
Photo & Video
4.7 (1.7M)
310.4 MB
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Snap, Inc.
Last update
7 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Snapchat

4.68 out of 5
1.7M Ratings
11 months ago, Mial10153
1 star app
I’ve been using Snapchat for about two years now. I’ve never had any issues and I have always adored and praised the app. Until today, the My AI feature was released to all Snapchat accounts even if they did not have the subscription that previously was the only one that had access to the My AI feature. I do not like this feature and I’m definitely not alone. Now even after trying to contact support and even asking the AI itself nothing I do can get rid of the AI. I don’t like AI nor have I ever and the fact it is at the top of my screen really upsets me. There is no way, as far I can see, to get rid of it. UNLESS, you have Snapchat+. But people like me have other responsibilities to pay for or plain out are not allowed to buy it. I’m seriously considering getting rid of Snapchat all together as I do not feel safe with having something like this on my phone. And I find it really frustrating that Snapchat is only giving the ability to get rid of it to plus members. If the Snapchat team can please find a way to fix this major issue that would be extremely appreciated.
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3 days ago, H.W.98
Snapchat recent features
It would be ever so great if y’all would stop pushing certain features on everyone, reload app>click profile: another pop up that can be “x” off on ur profile about college or other things that I don’t CARE ABOUT i don’t want in my face no matter how many times I click “x”. “After dark” as well is another one I have an issue about, just let me turn off things I genuinely don’t care about or don’t want a constant reminder that it’s a feature available. I didn’t go to college but that’s not an option so I keep getting pop ups to “join a college” and now I recently noticed you have a no ads subscription separate from snap+ subscription and it’s almost (or more than double?) the price of just snap+ that is absolutely ridiculous, I will be letting my current month of snap+ run out bc it’s not worth it to me now, snap+ should include no ads if you have to have a separate “subscription” to remove the ads on top of what ur already paying for that’s a scam and that’s GREED. I will no longer give money to apps that are showing the same amount of greed the streaming services are charging and continuing to up the prices. I rue the day everyone actually gets it together to boycott any and all greedy platforms until then I just won’t be giving my money to platforms that keep showing the same greed the rest are showing.
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10 months ago, ocean_eyes143
Banned Account for adding people to Quick
I have had Snapchat for 5 years+ in that five years I have developed a social media following I link all of my platforms together to keep in touch with all of my followers and Adam or delete them accordingly. Recently, May 2023, Snapchat decided to banned my account for adding too many people too quick, I reached out to Snapchat, and every form & fashion with no help and no responses. Not only did they banned my account, but they also linked it with my new phone so I am unable to start a new account on my new phone with Snapchat, because it was recognized. I would’ve been happy to verify and prove that it was me allowing my followers be added to Snapchat as I do with all my other platforms, but again, there’s no one to talk to at snapchat and nothing helpful. Snapchat’s customer service. Is terrible and as soon as I find another platform, I will be using it and moving all of my followers over to it. Unless can resolve the problem and get my count back. There was no warnings no anything just shut off one day and that was it and the fact that I can’t do another account on my new phone is ridiculous There’s plenty of people are doing real community guidelines violations and yet they are still on Snapchat. I am very unhappy with the customer service the lack of any real response that can help out with a problem . Snapchat do better.
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10 months ago, hrjeownfvduau
New update is awful.
The my AI feature is the worst update to Snapchat since the god awful explore page. This is something that nobody wanted, nobody asked for, yet still it is here and pinned above all of your real conversations. To make matters worse, there is no option to remove block or unpin the AI unless you pay for the premium. Why? Snapchat+ utilizes a disgraceful business model which takes previously free features in the app (such as pinning people/convos) and hiding them behind a paywall. It offers you literally nothing for your money and inconveniences non-paying users. Naturally, hardly anyone buys the premium. So what do they do to incentivize people to buy it? They add this annoying AI chatbot to the app—which NO ONE wanted to begin with—and forcibly pin it above all of your conversations to annoy you into submission and make you fork over the monthly fee for Snapchat+. If I wasn’t so angry at the developers for this absurd decision, I may have actually caved and spent the money just to remove the useless thing. This feature has to go, or at least an option needs to added that allows users to remove it. It would have made much more sense to include this new feature for ONLY Snapchat+ members but as I stated, the Snapchat developers choose to annoy users into giving them money by actively degrading the platform—rather than providing an experience that is actually worth the money.
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12 months ago, professional snapchat hater
eh. gets worse with each update.
i cannot even begin to name all the things snapchat has ruined just by updating. used to be able to reply to stories with voice memos and now its replaced with a group send feature, used to be able to pick photo albums and now the feature just disappeared for some reason, plus you can’t contact snapchat so it’s not like you can tell them what you do and don’t like about the app besides leaving a review. snapchat has really just turned into a cash grab from what it seems like. either that or the development team is so god awfully stupid and doesn’t frequently use the app if they even use it at all so they keep taking away useful features with each update. snapchat literally all we beg you is to stop removing useful features like being able to pick photo albums and stop adding useless features like 3d bitmojis. nobody asked for 3d bitmojis. not to mention now they’re letting public figures on the app post weed and edibles just because they’re paying for the service, but if literally anyone else posts something remotely similar to weed they’ll get their account deleted. im 22 and live in california and i have it set to that on the app but i’ve lost 2 accounts in the past few months because i posted some edibles WHICH ARE LEGAL FOR ADULTS IN CALI. thanks snapchat for deleting all the memories i had saved of my friends and childhood pet!
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11 months ago, tmoreno
Not happy with where its headed…
I’ve used SnapChat for years and its been great for chatting and even sending fun filtered photos to friends. It hasn’t been perfect and has been frustrating every now and again but still my most used app to chat with friends. This morning after logging in, I see a new AI “friend” that was rolled out. I’m not a fan of using computer generated responses to guide you and learn from you under the guise of being fun and/or making your life easier. Since there was no way to remove it that I could tell, I asked the AI bot how to delete. You have to be a premium member to be able to remove it but it also says this is a new feature for premium members before it is rolled out permanently…which Im not so Im not sure why it’s available to me. I know this is supposed to appeal to the younger crowd who can’t wait to use it to ask it fun questions and have a laugh with friends or even to get what they think might be life changing advice from a computer. Our devices are already monitored enough but now people can just sent their thoughts, ideas, wants and needs directly to the company to share or sell to other companies so they can sell us things we might be interested in or just to watch us in general. Definitely heading down a dark path. I’ll be deleting my account today after my friends and I decide on a better app to use.
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5 months ago, lucyyyyyyyyybbbbb
remember the good old days, when bitmojis were 2D, and nobody was complaining? the sky was blue, the birds would chirp, the sun would shine. it makes me teary eyed when i reminisce about the 2D bitmojis. it was all we knew. but then came snapchat, coming in and ruining everything with the simple push of a button. who in their right mind thinks that these 3D bitmoji updates were good. i want to know who proposed this very idea, and i want to know if they are mentally stable. i want to know what really happened in that board room when they proposed this big idea. look, I get you guys over at snapchat like to be technologically advanced or whatever, but the last 2 bitmoji updates have economically set us back by 15 years. now let’s not forget the first update. it was a transition from 2D to 3D. sure it was odd, but we had time to get used to it. it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t new, and as a community we had accepted it. then, just like that, the already weird looking bitmojis turn weirder. nobody knew what to think. it made my self-image go down, knowing this abomination of a character is what people associate with me now. now, you may be thinking that i’m overreacting, but i think i am being perfectly sensible right now. i think it’s time to stand up for change. let’s change those bitmojis back to 2D, because remember, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
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7 months ago, NotTheDroidYoureLookingFor;)
It’s not MY ai
Get rid of this thing. It’s scummy enough to be shoving AI into every conceivable thing now but to completely remove a way to clearly revoke our consent to having it AND make us PAY TO REMOVE IT FROM OUR FEEDS?? It’s PERMANENTLY at the top of my feed, and with the annoying incessant banner notifications that pop up there it suspiciously moves the chat with enough of a delay that it pushes the AI chat down a slot to where my friends now occupy 2nd place on the feed and where my new muscle memory has been trained to click. This leads to me inadvertently clicking the AI and not my actual friends. This opens the chat and the consent pop-up appears (which I have not accepted and will not accept) which lo and behold doesn’t HAVE a return/x/back button on it, I have to CLOSE THE APP to escape. This thing is creepy, it doesn’t need my location, it doesn’t need my data, I barely want YOU to have my data simply as a matter of privacy and preference. We all know it’s there to just harvest our data and whatever speech we feed to it and probably try to feed us targeted ads or get us to spend money. It’s not our friend, it isn’t OUR AI, from what I hear it isn’t even good. This is a lazy and nakedly obvious ploy to try and garner support for tech that is massively disliked (for good reason) to try and score some cash. I won’t be feeding this or any other AI and neither should anybody else.
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7 months ago, Abahashihazunukiwa
delete all the media and keep the messaging only
If they destroyed the entire “right side” of Snapchat with all the media or television like programs and actual nonsense and just kept the sane “left side” with the core messaging and fluidity of communication as is, it would be a great application and would have a maybe a 5 star rating. Since it literally looks like half of the app is that which I mention that is so absolutely unnecessary, it loses at least half of the rating. I’m saying, this is such a great simple messaging app aside from the all the “content” or “media” on the right side of the app, when you slide right from the camera. To the left of the camera we simply have a very fluid messaging system w a key emphasis on photo and video messaging, of course as that’s how this app originated, which is great. Please Snapchat, and I ask you as I ask God, get ride of all the non-sense at the right side of the camera completely. Remove all the media and lowly television programming or content and solely leave it as a good messaging application w photo and video capabilities as is, and we have a better application overall and a better world in turn… delete Snapchat media to the right of the camera keep messaging functions at left side of camera Continuous improvement needed. Thank you so much! Peace.
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1 year ago, Mrs Darte Poop Centipede
I’ve had this app since I was in 7th grade back in 2016, you see everything was fine until one day…I was texting my friends in our groupchat when all of a sudden a “used_adalaine680” popped up typing something. Their bitmoji was all white but had no eyes or anything for their face, etc only white blank! I thought one of my friends was playing a prank when suddenly the group chat had completely disappeared and gotten deleted somehow. I asked all 7 of the people in the group, they all said nothing happened on their end and that maybe I had accidentally deleted it on my end or that it was just being a little glitchy! They added me back in but it happened two more times. Since then a number under “unknown” has been calling me and I’ve gotten multiple added people on snap under the same “used_adalaine” just different ending numbers. I always block and remove them completely but this keeps happening, there’s no way to stop this. My phone keeps fully crashing, I can’t create group chats or even join them if someone adds me in one and I CANNOTTTTT STANDDDD THESE UNKNOWN PHONE CALLS. Back in 10th grade, 2019 my friend Katarina had the same thing happen to her. It lasted up until the middle of her 11th grade. She had disappeared and her case has become cold. My name is Adalaine and I would like this to get fixed before the same happens to me. Please.
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1 year ago, Nathan F.
still my go-to camera for videos
I don’t send snaps every day (I’m not that social) but I prefer it to the Camera app or iMessages for capturing & sending videos (or tiktoks) to my girlfriend or other people, even if they don’t use snapchat. the Map is cool and underrated. you can get a peek into what people around town are up to, without having to know or befriend them. useful for following local events as they happen. occasionally I’ll use the face lenses. I follow a creator who makes some great ones (aoepng, tho searching that name doesn’t bring them up?). the app could do a better job showing you when they upload new filters—right now you have to subscribe to the creator’s story. more focused, thoughtful lists of filters or creators handpicked by actual people (as opposed to the algorithmic FYP feed) could help with finding new filters. I also find it really frustrating that racist and borderline filters are still being let in. can Snap please pass a moratorium on all primate lenses period and maybe hire people with cultural expertise to deny filters depicting culturally specific face paint! not everything irl should be replicated as a filter and made available to anybody to put on themselves.
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3 weeks ago, Fush47
The Ensh**tification of Snapchat
Snapchat used to be a handy, fun messaging system to keep up with your friends. Now, the push for an ever-increasing market cap has resulted in the addition of many disgusting new features. For example, if I want to send a snap to someone, about 20% of the time, one of the filters automatically applies to the photo. I do not want to use filters, almost ever, but the app automatically navigates to that menu. Often, when I try to navigate to my friends list, the next button over which leads to the sponsored filters is magically activated despite my not pressing it. More recently, Snapchat premium opt-in appears at the top of my friends list every time I open the app, and when I hit the x to get rid of that or the “try snapchat on your computer”, it mysteriously pulls up the menu and tries to force me to read it anyway instead of dismissing. And now, for the cherry on top, a chatbot that appears without asking, does not have the option to opt out, is obviously there to harvest user data - I say this because it is in fact disclosed explicitly - and is permanently at the top of your friends list. Disgusting. I’m not even asking for full interface customization. All I want is to only have the actions I take occur and be allowed to opt out of features I do not want.
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10 months ago, Do better Snapchat!
Falsely banned my account and refused to give me a reason Or communicate with my emails and appeals
Snapchat locked me out of my account and deactivated it without giving me a reason. When I figured out the reason (on my own) it was a screenshot I posted on my private story of a kid at my school jokingly calling smarties percs and making fun of them. There were no actual drugs involved at all and that was very clear. I filled out numerous appeals and sent emails trying to contact Snapchat support to try to get my account back because all of my memories are in that account. Snapchat sent automated responses that said they could not do anything. Then I found out that my phone was HARDWARE BANNED from Snapchat. Which means I have to get an entirely new phone if I want to use Snapchat ever again. This means I cannot make a new account or log into another account at all from my phone. I had a few emails with a person from Snapchat named “Lysa” who refused to provide me with any answers or help me find someone who could help me with this problem. This experience has been extremely frustrating and upsetting because not only will Snapchat not communicate with me or help me unban my phone after they falsely permanently locked my account for no real reason, all my pictures and videos are gone forever. I count not be more disappointed with this app and their managers.
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5 months ago, Fixsnapbitmojis
I don’t get why Snapchat has to keep changing their bitmojis when literally everyone would agree on liking the original the most. They changed it a few months back and people enjoyed the original more but it was okay. Now. Now, they decide to change it again to this awful looking thing that seriously no ones likes the look of. Everyone I know, everyone on social media DESPISES IT. It’s ugly and no one understands why you would change it again when literally everyone was happy with the original bitmoji. Not just this but the fact that the app JUST updated everything to the last changed look of the bitmoji and then change it again?!! Like no. Everyone was happy with it and everyone liked it the way it was. STOP CHANGING IT ITS HIDEOUS. You have pretty much half of the entire world using your app.. your making people want to DELETE IT by doing this stupid crap that nobody likes to see when they wake up in the morning. I’ve had multiple people I know tell me how much they don’t like them either, it’s not just me. I’ve seen other people online leave reviews because of these changes, and it made me want to write one to. If you would like me to make a follow up of this review I’m willing to write atleast a 5 page essay on how this literally needs to stop because it’s HORRIBLE. thanks I guess.
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7 months ago, khelansimone
Put “following” back at top!!!
Update: now my following page won’t show any people/creators I’m following. It’s only displaying shows and series I’m following. I have to type the people I follow in the search bar and go to their profile just to watch their story today! This is ridiculous. I was giving it a chance for a few days since this update, and this is really making me want to delete the app even more. I hate this new update where it mixes who I’m subscribed to in with the discover tiles and ads that are irrelevant to me. It’s frustrating having to scroll through random people and ads just to find the people I actually want to watch. And the insane amount of Snapchat shows/series that just make the whole page feel cluttered. I really loved Snapchat. In fact, it’s the only social media app I have/use!! But this is about to make me delete it. It’s a turn off. Makes me annoyed just seeing it. I liked having the circles of the people I love to watch separate from everything else. Why did you do this snap? Every other app has a page where you can view who you follow and then a separate discover page. But now on Snapchat it’s just one big feed of tiles and it’s hard for me to find the people I’m actually subscribed to. Absolutely HATE this update!!!! Also I preferred the term “subscribe” as it was unique to Snapchat.
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10 months ago, SpinnyJade
Money money money
Snapchat was reasonable at what it did. Photos, videos, chatting. The Snapchat discover feed showed up, and although ignorable, incredibly useless and clickbait stories by every company and news outlet that posts them, and Snapchat rewards those by pushing those ones to the top. It doesn’t matter if the clickbait even exists in the story at all, as long as they can get an ad played every 3-4 snaps they’re good. Then the new update. Forced AI that no one asked for, stays at the top of your chat feed unless you pay a monthly subscription to Snapchat. What else is behind a paywall is the ability to mute the notifications or specific chats or groups. Which means you cannot leave your notifications on, while muting your group of 5+ spamming friends unless you pay $3.99 monthly. There are probably so many other features locked behind paywall that I haven’t noticed yet because my want to use the app at all is slowly dwindling down to nothing. ALSO to add, since we all use Apple so most of you don’t know, the creator of Snapchat does not actively fine tune or make quality to life features for android/Samsung phones because he QUOTE “does not like them”. They don’t even have the ability to use dark mode for that exact reason. Garbage company, garbage creator, garbage AI, flushing themselves down the toilet with each passing year.
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10 months ago, ☁️ C L 0 U D ☁️
I LOVE IT!! But…
I love the app!!! I use it almost every day or whenever I get the chance or in my free-time. This app is great to chat and call with friends bc you can also use filters while on call, or you can simply just get on the app, press the little smile emoji at the bottom, and choose a filter!!! so basically the point is that I love this app, but I would honestly read it like 4 - 4.5 stars, bc there is one thing on this app that they added recently that creeps many people, including me and my family out; the new AI chatbot. There has also been proof of someone asking it where the nearest drive-through is, and it showed him the exact directions. Thing is, he asked the AI chat bot how it knew where he lived, and the AI replied that it didn’t know where he lived. And at that second, he knew he knew where he lived. And it knew his location without even telling it where he lived. Anyway, I would definitely rate this app a 10 out of 10 if it wasn’t for the AI chat bot. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great day.
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4 months ago, Animal_lover26
Love but..
I really enjoy using Snapchat! I think it’s a cool way for me to talk to my friends. It’s fun to watch my friends stories as well as people I am followed to. For example, I am followed to different skincare and nail art. channels. Snapchat never makes me bored. Now, spotlight. Spotlight is similar to TikTok. I enjoy it since I can’t have TikTok yet. Customizing my outfit is fun! There is cool clothing, backgrounds, poses, and selfies to choose! Moving on to“Ai”. I have different feeling about this. First off, it’s fun talking to this bot! I like to play games, talk about plans, what I’m learning in school, Hobbies/interests, talk about bugs in app, gives support! I like texting stickers, “Talk to you later”. And uhh, my A.I replies with “Love you too” sometimes. A little disturbing. I don’t like how there is not an option to remove our A.I. Some people don’t like how A.I has to be pinned at the VERY top of my actual real friends&family. 👈 I agree. Finally, is Snapchat really safe for kids? Think about bullying that could occur on this, that no one knows about and or inappropriate content. Overall, I will recommend Snapchat but just consider the following problems I just explained. Thank you for reading.
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4 months ago, Fin80085
Snapchat downgrading ?
Hi. Me personally I love snap and it’s a great way to communicate with my friends/ save memories without it being in my camera roll. One of my favorite aspects of Snapchat are the bitmojis! They are such a fun way to express yourself in your own customized way. I used to be obsessed with mine and she was so cute and now she looks terrifying and no matter how different I make her she still looks scary :(. I thought I was safe with snap map still being in 2D. It just seemed like a less urgent update? Then it happened. My snap map has gone with this wonky trend too. They look really bad and it changes my perspective with the app in general. It feels stupid, they aren’t cool anymore. I totally agree with promoting change, but there are many other ways we can be changing the app in a positive way rather than focusing all the attention on the bitmojis. Just because the app is getting older or a newer generation is coming in doesn’t mean change has to happen, even if it does don’t make it all mega AI type. It’s too much. I don’t even think the people who are new to the app enjoy what they’re working with either. Snaps a great app imo & I don’t wanna let go of it because I think it’s getting dumb. Pleaseeeeee go back to 2D <3
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5 months ago, exomess
Needs to Change
I got snapchat back in 2014. I had left the platform for a long time and redownloaded it back in 2018. When I came back it was a good app with good features. Fast forward to 2023 and we are in an era where you have to pay to remove features that honestly shouldn’t be there. The AI feature should not be forced onto everyone. The fact that I can google how to remove your AI feature and can come up with thousands of results talking about that very same question should be a hint that you need to remove it. Your company got so caught up in trends that you didn’t stop to think about what you were actually doing. And you forcing people to buy Snapchat+ to remove AI and other features does nothing but make Snapchat+ even more undesirable. I already didn’t want to pay a subscription for social media and you are just giving me more reasons to delete the app again. Do better. The least you can do it have to ability to unpin the AI from the feed cause it is a massive eyesore that no one wants to see. I won’t be using the app until you fix it. Snap isn’t the only way to talk to people. I think your company would be wise to remember that they aren’t the only social media out there.
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1 year ago, Diana L Alexander
I don’t like the quick add, it’s annoying!
I am really annoyed with the quick add feature. Apparently having it turned off doesn’t work. You keep allowing strangers and people I don’t want to follow keep popping up on the “quick add” section. I want it removed or a feature where it actually turns that off for some of us who don’t want it and prefer a little more privacy. I don’t see why you have to force the issue in how we add friends. I use Snapchat for my friends and family, not for random users. I would like for that feature to be removed or respected when I select the toggle to off!! I also don’t want random people’s accounts popping up on my Stories tab. I don’t like it at all. If I want to add someone, I’ll add them myself. I really don’t want random accounts coming up and me having to “hide” them just so new ones can come up again later. That process is frustrating. We should be allowed to choose who we want to follow and not random people, that frankly I don’t even know. And not ALL mutual friends or possible friends are my friends. Sometimes people you know who you don’t want to follow come up and I don’t like that. Please fix this because it’s not cool or fun to force this issue upon us.
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2 weeks ago, Ejjdkdksnsndicjs
The legacy
When we are old and frail I hope you have enough money to purchase a moment to sit on a bench, and as you watch the spikes on the seat lower to let you rest, I hope you think back to my review. As you sit, I hope you realize that you assisted in making people accept this life. You’ll still feel the tips of the spikes through the holes they fled through, and wonder why they couldn’t have had it go down just another centimeter, because this is not comfortable, and you can’t even ignore it to gawk at the clouds as the sky has been blocked by a paywall. You’ll realize now or you’ll realize then that they don’t care whether you enjoy your time sitting on the bench. As you walk through the path tomorrow and try to catch your breath, you’ll pay for a seat again. And you'll feel the spikes still, because while it may make a world of difference to you, they have saved a fraction of a cent in electric by stopping those spikes right where they are. The next day you will see an ad, where whoever profits from this will beam of their generosity and their contribution to sustainability, pointing at the electric saved by their sacrifice of your basic existence, and you will hear of their humbleness. You will hear it over and again, and think to yourself how many times the spikes have pressed you to pay for the ad.
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5 months ago, Ellietslover
The bitmojis look horrendous i dread opening my snaps everyday knowing i will have to look at a creature that is supposed to be my bitmoji. Snapchat U MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FULL GROWN MAN WHATTT ISSS HAPPENINGGG. i am not a man but i feel like i am because of what u have done with my beautiful bitmoji. I used to be so cute and i loved my bitmoji but now i look gross, stinky, disgusting, and overall hideous. I wanna know what the thought process was while u updated the butmojis because any person in their right mind would ever make something so fugly. Because that is what the bitmojis are FUGLY. u have made me look like an alien that wants to abduct people and take over the world. Why are u making people look so ugly i feel that it should be illegal to do such a terrible act. This is very wrong of u to do this is not queen behavior what so ever. Everyday i wake up thinking its a good day until i open snapchat and see a monster on my screen. I literally want to vomit everytime i look at it because it is so disgusting. I am so confused as to why one would ever think that this would be a good idea. At first i thought that it was just my bitmojis outfit so i changed it multiple times until i realized that its not me its you. So on behalf of everyone that uses Snapchat, please for the love of god change the bitmojis back to normal and never change them again. :(
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1 year ago, roblox wueen
Ok, but could be better
I’m not gonna lie, Snapchat had been a lifesaver for making me look better, and not looking like i haven’t slept in weeks. But, there’s a couple things that just ruin the app. For me at least. The fact that it lets the person know whenever you save something, take a screenshot, or even screen record your chat, isn’t very useful. In fact, i know a couple of friends who have ended their friendships because of this! It only takes one small move, and oops! You just took a screenshot of their story/chat! The person might think you’ve done this in purpose, which can cause problems! I do under stand why this is a thing though. It can help with some problems too. For instance, if you wanted to take a screenshot of something, like a secret they just told you in chat, and you put it on your story, i understand with that. But I’m gonna be honest, i don’t think that’s every going to happen. And even if it did, it probably only happened once or twice. So, overall, Snapchat is ok with filters, and saving fun memories, but not with the chats, and irrelevant notifications it sends. Thank you for reading, and Happy Thanksgiving!
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3 months ago, Cassuhhdee
Horrendous Customer Service
If I could give negative stars I would. I worked in an office that had me manage their social media. For absolute no reason Snapchat banned the business account. After permission I deleted the business account, But since it was on the same phone as my personal account, they “temporarily” locked my account. I have looked up every terms and conditions and their community guideline file they have out there. Wasn’t registered to any third party. And yet they still locked my page. Now they offer you a chance to unlock it after 24 hours. EXCEPT TO DOESN’T WORK! I had tried numerous times and nothing. Only to look it up and people wait months even years still with no resolution. I email and sent messages in Twitter but they just kept sending their “copy and paste” responses. Nobody can seem to get resolved. I tried a new account, getting a VPN, going through an incognito web browser and STILL nothing. If the coders can’t/wont even fix this issue who know how many other bugs in there. Rumor is that with a new phone AND a new phone number should be able to log in. But not even worth the hassle anymore. Ended up deleting my personal account too. THIS APP ABD THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS AWFUL. WILL NEVER USE AGAIN. DO NOT RECOMMEND. IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE OR EVEN THE SLIGHTEST HICCUP YOU WILL BE BANNED AND SUPPORT WILL NOT HELP YOU.
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10 months ago, lj_grayy
Love it but hate the new updates
I’ve been using snap for many years and I love the app but the new updates are really annoying. The AI stays at the top of your chats and you’re completely unable to make it go away even if you don’t want to talk to it it just stays there. The most annoying thing is the new filter system. It used to be that you could press the little x button at the bottom and go back to the “no filters option” but they removed that so now if you wanted to stop using a filter you have to scroll all the way back to the original setting. Also there’s some type of glitch that makes you unable to add people to a private story and it’s really hard to do it if it does work. And for years everyone had the original 2D bitmoji setting but they’ve removed that feature almost completely so now you had the 3D ones and you can’t even choose which one you want to see. Many more problems but that’s basically the most extreme ones. Multiple glitches and bugs in the app but overall I use it almost every day it’s just things keep changing with the new updates and it’s causing bugs.
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11 months ago, Elli Minier
Worst app ever
Snapchat is the most useless unhelpful annoying inconvenient app ever. I have been locked out my account for almost a month after having it for years. After waiting said month I was able to long in today and finally happily snap all my friends again. As soon as shut my phone off and left for about THREE MINUTES my account was logged out again back to being disabled. It’s so frustrating especially since I am convinced they do not check their support emails, the countless emails i’ve sent over the month time period have all been unreplied. I have been a loyal snapchatter and have not done anything suspicious on my account for the 4 years i’ve had it. If I could give this app zero stars I would. First of all I just want to say snapchat has the absolute worst support out of all the social media apps to ever exist. I am 100% convinced you guys won’t even read this, but i’ll express my concerns anyway. My snapchat has been temporarily disabled from my main device for about a month, i’ve sent you millions of emails that haven’t been returned. Long story short I was FINALLY able to access my account a little while ago. I was logged in for about 3 minutes when I shut my phone off and I was disabled once again. Unfortunately waiting ANOTHER MONTH seems absolutely ridiculous. PLEASE HELP!!!!
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1 year ago, waxelll
I would just like to say that I used to love Snapchat. I had it since the year 2013 and had countless memories saved within the app. On August 17th 2022 , my Snapchat account was permanently locked for no reason . Literally from one day to another when I opened the app , I was logged out of my account. Immediately I thought someone had logged into my account and that was why I was logged out ( which is impossible considering the complexity of my password) but when I tried logging in, it said my account had been permanently locked and gave me no reason why. I feel very disappointed with the Snapchat corporation because if they had felt I violated their terms , I would at least like to know what it is I did wrong or violated instead of just closing my account without warning nor giving me a reason why . . Secondly If it was something I did , how did they acquire the knowledge? Was it Artificial intelligence scanning through our data? Or a human looking through our data and pictures? It makes me feel very uncomfortable to think how much of my privacy has been invaded ? I’ve emailed them numerous times already and have not gotten any emails back at all which is strange considering Snapchat is supposed to get back to its customers. If anyone can offer some help I would appreciate it
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5 months ago, ahavsushsisb
Love this app, but the new bitmojis have got to go.
I've had Snapchat for about 3-4 years. I have all of my memories and friends on it and it's super easy to chat on which I love! The bitmojis have never been a big problem for me, when they were 2d that is. I loved how they looked and how you could dress them easily, and the bitmoji games were really cool. The first time they changed them to 3d, I was still angry because it really was ugly and I wanted the other ones back. But they changed it AGAIN and this time it's absolutely horrendous. I look like a distorted deceased pig that has been working for 5 months straight. Also when your scrolling through your friends on Snapchat you don't see the 2d nice face anymore, you see the 3d one. I've been seeing a lot of reviews about the AI, which I don't really think has been a problem for me, but the bitmojis have. The bitmojis have always been a fun addition to Snapchat for me. I liked dressing them up and stuff like that, but now they really don't look good anymore and I think a lot of people can agree with me. My friends hate it, and people on TikTok hate it too. Please read this, thank you.
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1 year ago, ClaytönD
Hacked, so many memories lost
i have had the same snapchat account since 2015. That is 7 years of memories i had stored in there. Recently my account was hacked and i have no idea what happened on the account- all i know is that i was permanently banned and snapchat can't unlock it. what doesn't make sense to me is snapchat was the one to lock it in the first place, now they can't help me? i was also a snapchat subscriber since that feature came out. i have tried reaching out to the snapchat team multiple times through email (because that is the only way you can contact them) and every time, i get the same automated response back saying they can't help me. i have pictures in my memories of my dad and cousin who have passed away that i won't have again. whenever there is an issue with your account they tell you to go on "snapchat support" which literally does nothing to help you at all. it takes you to a few different links that basically just say "figure it out" considering i have been very loyal to this app for 7 years AND i was spending money on it to have snapchat plus, it is absolutely ridiculous that they can't help me with anything. i am extremely upset, i simply do not care about my account itself BUT i really need those pictures in my memories back- which they will not give me.
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11 months ago, Ema.Gomar
Permanently banned me forever
Got permanently banned on March 12th. For sending a picture of my cough medicine. I’ve seen people post/send 100x worse things and still have their accounts running. Completely unfair. I was a loyal member of snapchat for years. I had lots of friends and over 130 thousand memories. Banned my account without warning and within minutes of sending the photo. Emailed them a countless number of times and almost every single time it was an automated message which was completely unhelpful. Refused to unlock my account even after I wrote them paragraphs explaining the situation and that I didn’t deserve my account to be banned. Horrible customer service. I tried and tried but nothing. Finally tried exactly a month later to see if I would have any luck. Instead they told me they now permanently deleted my account forever and now I actually had 0 chance of getting my account back. Completely rigged. I requested to download all my data as well, and they never gave me any of it. Also banned my entire device from being able to use Snapchat, can’t even make a new account. I have to buy a new phone if I want to be able to use Snapchat again. I want something to be done about this situation and the others who have faced this same problem. Thanks a lot snapchat!
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1 year ago, chaotic.source
Absolutely terrible experience I have lost all of my photos and friends and so much more do to this
I lost my account for some reason, I’ve reevaluated the tos community guidelines I’ve even gone through snap chat support and have sent several emails regarding my issue and I haven’t even got a word back yet. I have lost my job because of the confusion this caused I’ve now have friends and family who are mad because “I don’t speak to them anymore”. I haven’t done anything wrong on snap the last message I sent was “I love you stay safe and let me know when you get home” so if that’s against community guidelines than I’d say that’s extreme censorship for no reason. I’ve had my significant other even send in emails through the only way to contact Snapchat . I’ve used snap for my personal and my start ups (start ups being a Rv rental business and a modeling agency). Additionally I’ve herd a lot of people in South Carolina and Georgia it’s been happening to them for whatever reason. I know it wasn’t guidelines or tos so the only other thing was it making a mistake on my 3 accounts (1 personal 2 business) of it being “suspicious” additionally I’ve never had to wait longer than a week to get a reply from Snapchat and this isn’t the first time this mistake has happened it happens on my last phone too
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3 months ago, snappuserr69
bitmoji rant
I feel that Snapchat is a wonderful app and I use it daily but I have a bone to pick with it’s recent updates. These Bitmoji updates are absolutely horrendous. Genuinely makes me contemplate deleting the entire app due to these god awful design choices. I know we are moving into the Meta age, but some things are better the way they used to be. Before these egregiously fugly new Bitmojis that look like things from the uncanny valley, the design was simplistic but still served it’s purpose without looking like it would turn on humanity at any given moment. The 2D Bitmojis were cute and were stylistic. The 3D Bitmojis look like creatures that would kill you in your sleep with their stupid menacing smiles looking back from every profile. Every time Snapchat releases a new update that modifies the characters, I almost throw up from the sheer disgust and hatred I have for these small pixelated beings. In addition, you can’t even make them look cute. No matter how much I try, they always come out to the same level of outstanding ugliness. Please bring back how they used to be for the sake of everybody and their well-being. 🙏🏼 Cool app tho!
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1 year ago, Minions_are_yellow
i have had the same snapchat account since 2015. That is 7 years of memories i had stored in there. Recently my account was hacked and i have no idea what happened on the account- all i know is that i was permanently banned and snapchat can’t unlock it. what doesn’t make sense to me is snapchat was the one to lock it in the first place, now they can’t help me? i was also a snapchat subscriber since that feature came out. i have tried reaching out to the snapchat team multiple times through email (because that is the only way you can contact them) and every time, i get the same automated response back saying they can’t help me. i have pictures in my memories of my dad and cousin who have passed away that i won’t have again. whenever there is an issue with your account they tell you to go on “snapchat support” which literally does nothing to help you at all. it takes you to a few different links that basically just say “figure it out” considering i have been very loyal to this app for 7 years AND i was spending money on it to have snapchat plus, it is absolutely ridiculous that they can’t help me with anything. i am extremely upset, i simply do not care about my account itself BUT i really need those pictures in my memories back- which they will not give me.
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5 months ago, Alex they/them
The ai thing and bitmoji update…
Don’t get me wrong it was a decent app in like 2021 and 2022 but the app has changed so much…the ai thing is creepy and just weird in general and I don’t like the ai feature at all it is weird..😭 like when u talk to it they know everything and I had my location off and it still knew it and that’s actually creepy and I don’t think it did any good for the app at all, no one wants to talk to that ai unless they are just lonely tbh!! And the bitmoji…girl don’t get me started! Those bitmojis have to go because my girl looks messed up!! I’m gonna just take my bitmoji off atp.. bcz she looks deformed! Her face shape and eyes and everything just look off and it’s to detailed! BRING BACK OLD BITMOJIS!! Please I’m begging atp I’m sick of opening the app to see that creepy…ugly…horrible disaster! I don’t think y’all are doing anything better for the app and it’s not a big impact on the app… now if the bitmojis was still the old ones and if the ai thing never existed this app would be 5 stars and a lot more people would be happy if y’all changed it back everyone is upset with the new update including me.. it’s a trending tag on tiktok and many other apps one of the tags being #snapchatupdate #bitmojiupdate I just think y’all should change the bitmojis back, I feel like people would be more satisfied.
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11 months ago, Lelani Munoz 🤍
First of all, I want to say is I’m reading these reviews and everyone is saying that they out of nowhere got locked of their account. I did too it was back in January on the 28th and I was using snap all fine all day the day before and half the day the day I got temporary banned. I went and looked how long that would take it said 24 hours so I waited till the next day and tried again. It’s been 3 months and I still can’t make a new one or nothing. I might have to get a new phone because it won’t let me make a new one on this one I’m really upset at this-because I loved snap that was my go to app and the thing is also is they will let make a new one on a different phone but not mine so snap if your reading this let us have our accounts back because we did nothing wrong to deserve this so let us have snap “temporary banned”. Some of y’all have had it for years and now they doing this. I even did the email thing Snapchat needs to realize what their doing because they can’t just be doing that that’s stupid but I’m telling y’all they don’t care so i might have to get a new phone or something I have a iPhone 13 rn and I just got it in November. They need to give our accounts back now 😡😡😡😡😡
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3 months ago, nathanzzz16
Fun social experience! The pushed content however comes at a cost.
Snapchat is truly another interesting social media spectacle in product and UX design. When you scroll on their default feed for “Discover”, it consists of an array of provocative shapes and textures, a sensory experience of arousal, confusion, and disgust. Incongruent stimuli scrolls across the screen to retain your feeble and capricious attention. Plenty of skin and flesh, an assortment of strange items not limited to in a single setting; items of discolored un-proportional foods, purple aquatic fleshlights, trypophobic imagery, phallic emojis, an abundance in innuendos and lascivious teenage stories. It is the new high-octane National Enquirer, with the absurdity of contemporary digital outrage media for children and adult-children alike. I rather not get into the captivating content pushed on Snapchats “spotlight”. Beyond a simple chat and photo sending app (which it excels in), Snapchat is the peak social media amalgamation of visual screen-grabbing trends. It is one of the premiere behavioral data-harvesting, algorithmic-pushed time-eaters for the people. If you are an amorous youth, you will be particularly enthralled to both participate and be the product of this application.
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2 months ago, Madii Gelato
I have had snap since it first came out…
I have had the same Snapchat account since Snapchat came out over a decade ago. Someone reported my stories (I was NOT doing anything against the rules AT ALL) just regular everyday snap activities and since that person did that, my IP address on my iPhone has been temporarily suspended “due to unusual activity” It’s going on almost 6months now. I have contacted snap support more times than I can count & im so frustrated. I am able to log in on my friends phone so the account is not suspended it’s just my IP address. I’m really upset because Snapchat was a big part of my daily Routine. I have memories saved from when memories were brand new addition to the app. I just want to be able to use Snapchat again. I’m frustrated with how unhelpful and unreliable snap support has been since this incident occurred. At the very least I’d just appreciate a time frame for how long it will be before I can use my Snapchat on my phone again. Overall I LOVE Snapchat but with how big this app is their tech support should be a million times better. I have so many valuable photos, messages, videos on my Snapchat that I would be heartbroken to never see again. PLEASE at least allow me to know how long this “temporary suspension” will last. Snapsupport do better.
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1 year ago, tBear1901!2000
TERRIBLE Support Center
A few days ago I was permanently locked out of my account with no warning and with no explanation. I have not violated any guidelines nor do I have any third party apps. I tried contacting Snapchat on every possible social media platform to which they responded: sorry we can’t help you anymore here; go to our support website. So I did. I selected the option of “my account has been locked,” described my situation and was sent a message saying “your account has been permanently locked.” That’s it. Then I tried clicking the “my account has been compromised” option. The same response. There is no other way to contact the support team for personalized help. Only got automated messages and not even an explanation as to why my account was locked. I tried to make a new account but couldn’t because my account is still active technically even though it’s locked so I can’t verify my phone number or email. I have put in a data retrieval request in hopes of getting my memories and friends back but I have not heard back from them yet. Then I will have to delete my account through the support center so I can use my email and phone number to make a new account. Apparently this has happened to a bunch of people recently for no apparent reason. We are livid.
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1 month ago, Jwc554
Saved Chats and Chat History
I have appreciated using this app very much for nearly 7 Years Now. My Boyfriend and I are about to celebrate our One Year Together! As I try to scroll up to older chats, I can only reach up to October of 2023, where I want to scroll to my saved chats on February of 2023 of Special Chats I have admired to my Boyfriend! If Snapchat can fix personal direct messages to have a Search Up Date Feature to find specific years and days of saved chats and photos, that would be my lifesaver for the ongoing scrolling up. Whenever I scroll up to December of 2023 of saved chats, the App glitches off to the Home Screen, where I have to start over my scrolling. I wouldn't say I like it when I cannot receive my snaps and chats on a time limit or on a few repeats where I want all my chats to be saved. As I have Snapchat +, I’m disappointed in not finding a faster way to search for chats and images I want to see quickly in minutes than in hours. Thank You, Snapchat, for all the hard work You Do!!! I Love all the features besides the Not automatically saving chats and photos. I appreciate all the rest of the features and the Bigmoji Creativity on this App!
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11 months ago, abn0112
Blatant Privacy Violations
To start, the new AI update is a nuisance, and requiring a paid subscription to Snapchat+ to hide the feature is absolutely ridiculous. My important conversations should not have lower priority than this AI bot that I didn’t want and will never use. Secondly, I was extremely alarmed to open my memories and see that Snapchat was analyzing my entire camera roll to provide “shopping suggestions.” That is a blatant disregard to my privacy, since I never authorized Snapchat to use AI to analyze my camera roll, nor do I want shopping suggestions based off of things I already own. I find it incredibly alarming and disappointing to see that Snapchat is trying to become yet another ecommerce platform. Social media is about connecting with friends, not mindless consumerism and consumption. It’s bad enough that Snapchat has been found guilty of violating biometric data laws in the state of Illinois, but it’s even worse to see that Snapchat cares so little about protecting its users’ privacy that it will sell its users’ own camera roll data just to make a dollar. I have rescinded Snapchat’s ability to access any of my saved photos because of this betrayal of trust, but quite frankly I am considering deleting my entire account because of the direction Snapchat is heading.
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1 year ago, rbux333
Ad death
What is with the insane amount of ads? It’s become ridiculous at this point. Some subscriptions you get 10 seconds of content for 5.99 seconds minimum of advertisement. The worst part is that they’re un-skippable until the time has completed. Is it that hard to add a feature that actually skips the ad after the required time once you’ve already tapped the screen? Or a setting to auto-skip ads once required time is reached (but a button you can tap if you are interested to see the rest)? Way to force people to be glued to their devices and feed the social media addiction that is so prevalent. Like, sometimes I want to enjoy Snapchat stories/subs while I’m busy with my hands but I can’t because it will be stuck on a repeating advertisement or a repeating, 3-minute movie trailer. Smart design but also terrible and I hate you guys for it. I’m sure your investors love it though! I’ve had Snapchat for about a decade and while I love a lot of the features that have been added, it’s just become another social media moneymaking machine. They seem to care more about the profit than the user experience, which is a far cry from where they started. At least Facebook/IG stories doesn’t force their advertisements down your throat, three taps and they’re skipped.
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8 months ago, Kaydawgg2004😀
They won’t unban you even if you didn’t do anything wrong
I’ve used this app for years and even pay for the premium version. It’s always been great and I have never had any issues. At one point my significant other forgot his phone at home so he logged out of my snap account so he could log into his. The second he hit “sign out” my phone received a notification saying I’m “temporarily disabled due to too many sign in attempts”. The issue is, he didn’t even sign in and I had been logged into my account for a very long time… there was not a single sign in attempt yet I was temporarily banned from it. Id be more understanding if the ban was actually temporary, but it’s been months and I still can’t access my Snapchat from my personal phone and I’ve had to use an old junky one in the meantime. I’ve contacted support multiple times about this and they always say there isn’t anything that they can do. They’ve also told me I can unblock it through there website but whenever I do that and get a confirmation email that it’s unblocked, I’m still locked out. And even worse I’m still paying for the premium Snapchat that I can’t even access. I’ve been seeing this issue happening to tons of other people online too but Snapchat isn’t offering any help.
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1 year ago, The coscino kid
Terrible Customer Service
Yesterday, I was permanently locked out of my Snapchat account. 1) Snapchat does not even inform you what action specifically made them lock your account. 2) They block you from submitting a case/appeal if you are permanently locked out, and in my case as well as thousands of others, I know for a fact that I was wrongfully locked out of my account and I can’t even reach out to Snapchat customer support. This makes me believe that Snapchat really doesn’t care about its users. 3) I have thousands of memories dating back to my childhood that I often look through, but now I can never access them again because of this heinous error on Snapchat’s end. I have thoroughly looked through all Snapchat’s Terms of Service and reasons for permanent lockout, and none of them applied to me and I know that for a fact. The only possible thing I could think of was the fact that I was on a public wifi at the time of lockout, but even then, I wasn’t even using the app when they locked me out. Snapchat needs to do better and supply better customer service for me and the thousands of others this has happened to so we can continue using the app to message our friends and look at our old memories. I am extremely upset and disappointed.
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7 months ago, I hate snap now🧍🏾‍♀️😭
Locked Account
I love Snapchat but like my account got locked for “promoting drugs” but wat really happened was ok so my snap was like full of people and this one person was sending me the same picture and basically it had like what the person sells as in drug the person had a whole shop and I told him I shout u out on my story if u do my temu link but I ignored this guy for months until I needed someone to do my temu link and so I shouted him out on my story and I got a warning but when it came up I didn’t have time to read it cuz when it popped up I had already touched the screen so it went away and I got out of snap went to tik tok for a lil then I went back and i was logged out so I was weirded out by that cuz I didn’t remember logging out so I tried logging in them it told me my account was permanently locked so I tried to Appel it and I got an email saying my “Your Appeal is under review” and sum about keep logging in to check and I kept doing that and now all of a sudden ig I lost my account and I literally had the account for years man all my pics all my conversations man I’m so mad bro I lost al of it 😭😭
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2 weeks ago, lexiwinship
My snapchat account of 7 years was deleted, i made it December 25th of 2015.. it is February of 2024.. they decided to permanently lock my snapchat acc and delete it. I had NO WAY to contact them as everything in their support team leads to links. I tried to put in under a different topic not relating to my problem as i could not contact them any other way. They did not answer me. I used an old support desk number, nothing. After 2 days of crying because i had pictures of my siblings since birth, memories of people not alive anymore, and had long lost high school friends and that was the only media i had them on.. i decided to make a new snapchat. i had it for 2 days & DID NOTHING WRONG. my first snapchat account of 7 years i got one report warning, then it was locked. My second account i had for 2 days.. no warning or ANYTHING & it was permanently locked out of the blue. i have sent several emails with NO response. I loved snapchat.. but you’re doing too much & have NO COMMUNICATION platform. Not to mention i am device banned.. for no reason. idk if they are targeting me or what😭 ANYWAYS.. i have convinced my friends to move to other apps and they have agreed & now none of us have it. Until snapchat can give me proper communication i am done with this app :)
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11 months ago, TH3ROUG3SNIP3R
Took them 7 years too ruin something good
Never once really had a problem with Snapchat and I mean that honestly Iv gone 7 years sending snaps receiving running up the snap score doing the streaks. It’s been a blast honestly and perfect running app. But when I decide ok I’m done I don’t need these guys anymore and I decide to make a new account like I would on any other app, for no reason should people on discord or other apps I’m connected to get notified I just made a new account. That defeats the purpose. I created a new account to start over and get away from all the people I was friends with before and the second I add a new account it suggest friends from my old account and not only that Iv gotten 3 people on discord already ask me did I make a new Snapchat account becuse the names are the same. That’s ridiculous. Iv never seen a more social media invasion of privacy and I am Officialy done with Snapchat. Like im sorry but that’s just one of those things we’re it’s like why did you think this was a good option to implement.I don’t see this being a fixable issue in the future either so this isn’t one of this “im gonna say im done and hope they fix it” y’all won’t read this lol. Anyways back to twitter and Facebook I go. Stick with my generation I guess.
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10 months ago, 30852251888
terrible security and terrible at resolving issues
my snapchat has gotten hacked and afterwards i logged into it, changed my password, and tried to enable two step verification but instead i kept getting denied due to “suspicious activity”. i am aware there is suspicious activity that’s why i want two step enabled because my private information was able to be collected from whomever hacked my account. tried twenty times to enable two step and snapchat would not allow me. the person somehow managed to get into my account AGAIN even though i changed the password and still could not enable two step. i ended up putting a request in snapchat (still haven’t gotten a response) and i have set my account to delete. the hacker logged in once again and canceled the deletion because snapchat requires 30 days to delete an account (for what purpose? if i want to delete my account then delete it?) so i had to once again change the password (still couldn’t enable two step) and i set it to delete again. hacker hasn’t logged in yet but i’m hoping they don’t log in and cancel the deletion. snapchat get better security and get an actual helpline besides your bull ‘fill out a form’ customer service because people’s personal information is at risk
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4 months ago, Duramax_420
Worst app got banned for no reason
I’ve been on this app for a long time never had an issue until recently I got banned for harassment bullying no warning given never made or did this I put in multiple of approvals and email request no help whatsoever. I had that account for years I made a new one and got banned again for drug content. I don’t do drugs I am a retired jail officer never done drugs in my life this app used to be a good app, but they will not fix the feature of people getting banned for no reason you can’t get help. There’s no customer service I am banned through my IP address lotta memories and a lot of people I can’t see or talk to anymore because of this issue I see people doing drugs, smoking weed, and all kinds of other stuff and their accounts are up but the people that don’t do nothing wrong are the ones getting targeted this is unfair and uncalled for too many users people that join your app should be respected unless they’re doing something against community guidelines not once did I do anything then I was somehow proven for doing drug content. Once again, I don’t do drugs. This is so unfair to multiple of people that don’t do nothing wrong get rid of the AI and the banning issue taken care of this stuff is so uncalled for do better, Snapchat
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5 months ago, SOS / By maddie 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
there i was thinking everything would be normal, walking down the long seemingly endless path. But when i heard a gun shot , i knew this couldn’t be good. I looked to my left, i looked to my right. Next thing i was running through a dark and sketchy alley. I see an end as in running, where would i go. I stand there, not knowing what to do next as i hear a gun shot fire into the air. It seemed like right behind me. “He's right behind me isn't he,” I said, wanted to break down crying on the concrete floor. As i turn around i see a bug bulky figure. What in the world- What the flip is this. I think to myself. I look at ITS shoes, then i make my way up the figures body eyeing it up and down. Was this really what was causing all the ruckus?! I hurry up and open my phone, that was the only thing i could do. Snapchat was opened , but i noticed , something was off, i went to my bitemoji , there it was the deformed figure standing right in-front of me. This cant be happening. I think to myself. “TAKE ME! TAKE ME! “ I plead. The final thing i heard was a loud gun shot. There i was floating up to heaven as i saw many other people laying on the streets with a bitemoji supposed to be them standing right in-front of them. TAKE AWAYS - Snapchat please change back the bit emojis to how they used to be.
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