbillies, Colorado Bigfoot, Grandpa From Adler Farms and more. I am grateful that it is free and all I have to do is watch sales pitches because have found some good purchases and items because of You Tube advertisements from awesome walking shoes that I also bought for my sister who loved them to an electronic that increases the charge on your phone battery in minutes. Thank you for providing use, the subscribers with such a great platform. I do have one issue that concerns me and that is censorship but I believe that issue will iron out when the next administration is elected. I had thought about boycotting you tube for the practice but have decided to wait and see what happens for now.
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2 years ago, Anime Favorite
Are they actually fixing bugs as they claim?
What bugs are you actually fixing Google? For the last several updates there has been a bug that has obscured the like button, the dislike button, the save to playlist button, the share button, and the clip button. And now when I go and try to look at the comment section, tapping on the comment section takes me on to the channel. Like when you’re watching a video and you tap the channel button to see the rest of the videos on that channel, that’s where it has recently started taking me if I tap the comments button or the add a comment button. That’s super annoying on top of dealing with the fact that I can’t like a video whenever I want. Fast forward to now is the most recent update. Still haven’t changed. It’s totally random. It will let me see those buttons on some videos, but not others. U2 better fix this soon. I hope it’s not a problem that only applies with voiceover, because Google how to be prepared for someone to take them to court for violating the Americans With Disabilities Act if they don’t fix it soon.
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1 year ago, willymlkids ipad2
Pretty great! Few suggestions
I’m amazed over how the last few updates have been what the community likes. Of course, there are a few things that I would like however. Definitely removing dislikes is something the community says. (My review might be discorded automatically since I said that) If this hurts the small creators, you can add a feature where dislikes can be toggled to be seen by the creator, but the community can see the dislikes no matter what. That would solve the problem of small creators being protected. What thing I would like personally is mature rating. Somewhat similar to most streaming entertainment service companies such as Nexflix, a maturity rating could be nice. However, DONT restrict shows at certain ratings. Just tells the viewer what would they expect. Finally, I feel like channels with a lot of subscribers (amount at your discretion) should have more freedom to move around. For example, higher viewed channel can get more copyright strikes(p.s this might save automatic unreasonable copyright strikes from getting channels terminated.) If small channels get protected, why can’t the big ones too? They have been trusted to build a fan base over the years. Finally, this might not happen, but maybe we could choose what type of ads we want to watch. Maybe I enjoy game ads. Maybe I enjoy Morgan and Morgan ads. We should choose what ads we like. Thanks for all the great new updates!
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2 years ago, Jbmore2005
Not user-friendly
I think the app Is really good, I use it every day but there are some features that drive me nuts. The one feature I hate the most but I wish there was an option to turn off the feature where on your home page or subscribed channels and some others, on where it shows the Picture of a video before you select it, if you let it sit there for a couple seconds it starts playing the video on the Area where the pictures is. I might seem overdramatic but that feature drives me out of my mind, I just wanted to where I can see the picture and if it says some thing on there I can read it and not have to worry about it starting the video on me, I just wish there was a option to turn that off. one other thing I would prefer there to be is more options as in When something is added to the app and you don’t like then it would be nice if there was a way to turn it off instead of being forced to have it. Other wise I think the app is pretty good just a little more user-friendly would be great thanks.
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2 years ago, Delaware D's
UTube rating
My number 1 amount of viewing. Great series especially British. Do wish they stayed current and put in Series 1- ?? And programs. Call the midwife has been on for yrs in Britain. We don’t have all. Also Dr Martin, same with midsummer murders. So wish bodyguard went on . Love to watch the Royal family, I’m a transplanted Canadian, with a very British Mom. Love the music and video of concerts. I find Gary Barlow concerts and Take That really zippy and upbeat. Loved Boyzone, westlife. I could go on and on. The life with malamutes, Shepa, Penny the cat are a doze of fun. Shepa shows the beautiful British countryside. Oh my, escape to the country, is stunning. What great adverts for Britain. Enough, PS , I’m 74 and housebound much of the time. I found all music because 3 yrs ago Christmas my son suggested I watch/ listen to Last Christmas video. It brought back such good memories of Christmas in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada. From there other British music and Michael McIntre such fun, Miranda. Oh my I’m rattling. Thank you U Tube Delaware D’s
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2 years ago, kkone1517
UI was better before and now as of 2022 the ads literally make things nearly unwatchable
The video quality itself isn’t the problem lately but it’s the changes to the comment section and recommended videos that I just can’t get behind. For me, and many others a big part of the experience is being able to look at comments and easily jump between other’s reactions and thoughts on the video, along with easily being able to jump between time stamps listed in the comments and the video. Now, it’s far too easy to overlook the comments altogether since they tend to blend in with the description or even get overlooked as part of an ad. It’s also ridiculously easy once you’ve clicked to look at replies to a comment to exit out of them completely since the X just closes them all instead of that specific comment, which makes it all supremely annoying to navigate. It would be good to give the option to toggle back to a “classic” view at least, since it isn’t only the comments, but also the recommended videos that are troublesome to look through as well. Really, have they never hear of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”?
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1 year ago, LT Greek
You mean You be ridiculous going down the Tubes.
Let’s see you block content on constitutionally protected and legal activity. Run a racket where no can know let alone comply with the rules, use this as way to bilk content makers out of money and run them off the platform. At the same time I sent in multiple complaints on an ad targeting kids to discover their sexuality that I blocked multiple times but it keeps popping up! You will take a 2 minute video and stick 5-10 minutes of ads on it. And btw a 45 min to upwards of 4 hour content is not an ad … it a video so stop sticking them to someone else’s content. The minute the channels I watch convert to a new platform I will be more than happy to let the wokies pay your bills, which hint hint they don’t believe in paying you capitalistic pigs money for content! I sincerely hope some other billionaire will buy your propaganda machine out and straighten it or you go belly up!
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2 years ago, dL💕gJ
Opens up an encyclopedia of vision learning !
We really depend on You Tube to learn how to make , fix and build things !!! Especially if the directions we bought them with are scant or in another language ;) ( think kids toys , faucets, murphy beds …) It has introduced us to all kinds of subjects ( cooking , Montessori learning , gardening on all levels, bee husbandry, soap and craft making, even the best way to teach an anxious teen to drive ! - ) we love the hard working knowledgeable people we see! My family also depends on faithful freedom of speech politically, allowing people to make up their own minds along the way . Especially with careful viewing , analyzing and conversation about subjects histories. I have heard of U tube censoring or dropping a chosen video in histories and really hope careful protocol has gone into this practice . I guess we all need to look at our 2nd amendment. Unless, of course , its about hacking . Ugh Thank you U Tube- you have enriched our lives and reduced frustration here on many levels !
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10 months ago, ItsAllAboutTheMoolah
Channel list..
For the past week i have been trying to get help with my list of channels that i am subscribed to. I stream through a roku device to my tv plus i have the you tube app on my iphone. On my iphone the whole list is there, from A to Z and everything in between, but on my tv anything after P is missing, when i look at the channel list on my phone, there is a line after the last one that shows on my TV. Almost like it is showing me on my phone where the list ends on my tv if that makes any sense. Anyway the ones that call themselves helping me with this issue haven’t helped at all, and are very short and hateful with me, after speaking with 3 people with attitudes i got kind of frustrated and decided to leave it alone, but the channels i mainly watch are the ones that are missing from my dang list. They said something like i have changed my settings or something and i have never touched the settings. I have updated on my TV and my phone and still have the same problem, anyone else having this issue?
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1 year ago, VanzLV426
Amazing App
Used it for over a decade, great performance, customizability, and over all a great video sharing app. Everything is simple to use, their recommendation algorithm is accurate, and can bring immense nostalgia in some places. You can discover new music, hobbies, video games, etc. that you never would have even tried doing. Watch people do crazy things you never imagined were possible. Very produced (unlike TikTok, no offense). And you can easily find your group of people/community that watch and like the same things as you. Crazy good app, 100% will recommend to anybody. Literally my only 1 problem with it is that you can’t see the amount of dislikes. Say there is a tutorial video on how to do something, and if you can’t see the ratio from likes to dislikes you don’t know if it actually works in advance. But putting that minor inconvenience aside, crazy good app and I plan to use it for as long as it still exists.
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1 year ago, wayneb gator papa
You Tube is Really Great
I have watched how to diagnose what is wrong with your washing machine and fix it yourself and save money. Need an oil change on you car what ever you drive someone on you tube will show you how to do you car. I installed new flooring like tile in my kitchen laminate flooring in the rest of our home , new kitchen cabinets. I garden guess where I go to learn what I need to know. That’s right You Tube! Think of most any song within reason and you can most likely find it on (yelp you guessed it) You Tube. I missed my FL Gators ball game I can watch a rerun on You Tube. You felling a little down and need a laugh to pick you up? Well You Tube to the rescue. You Tube is nice enough to let you have your own videos posted on your own You Tube Station. Well believe me I could talk a long time about You Tube but you get the idea “You Tube is really Great.” You Tube Thank You. ( Oh I fixed my computer more than once using You Tube)
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2 years ago, Fantaapp
Please take pic-in-pic feature back! The new location of comments does not make sense on iPads
I use YT app everyday. I noticed that the pic-in-pic feature is always on and off. I has been stable in the past several weeks, but then after the most recent update, it disappeared again…very disappointing… Also, I’m not very impressed with the new location of comments on the iPad version. Originally, you could easily skim through comments on the left side of bottom while skim through recommended videos on the right side. With the new location, you will need to click unnecessary extra times to open the comments and then close it before you can get back to the recommended videos. Given the typical screen size of iPads, the whole left side of bottom has been wasted (and users end up wasting time clicking more times…). I could see why the comments moved on iPhones (because of smaller screens), but I find that such a same “adaption” on iPad is a total useless deadweight loss. I would rather stay with the old version…
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2 years ago, Le ZomGod
I come for the creators.
At this point, the only reason I am here is due to the content creators. The absolute atrocity that has become this medium of entertainment is beyond appalling. The sheer quantity of ads, upon ads, upon unskippable ads has left me to the point where I am WILLINGLY taking longer than five seconds to avoid any unskippable ad. I will close the app, stop the video, go back through my watched history, report them, I no longer care. Your insufferable need for money is disgusting. If one of the world's most wealthy monopolies can’t bring for better service after buying out this site, then you all have failed as people of the world. Your greed, evidentially, knows no bounds and proves that there is no low you won't go. Including removing dislike counters to cater to a few individuals that should not have any bearing on the overall usage of this, but the mass's outcry towards the increasing number of advertisements goes unheard. Or, it’s heard and disregarded. Regardless of what the answer is, you have failed. If a new source can bring all of my creators to one place in a more streamlined fashion, I will gladly delete my account from this site and never return.
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1 year ago, Ghgfsdghjkhfd
Problems and enjoy the app
I do enjoy going on here to watch videos from some of my idols or just random things. However it is nice to not have an account signed in so it can keep track of my watched videos while adding some similar to it. I am a bit frustrated and angry with this app by allowing people to post shorts. Yes I understand that people want to showcase some little mini clips sort of like TikTok and Instagram feels. However they are annoying and gross on my app. I do not want to see people popping random things from blisters to warts to whatever else. It clearly makes me want to vomit or not watch another video. Could you please prevent people from doing that or allow an option for non-account people to permanently disabled the shorts on their feed. I hate seeing them when they were never on my feed before and I keep trying to get rid of them but you won’t give me option too besides report.
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1 year ago, Buoboo
Optimistic in life and truth
We have been optimistic about life in everything we do many people loved to read what is posted on this page it has let us express our views our likes and dislikes⭐️we form a club that made us be a part of something especially myself it has let me make friends around the world I believe my words has some meaning to someone that reads it we ask for peace and prosperity in all of these existential situation that we are going through we have two lovely souls that we are following for years and wherever life takes us we will always be together with the two of them (XWY1085) I wanted to encourage everyone to stand up for what is right an just🌍🌎 stop expressing hate towards one another but unfortunately life is not like what we think it is 💫 we are living in a world of technology and misleadings so the truth of the matter life is hard and no one wants to hear the truth Wolf!!!!!
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1 year ago, Emma's world 🤪
Great app!!! Read this for honest reviews!
I have been a YouTuber for 8 months now. The copyright thing is pretty annoying tho. I have had a channel for like I said, 8 months. However, I have been watching yt for over 2 years. Ads are getting ridiculous and wayyyy too long. Also, you should be able to have the community tab under 500 subs! I have 250 and I rlly want the community tab!!!!! I just updated yt and I’m hoping that the bugs will be fixed. There have been bugs and issues with both uploading videos and watching videos. I’m hoping that this update will help. Also, 17+?!?!?!? There are 7 year olds on here! It should be at least 9+!!!! Other than that, it’s an amazing app and is one of the most popular social media apps out there! Btw I liked the update of not being able to see the dislike button. It honestly makes ppl feel a lot better about the videos :) 4 starts! Thx for everything!I hope u take the time to read this! Thx for an amazing app! ✌️🤪❤️
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3 months ago, ChrisShadowChaos
Nice, but “queue” option needs work and improvement…
First, I’m on mobile and when I try to queue more than 2 videos it just replaces whatever the second video in queue is, I have to do a whole song and dance just to add more videos. Secondly there should be “add to queue” button not just “play next in queue” and “play last in queue” sometimes I want my videos to play a certain way or in a certain order, by selecting either option I still have to rearrange it later. Also, clearing the queue doesn’t do anything, if I click on “clear queue” the queue is still there and the videos are still listed sometimes even doubling the videos. Then there’s the problem sometimes with videos either duplicating themselves when you rearrange the list or add to the queue. Lastly, make it so that at the end of your queued video list instead of stopping or repeating, have it automatically play another video like it does when you finish watching a video.
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11 months ago, Workout Fiene
Premium Customer - Not for much longer - Bias Censorship
YT is among the big tech that has been known to censor free speech for a long time;however, the algorithm changes and biased decisions on what can/cannot be said ultimately may lead me to no longer being a premium member or casual viewer. It’s so excessive lately. I’m constantly hitting “do not recommend this channel” and deleting content that is sexual in nature that gets recommended over time. This is disgusting because I know this is happening to kids. I don’t believe YT is looking out for safety with these things in mind. YT has no problem keeping up content that is hateful to people of certain color or woman in general, this is wrong. Look at the bud light controversy. Customers understand the impact of putting their money where their mouth is and I hope the YT overlords note the lesson’s learned from this or they will find themselves in the same position and become obsolete. Twitter is on its way to becoming the everything app where streaming can be done without the headache of navigating the inconsistent and ambiguous “guidelines” YT applies to only certain groups of people.
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2 years ago, 40volume
Bad next-up/auto play suggestions, not personalized
Suggested songs can be irrelevant to insulting to the songs I chose to listen to. The next-up song generated are often the same song I’m already listening to but by a different uploader. The next-up songs are often not the same genre or mood, but more just the same time period but chart toppers. When I scroll to see auto play suggestions, auto play stops, so no music plays until I scroll back up. When I download songs, they can be deleted by the uploader and I won’t even know which song it was. And the most annoying - when I see a song that is “next up” in autoplay, and I click “not interested “ for that song, I’m notified it won’t show up anymore, it disappears, and then autoplay plays that song right after. Also, if I search a song I’ve searched before, the search still puts songs by the same name first (often contemporary songs by more contemporary artists), but the song I’ve actually clicked on and played, further down the list.
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3 years ago, ScarletSkies4
Good app but advertisement overload
I understand the need for advertisements but it’s to the point now that it’s negatively impacting my experience. Now that there’s two, back to back ads in every break it’s irritating how much I have to interact with the app just to finish watching the video. The more I use the app the worse the experience gets. I usually like to use the app while doing other things like cooking or cleaning. I mostly listen and don’t always have my phone in hand. In an 11 minute video with 6 ads, the middle break had a 30 second unskippable ad followed by a 2 minute ad that was skippable. Unless I am physically on my phone to return to the video that would be 2:30 minutes of ads just for 1 of 3 ad breaks in an 11 minute video. It’s overload. I get that using the free version means you gets ads but it’s overshadowing the content. I don’t want to interact this much with something I’m watching. It’s not a game app. Guess I’ll just stick to watching it on the desktop with my ad blocker. Otherwise, yeah YT is ok. They’re just getting into Pandora territory which is disappointing. Didn’t mind the ads until recently.
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3 years ago, Shreyas21
Watch Later
Watch later playlists now only load 20 videos even if I use a different sort by function. If I use oldest or newest, only 20 videos show up. If I switch to manual, I only have access to those 20 videos. Every other playlist seems fine. This is one update annoyance. Furthermore, you moved the subscriptions to the 4th button from the left after years of it being in the center. I am tired of having to close the creator / record / upload screen after naturally choosing to click the center most button, WHERE YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG. we got used to the comments even tho the UI within comments is garbage, and now you do this. Do you like making the app worse or are you just messing with us at this point. At best I could argue that it improves RAM and cache usage due to not loading everything unless demanded. A good idea done with poor execution is still a poor idea.
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5 months ago, Dallas Devereaux
To you
I will do this when I'm not frustrated and can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel that shows me the light at the end of the tunnel and can feel the warmth and hope shining through to encourages me to hang onto the hope that leads me on to the path that leads me on to the path that I need to take take to believe in me and my family to hold on and support each other to keep the faith and support to believe not only in each other and to hold on to each other to continue to have the strength to support each other and to support your family from here to eternity knowing that the strength of your love will carry your love forever and make your love stronger and stronger and bless you all and never let go of the love needed. It is your strength to carry you through all of life's trials and tribulations for all of time and thereafter. Believe in your love and affection and hold on and believe in your love which binds you through all of life! I pray you get this message!
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2 years ago, Leah Bug 🐞
Good enough.
I love this app Pip starts when you leave, I can find my favorite YouTubers, and they removed the number of dislikes? Come on. I dislike. Add it back for 5 stars. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Edit: I saw this one video and Mario spelled this out when Junior tried to steal money, and I love it and agree: B-I-T-E-M-E-J-U-N-I-O-R-L-O-V-E-M-A-R-I-O(Bite me Junior,Love Mario.) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Edit 2: So, I can find a totally kid appropriate video on YouTube,but can’t find that same video on Yt kids? Yeah, that’s fair. Ok, add gacha life to yt kids! Thanks ;) one star now! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Edit 3: I want gacha life in yt kids! How many times must I speak? A lot. If you don’t add this I’ll be mad. Also, if you haven’t, add The Pines. :) ;( ;) :( thank you! *_* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Edit 4: Come on! Hiding dislikes? I want to watch without many adds. Also, What about copying?! I saw a video that copied and PASTED it. Without credit. *Facepalm* Something about making Money…••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ok! One more time! You all love money? Help people when they ask!!! It’s so simple. Just Listen to people= Satisfied customers= More people paying for Premium= More money= Rinse and repeat!
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2 years ago, Emmybears6
Lots of problems but I still like it
First of all, many people are saying the same problem but every time I upload a video and say no it’s not made for kids it keeps saying that the comments are turned off all of my videos that I’ve made is turned off comments. Next, every time I wanna watch a video(well not every time but at least once a day) when I’m watching a video and I am like in the middle of it (it Has to be a long video though) it just goes to the next video when it’s not the end. And the last problem, when I first watch a video then add it to my liked videos or my Watch later One day later the video goes blurry but the editor didn’t edit it after and I am logged into the same account on different devices and it still does that on the same video. All these problems I don’t know what’s causing it. I hope you can fix it. Thanks for reading
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2 years ago, B-Rush12
Removing Dislikes Was a Mistake
Let me just say that this is my favorite media platform, and the only social media app (or maybe more accurately, social media adjacent) that I still have on my phone aside from Twitch, Discord, Snapchat, and FB Messenger…and that’s it. And I say this because I want the app to be the best that it can possibly be, and being the best implies that the app has integrity. In my opinion, removing the ability to see the number of dislikes on a video is harmful and a major blow to this platform’s integrity. The like-to-dislike ratio was so often used as a quick eye test and a tool to judge a content creator’s credibility and the amount of effort and value that went into the production of any particular video. Removing this feature takes away the viewer’s ability to relay to future viewers whether or not that the content in the video, or the creator who made the video, was valuable/credible enough to consider watching their content. I hope this gets reverted in the near future.
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6 months ago, fgdhehbdbmsgfgnsjfjsj
Use this everyday and love it but…
I love this app. I have a channel with a couple subs, videos and everything. I use it everyday. I have a suggestion though. It is that mindplayer is kept on even for videos set for kids. Many videos are set for kids and not only enjoyed by kids. It gets really annoying when I’m watching a video set for kids, I go to my recommended and it isn’t playing. Please change this. I also a bug I would love fixed. I also use YT shorts daily. Some of the shorts decide not to load sometimes. I have to scroll up to the previous one and go back for it to work, it’s really annoying. Sometimes it also just doesn’t load at all and I have to skip watching it. (It’s not my Wi-Fi that’s causing this problem). One more suggestion I have is pls add 1.10 playback speed. Please take my suggestions into consideration. Thanks, Adi, a person who loves YT and uses it daily.
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8 months ago, Darknight1020
Awful, unnecessary changes
They’ve hit the point where there’s no real way to improve the app. So instead of simply making it easier to use they are now adding completely useless features that make it harder to use. Want to go to to a certain point in a video? Too bad if it’s 3 or less minutes away from a time stamp because they won’t let you select it. Want to watch a video by clicking it once? To bad, instead you can tap it once and have it play without sound in the thumbnail, then tap it again to have it pause itself then tap it again to actually start the video. Want to watch a video in full screen? Too bad if you get an add that is full screen when vertical because you’ll have to restart the app to get it function properly. Want to pause the video? Too bad because it’ll take 3-4 tries before the app realizes you’d like to bring up the pause button and not skip forward 10 seconds. Again, entirely useless features no one asked for are making this app just a little bit more annoying to everyone I open it up.
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1 year ago, Sandy in Chicago
Very difficult to find contact
This application is organized in someway that I have yet to figure out. I go to look for shows like 90 day fiancé pillow talk and instead of them being within the season they are under a separate category called something else and there’s no episode number so I have to go back and look at the name of the episode I just watched go back to the other show information and then scroll through about eight different seasons of pillow talk until I can find the show I’m looking for. Sometimes they show commercials even though you’ve recorded the show what should I supposed to do and so if you go to watch five episodes or something it’s literally the same commercials over and over and over and over again. There’s no way to fast forward even though you’ve already seen these commercials at least 15 times. As a sidenote I would never ever go and purchase from one of these commercial companies that I’ve had to sit there and watch the commercial 100 times. Also the iPad app is significantly different than the TV app the TV app freezes it Hass to be restarted at least once a day
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2 years ago, Skyler Stormer
Community Tabs
Overall, this is a great app and I use it a lot instead of the online website. But the thing is, as a mobile user, when I go to a specific channel and try to see their old community posts [only if I have missed a few days of their content and want to see what they’ve been posting. And if you’re gonna think “just scroll down in the subscriptions tab”, no. I have over a hundred subscriptions with some of them posting every minute; I’m not gonna scroll down that far] it doesn’t let me and says that it isn’t available for mobile or something like that. But I can perfectly see the community tabs in the subscriptions tab? But it still doesn’t work since when I try to open up the comment section area or try to click on the message to see the entire thing, it still says the same thing about it ‘not working’, etc. I’m unable to see full community posts because of this, please fix it.
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4 years ago, Cats2352
Once you get it you can get rid of it.
I never signed up for this app it appears after I updated. Started at $10.** don’t remember cents and I finally figured out what the charge was I had paid couple of months and never ordered any music or videos. Then the price increased tried to cancel subscription and had no cancellation possible just says the script is expiring. So good I won’t renew and it will go away. Wrong it just keeps renewing. I have tried for a week and it is still charging. There is no way to cancel a subscription. I did a search for cancel a subscription I was instructed to go to my settings, no where in my ID is there a subscription tab, then I’m instructed to go to the App Store and use the pull down next on the right and select subscription. Now to remind you this is an Apple app, then go to i-Tunes. I finally found where print is for canceling subscription. Nope does not cancel it. Now we are back to expires in one month, that means more money for some I have never used.
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3 years ago, Technoblade 2.0
Some problems
First off, I love this app. It’s easy to use and a great time-killer; but there is some problems that are annoying. First off, I hate the fact that you get forced to sit through 20 second ads without skipping, every five minutes. And it’s always the same as for me, and I’ve heard that the creators did this on PURPOSE to literally force people to use the Premium edition. Second off, there isn’t a ad timer on my phone that is like “Ads is 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” but instead the ad just comes out of nowhere. Lastly, there is a weird bug that it something like a PC isn’t updated or the app isn’t correctly updated, Restricted Mode is stuck on and I can’t turn it off saying it’s enforced by an “administrator” and I don’t have an administrator. I hate giving bad reviews, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Please fix these I love this app just there is a few things I don’t like.
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1 year ago, Chicken_Cranberry
Money hungry
I used to have left a review rating this application as well corporations either four or five stars, now I rate it three stars due to how careless the company has become after Google took control and was managing it for some time, the content on it isn’t the problem and aren’t concerning but it’s the amount of advertisement that the viewers who doesn’t have a subscription on the platform gets, which is typically a totally of around eight or nine ads per video that’s two, three minutes or more, the advertisements are shippable but are tiring for when you have your device such as a phone, tablet, or other laying around playing your videos while you’re busy multitasking such as folding clothes, doing physically exercise, or what I commonly struggle with the most, having snacks or meals while your hands and fingers aren’t sanitary or clean to press on the skip option.
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4 years ago, Gjvthxffeesxbgf
So many problems
The loading times can be pretty awful. Whenever I switch to a different tab or turn off my phone and play the video I was currently watching, the video takes sooo long to load when I unpause it. This doesn’t occur when I’m using the app and I don’t get why it happens when the app is running in the background. I understand why ads are a thing and this hasn’t been a problem before but now it feels like overkill. Every time I watch a video an ad pops up. Sometimes they’re 15 non-skippable ads and at its worst there’s two. And look, taking away the comments for videos that have been COPPA’d is one thing and removing the mini player is another. It makes no sense. I don’t get how this would be harmful for kids. And the way you decided what videos are for kids is awful. Some of creators have moved on from their channels so when you automatically decide their videos are for kids it removes a whole decade of comment sections. And I hate how I have to worry about my niece stumbling upon two anime girls talking about sex because you automatically decided all animation is for kids.
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11 months ago, jd the lady
The rfycggc
I kkhuse a timer for a t and then it goes to o then the alarm is gone for a few uuioopp minutes so it goes off again but then it goes back to the alarm and then it goes off and then it starts going back on and it just starts again so it’s a one off and it’s just like that I think I need it back again I just want the clock out so that it’s going off so it keeps coming up so it’s going off but I can hear the clock out but it doesn’t start off and it just goes back to normal tyyt wwweeewww I don’t know why I don’t have time I just don’t know why it doesn’t even have time I have no time I have nothing but time is it just keeps going off and it doesn’t start going on for like I just want it doesn’t even start to work for me I just don’t want it doesn’t work like it just doesn’t even know how long I just don’t understand what it is and ythen it doesn’t even
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1 month ago, requireddnickname
Bug issues
YT has always been very reliable but the past couple of updates have caused a lot of bugs. I have no doubt they’ll be fixed but it is frustrating. The biggest issue is audio playing but no video on previews. I also just had an issue where the screen locked sideways but only half the screen and I had to close the app to get it oriented correctly. After I closed the app, audio from the video continued to play for a few seconds. Also, there is a LOT of scam ads. Ads using AI generated celebrity voice audio and then pairing it with a video that clearly doesn’t match up to what’s being said. I’ve reported them but the only way to stop them is for YT to step in. I understand that that’s not going to happen because they’re paying for ad time, but it’s very sketchy. I will update my review when the bug issues are resolved. Fingers crossed…
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7 months ago, BeeLond
I pay for premium but cant change default resolution
I get streaming 4k is more expensive than 1080p or 720p, but I pay for premium so when I go to the settings to see why my videos look like hazy garbage, I’m frustrated that as a premium subscriber I cannot set the default to a specific resolution. Sure it says I set it for “higher picture quality.” But for the last 6 months that higher picture quality, regardless of my internet speed (home or cellular) is 720p or lower. And it’s instantly noticeable. When I manually select a resolution in the video I’m watching, it streams no problem at 1440p or 4k, but the next video defaults back to “higher quality” aka 720p garbage. This cost saving measure is a slap in the face for anyone paying the “premium” fee. And as a cost saving measure, I guarantee if they bury the setting to choose highest available quality - the average 90% of users paying for premium won’t ever touch it, but for the 10% of us sensitive to lower resolutions, give us the choice back Google! For streamed videos and for downloaded ones, 1080p max download resolution isn’t up to par any more, or ever…
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1 month ago, Crystallantern
Newest Update Made It Frustrating
My main issue is that now, every single video I want to play constantly needs to be reloaded or replayed because of an “unknown error”, usually 3-5 times each video. Weirdly enough, sometimes it happens on a video that didn’t have any ad, but then it will bump into an error while I’m watching, need to be replayed, and then have an advertisement pop up. There’s also increased sensitivity; one accidental “swipe” of the finger from left to right and it will take me one page back, but for some reason, the opposite isn’t a feature. You can only go back a page, but never return to the one you were just on. It’s probably tolerable because it’s on mobile, where a lot of these issues can be pushed through by several taps, but it certainly downgraded my experience. I wouldn’t have updated the app if I knew this came with it, but of course, the previous version of the app didn’t allow you to use it if you didn’t immediately update.
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5 months ago, theflurry1234
If you think this has issues on your phone here’s you should watch on✅
I see lots of issues on reviews on phones but if you reading this computer you could watch on but sometime if you watch on tv it could get annoying because you have to press the buttons on the remote it get annoying a little annoying but I would watch on pc but unless your phone is fine with no issues but a lot of people says they have issues on phone but the tv to type with remote is annoying because it’s really slow but on your computer you can type fast since you have a keyboard (unless you don’t have a computer or laptop) but you don’t have a computer you may have to watch on phone or tv if you don’t have a computer but you do have one you can watch one it I was trying to help btw if you have issues on your phone
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7 months ago, Fun app, get it!
You’re app is akin to a narcissistic mother
One star is now too much for you. I used to enjoy Utube but after the virus you had to label every video that doesn’t fit your narrative with some statement as if people didn’t have access to information any other way. Then you demonized several channels with thousands of followers because you want the control of telling people how and what to think. Then channels get lost in the algorithm because you don’t agree with their platform or what they say because it might hurt someone’s feelings. If a channel bothers someone they don’t have to watch it by the way. You took many off of the platform because you can’t handle people viewing any opinions based on actual factual information that is sourced. You make porn so accessible that kids can find it yet you block ideas that are just out of your comfort zone- hypocrite. Now you make everyone agree to disregard their own privacy and give their private information to any source you like because of your new sign in policy. You are a narcissistic app wanting complete power and control of all information.
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5 months ago, Skinsketcher
Watchlist/ Playlist Frustration
When I watch videos from my watchlist, a new playlist (redundant) screen in the player comes up that I am unable to remove the video that I just watched from the watchlist. I have to swipe out of my player, to my watchlist to remove the video that I just watched. But when I do that, I am scrolled to a random location somewhere in the middle of my list where I have to scroll up and down to find the video that I just watched, in order to remove it from the list. I believe this is an issue with any/all playlists. The watchlist used to always have a shortcut on the Home Screen. But now it is dependent on how recently it was accessed. This can be frustrating when you have to scroll all the way down to the ‘W’s in order to find ‘Watchlist’. When saving to a playlist, the order is not alphabetical, but recent. Though that can be beneficial, if you are looking to safe into a play that you haven’t recently saved to, this can be daunting.
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3 years ago, David Wonn
Comment Likes no longer go up. Fix it!
It took a while of seemingly endless update loops but the app finally finished an update. So far, some issues seem to be addressed, such as an active video in the lower right obscuring the ability to tap the 3 dots to the right of some videos at the end of long lists, such as Watch Later history and so on. Upon further review, the Videos tab on every channel is blank, regardless of how you sort. That’s a MAJOR bug. [Edit: They have since fixed this, so I’ll bump up the rating.] I like having the new ability to view replies to my comments on other videos without interrupting watching an unrelated video. I also like the addition of ¾ and 1¾ speed multipliers on videos. Unfortunately some videos now get paused when moved to the lower right corner, though this behavior is inconsistent. Also I’ve seen delays on comments in live streams going as far as nine (9!) minutes with only a few hundred or so people in chat. Also I have my fonts magnified due to poor vision, and for some reason, bold text in comments on videos is unusually small. So with the forced update, some things improved, and some didn’t. Update 10/26: This app routinely removes my likes on comments shortly afterward. I remove the like and re-like it, and the counter is fixed, then it decrements. It is so obvious when I’m the only one who liked someone’s comment, only to see the number "1" vanish shortly afterward. Fix your app!
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3 weeks ago, faceshaun007
Well 2024 is coming up. Faster than light.
This is my 3rd review. Ooo let’s Count the ways!!! 1st third party anything_ not good!!! 2nd all the censorship still Uug. At least the ban hammer is collecting dust!! 3rd. How come video games get demonetized?! But not werido stuff! Yall know what I’m talking about. 4th. The cyber bulling. HA. I guess is worse then crime in the streets. I don’t under stand that. But here we are. 5th. The unity in the culture Strong with the Force. If We get churches and politics. To unite. WOOOOOOOO!! America could be unstoppable. Just the facts. Sow to all the American maga hating losers. Bend the knee. Get your feet washed. That’s is the want right. Right. What’s next?? Welp ( disease Ex, no one knows about but we have another failed bio weapon test injection that’s going back fire). We have wars around the world with open boarders_ that’s suicidal) ) and if it couldn’t get any better Spy balloons with orbital strike cannons just float above ( ask me how is America’s military radar systems ? It’s been down graded twice like the economy!! All brought to us by mail in voting!! “The Mob aka La Costa nostra would roll over in its grave.” Ask me would the pope be mail in voted for??? Haaaaaaa NOPE. (( and you tube could actually turn the tides if they wanted to help)))_ I truly believe that.{ Till next time if there’s a next time. Saalute. Blessings and protections amen.
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2 years ago, badbadger18
Most broken app on my phone
Google has gotten so lazy. And don’t get me started with how broken their ad system is, and how they only care about making that $ and not monitoring what gets advertised on their platform, Really ironic that they get so angry at creators for not being “family friendly” but the ads are way worse and just plain disgusting. Other than that though i am on here daily Edit: wrote this review months ago. Not only have the issues I’ve experienced not gone away, but now there’s even more issues. 5% of the time the Skip ad timer doesn’t count properly and i need to close my video (yes even if its an ad in the middle of the video). Sometimes the video just pauses and doesn’t unpause until you double tap to rewind 10 seconds, only it rewinds about 2 minutes because the video timer stopped working. I have lower end internet and it forces me into 480p even though 720p works just fine, every single video and i need to manually change it to 720p. Its a stupid new system they decided to make to make this already broken app somehow even worse.
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2 years ago, Flowzn8r
Dislike feature
The recent removal of the feature allowing viewers to longer have the option to see the dislike count of a video lowers the overall quality of the app. This feature was supposedly meant to prevent creators from beings the victim of targeted harassment which is not a problem in the community whatsoever. The videos that would receive a ratio of more dislikes than likes most likely receives the dislikes due to the fact the videos are most frequently misleading, hateful, or display another feature of a video that should not be watched nor is it worth watching. YouTube’s removal of this feature now prevents users from determining the overall quality of the content they wouldn’t have to view had they been able to initially view the count for dislikes. Furthermore, the amount of likes on a video should also no longer be viewable by the audience due to the fact that this increases the chance of an audience member to like a video regardless of their true opinion. Overall YouTube’s recent decision making has been on a level that no company should be proud of.
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6 years ago, silver.&.silent
Why change the 3 dots button????
I would use this ALL the time to state if a video is not interesting or if I want to save for later. Now it is super small and you have to hold it down for that same menu to come up, turning an action that used to take no time at all into a frustrating and time consuming experience. If you tap on the three dots it just plays the video, what sense does that make if I’m trying to access the menu. This change happened without me even updating the app itself. Please change this back, there was no reason to do that. Also when a video finishes playing the next recommended videos pop up on the bottom of the screen making it hard to access the full screen button, so when I am trying to go in or out of full screen I almost always inadvertently press another video and then have to go all the way back out to get to what I was watching. Does anyone actually test these “features” before they are pushed out? ETA I just updated the app on my iPad and now the search doesn’t work, this is like a horrible joke. Rollback this update I can’t find anything useful about it.
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