
4.8 (15.4M)
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TikTok Ltd.
Last update
7 months ago
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11.0 or later
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User Reviews for TikTok

4.76 out of 5
15.4M Ratings
3 months ago, nimo402
Can watch it all day, so entertaining I can post my own things but I wish you didn’t have to have 1000 followers to go live because I really want to go live but I don’t have 1000 followers yet but still create experience I love TikTok like make my own videos one of my favorite apps actually not lying but you also doubt I’m telling you, so I’m not trying to say you should really buy the app because it is a little addicting cause like sometimes I just don’t know and don’t know what’s going on while I am watching TikTok, but still the best I have my friend’s TikTok, my mom’s TikTok, my dad’s TikTok, my cousins TikTok, so you can communicate and TikTok to but the good thing about it is you have to be following each other? So that’s much safer in my opinion but thank you TikTok for letting me write this with you. I’m sorry it’s so long, but I had to share my feelings with you guys if you want to buy this app with money but I do love tick-tock can I can post about my day my life sometimes or some funny memes that is all I have to say sorry that I have to meet you read that, but that is my opinion obviously and how I feel about you see how I use the letter I mean me, myself, and I are, but thank you for reading this review it was a very long, so sorry bye-bye and if you’re wondering I gave TikTok rating a five
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3 years ago, Zanna .
Social Work student here!
For all of the hype that surrounds TikTok, it is an incredibly interesting app that plays a major role in the life of most adolescents today. It can create unique spaces of community on the app, and provide content for people to talk about, share, and bond over outside the app itself. However, from my own experience, I would rate the app a 3 out of 5. The fact that the For You page provides a constant stream of new content is a brilliant design choice to get people to spend longer on the app, it can often feel like the user does not have agency over what they are seeing. Additionally, fears about being on a different ‘side’ of TikTok than peers could be a source of stress or concern for some adolescents, adding to potential mental health effects social media can have. Most of the design of the app is intuitive once the user has been on it for a little bit, and while the privacy settings are not front-and-center, they are available so that adolescents can have the content that they view tailored somewhat to not include inappropriate content and to promote healthy app usage, but allowing a parent to have potential control over being able to extend time using the app must feel like an invasion of their privacy. However, without an external source of monitoring, it can be very easy for adolescents, as well as adults, to become compulsive TikTok users who only find sporadic joy from the content they watch.
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4 months ago, AphroditeXD
Tiktok is great. I love that you can just scroll and take your mind off stuff. And it stays up to date. And one of my favorite parts is that you can scroll past ads. It’s not just some trap for money. However, I have some complaints. Firstly, I did not allow access to my contacts and it still very clearly uses them. It may be in the terms and conditions, but I find that very violating. Secondly, reports. The TikTok moderators never take into account the context of a comment when you report it. And often times, I will report something for very clearly violating something, and nothing happens. I have also had comments removed before, yet brought right back because they were wrong to remove it. The TikTok moderators do not do their job properly. Too many people get stuff removed for no reason, and too many people don’t get stuff removed when it should be. There needs to be an option to actually type a message when you appeal to plead your case. And there also needs to be a way to appeal a report when it doesn’t go through, because clearly someone doesn’t know what they are doing. I have seen someone get banned simply for existing, and yet I report a video for literally having M-rated content with blood and guts, and yet it has “no violations”. Same thing with harming animals. Or just harmful content that is meant to bring others down. This app either needs to remove reporting, or do their job. I am really getting upset with the reporting feature.
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2 years ago, Taylor's Playlist
Oh no. The moderation system. It’s broken!
I’ve been on TikTok since 2019 and it has its ups and downs. I had a some videos go viral which is pretty cool, but the algorithm is so unpredictable sometimes that most of my content is barely seen even with the use of trends and huge amounts of effort. My biggest complaint though is how broken the moderation system is. It’s unusually strict and even unpredictable. Even when I follow guidelines I still get content taken down, which is confusing and frustrating. On other platforms such as Twitter, Insta, etc., I have never gotten any of my content taken down or flagged ever. I’ve had several TikToks taken down for unknown reasons and the reasons listed are usually vague or wildly incorrect. For example, I used a fake animal prop and it was taken down for “violence” even though I made a disclaimer in the video stating it was a prop and no actual animals were harmed. Despite this, my appeal got rejected so I emailed customer service, which itself is a whole other headache to deal with. It took them WEEKS to respond and all they did was give me a generic response to click the appeal link, which I already told them that I did. It’s as if they didn’t read the actual email at all. Overall, I feel like I have to walk on eggshells now when I post content. It takes the joy out of it. TikTok, if you’re actually reading this, PLEASE fix this. You are literally hurting the community’s content creators.
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1 year ago, keeley black
Honest opinion
Hello, not that my name matters but my name is Keeley and this is my first ever time reviewing something but I just thought maybe it will catch someone’s eye and maybe help them. When joining this app, you will experience creative, honest, funny, and tons of different videos. You like the videos you like lost and it creates a for you page for you. But, it will never create a comment section for you. So, there will never ever be a comment section where everyone is nice to each other. You will experience hatred, hate speech, online cyber bullying, and more. I ask whoever is reading this because they’re scrolling for fun or they want to actually know what it is like to have the app. There is hatred, and it is social media. Every social media is full of it and might effect you in a way you won’t even realize. Tiktok is an amazing app, because it requires age restrictions to keep children safe, it requires a lot of safety so kids don’t get hurt. But, if you’re a mother looking at reviews to see if it’s safe for you child, then do not let them get it. Because you shouldn’t have to look through a review to see if a SOCIAL MEDIA app is good for them, because it is not. There are also videos on here that don’t belong on here. It is not kid or even adult friendly sometimes. I’m going to end the review here because I just kind of thought it would help, if anyone sees this. I’ll add onto it later, good bye and good luck! - 2022
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2 years ago, fkxjudiwofk
I spend 13 hours a day on this app
I never do reviews for apps, but I must for this one because I’ve never been more entertained and worse more time on a single individual app like I have TikTok!! It’s jus so fun and entertaining, so many dif kinda people on there si everything is hand made for every single person to find similar interest to their own and each account holder/tik tok user has their for you page, which are page(s) curated to each individuals interest etc; I must say the curation and accuracy of the algorithm of this app is right up their with Twitter; but I’d say even better/high than Twitter. Twitter gets pretty repetitive, that’s why I love tik tok; TikTok is always showing brand-new stuff all the time and doesn’t repeat interests!! Such as for; it doesn’t repeat anything you’ve liked or interacted with, even the ads are new every time but you will have your occasional “oh I’ve seen this one before” ad! AD; not video!! Video is always brand new never seen before, content is always updated and curated to you personally daily!! I love this app I could on & on; Long sorry short; this app never misses; you’ve got your favorite personal interest; updated daily with a humongous variety; top tier comedy on this platform too; it’s the main social platform these days. 10/10
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2 years ago, xbjxjdndndn
And getting banned
I keep getting banned for no reason on this app and I’m getting sick of tired of it I want just a regular account that gets abuse I don’t want no banding processes in my account I hate how my account gets banned every single time I make a new account and now I can’t even make a new account what should I do I ran out of resources and I just don’t know what to do I wish the banding thing was never there so I can just have a normal TickTock account I know it’s there for safety reasons that TickTock has a band button or a record button but people are using it for a vantage to make people get banned for no reason it’s a good app that I read it a 4 i’m just saying like the band in the report button thing is not good just don’t report people for no reason report people if they’re doing bad things or abusing or something like that i’m not trying to do anything to TikTok I would just like them to do something with the band and important but and help me get my account back this band button got me banned four times and I’m getting sick of tired of people banding people for no reason it’s just not fair I feel like they’re just jealous of our followers and it’s getting on my nerves how people just keep banding us we shouldn’t be banned for this I know I’m 12 but like I would just like to not have my account banned by people that think it’s funny
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1 year ago, Purpnugsgurl
I amOk with it
I wish tiktok wouldn’t suppress my videos so mcun. Ppl report me and most are all restored I’m am trying to word my replies better but those restored violations are still counted and because of that I can’t get certain features and other things. I’m viewed as a mean or bad person when I’m not. So if they stopped counting restored content as a violation that would be better for so many. Also stop taking videos of ppl defending themselves against bullies down and then calling them the bully because that’s mean. Maybe if you let me get views and actually let me a creator I could make better content but you push my videos to people who hate me rather than my own followers or ppl who would be more interested in my content and then bo one likes anything I post because they send my stuff to old white racist men who don’t like me and that’s not fair either. We also need to stop putting automatic sounds on the filters that’s annoying! We need to be able to have harrassing commenters get punished rather than punishing the creators video! Punish the abuser ! The commenter the reporter! I’d really like this app if it weren’t so biased and allows so much hate but the second we do anything to defend that hate we get called the bully and our video is taken down. Soemthing needs to be done
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4 months ago, CatKnipND
Great app
TikTok, like any social media, has its users /influencers that like to show off. It also has its trolls and troublemakers as well as those that like to steal others’ content as their own. However, I feel that it does more good than harm. I’m disabled and can’t move around easily. I also can’t drive. As a result, I can’t get out and meet people. TikTok allows me to meet and communicate with those that share my interests. I like to crochet and there are numerous groups, at all times of the day and night, that I can spend time with. I also am able to explore the cosmos thanks to streamers like Professor Nyx and See The Skies, who share what they see through their telescopes. Professor Nyx is a real professor and is a wealth of knowledge that he loves to share. Because of my disability and fixed income, I’ll never be able to afford to go to Disney World or Disneyland. However, thanks to the generosity of various streamers, I can vicariously experience both parks with them. I also get a good laugh every day thanks to posters that share the funny moments with their pets and families with the rest of us. For instance, this past summer, we had the great chicken wars. There are also several places that rescue donkeys that share their funny exploits and loving moments. Well worth investing a bit of your day.
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11 months ago, Cracker jack sack
Love TikTok!
Oh, I absolutely love this app. I don’t think I have ever had an app that has made me cry, bust out laughing. Be aware of things going on around the world being so connected to so many people and I’m not afraid of anything personal that I haven’t chose to share getting breached or stolen from me I feel tick-tock is a secure app. I’ve seen so much good things come out of the TikTok app just the camaraderie the coming together of everyone if I’m having a very busy or stressful day this is my way to download I can get on here. Scroll through my search algorithm shows me the things I want to see I have the option for not saying something by saying not interested and it doesn’t show up on my feed which I love, unlike Facebook or meta-anytime somebody that I am connected to like somethings are showing up in my feed. It’s so annoying it’s nothing but ads anymore. TikTok is not TikTok is a happy place. It’s a place that you can just be yourself you can share what you’re feeling share the things you like the things you love and just be connected. It’s just a way to get away from the day today stresses when you want to download just have a laugh or maybe even cry I hope this upstairs up I hope there’s no censorship with it. I think that TikTok has done a wonderful job.
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4 months ago, Concerned scroller
This app used to be fun before they started peddling constant LIVES or someone trying to sell me something all over my FYP. It never stops. The app will constantly show me LIVES of someone selling blankets, hairbrushes, terrible wigs etc. and sometimes it’s just a person staring in to the camera without saying anything about what they are selling. TikTok does have a feature for you to say you are uninterested in the LIVES however that only last 10 minutes before the same exact LIVE is again being shown to me. Every time minutes I’m being bombarded with useless items trying to be sold to me. TikTok is so consumed with suppressing real world events and silencing creators from rightfully using their platform and voices to create change and spread knowledge to those who don’t know and could help that they’ve let this once great platform full of useful information, life changing/saving hacks and a good time in to an app that wants to do nothing but silence the youth of today and “keep us in our places” so that the status quo may be upheld while we the people of the world continue to to suffer. So no TikTok, I don’t want to buy a fake toy from a fake manufacturer on your platform. I want to continue to share life changing information with my peers and spread awareness for things that really matter and continue building relations with people I never would have encountered otherwise.
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2 months ago, Z-Phoric
Tik Tok went down hill.
I’ve used this app for 3 years now, and I can tell you that the algorithm has gradually became so stagnant. But that’s the way the developers want it, and I’ll explain. You post a video, you will get a couple hundred views, and about a guaranteed 10% likes. The algorithm is pushing your content to people that don’t care to see what you post. They want us to use hashtags, and many have millions of views, but we only get a couple hundred at best? They’re purposely hold you back unless you pay yo promote your videos. I would if I was promoting product, for marketing reasons. It’s turning into a shopping app, rather than what it started out as. The algorithm based off your likes and content you want to see also gets stagnant. You will see the same things over and over, like one video, they shove a creator in your face a few more times within 10 videos.. it’s just odd. You can’t quite discover new or be discovered like you use to. I also love the hypocrisy of their “community guidelines”.. if you tell someone to go F themselves, because they’re bullying you and saying mean things. Hurtful things. It doesn’t matter. If they report you first their provocation leading up to them crying and reporting me, is justified, allowed, and protected. This has happened a few times. Bullying is allowed on this app. Don’t be fooled. My time on this app is most likely going to end soon. It’s becoming like the rest. A boring, growth stunting, cesspool.
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12 months ago, tips#
it’s okay.
i’ve just downloaded tiktok again because it wouldn’t let me log in even though all my information was correct. i researched online to see what the problem with logging in was, and the top statement was to delete it, so i did. i tried doing that about 3 times in a row and it still kept saying “unable to authorize”. at this point, i just restart my phone and after that it logs me in my account. the problem now is that when i want to search, watch videos, create tiktoks, the app always says “no internet connection” or “no network connection” and i’m super annoyed by this because i’ve tried turning my phone on and off, i tried turning my WiFi on and off, i tried having my cellular WiFi on, and yet, no luck. i research about it more, and it says to delete the app or update it. i cant update it because it already is, so i delete the app. i tried over 3 times to log in, and i finally do. the super big problem is that i cant watch or do anything because of my “internet” causing this problem. although, my ipad has tiktok and is connected to the same account information, WiFi, and everything and it works great. i can search for this on tiktok fine, i can choose sounds fine, i can make tiktok’s fine, but on my iphone i cannot. anyone let me know if you have any tips or tricks i can do to solve this problem without me having to delete the app. :)
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3 years ago, jeonku
okay like can you please make an option where you can select followers and remove them? i have recently gone private because i now want to lay low and keep everything to myself. i have over 1000, i want to keep about 20 and it’s hard to go one by one and tap each one and remove them. another suggestion that goes along with this one is for when you want to go private, there should be a feature/question that’s like “do you want to keep all your followers? yes / no” and if someone picks no, there would be a list of all the followers and the person can select the ones they want to keep or remove. this would be a LOT easier. also i want to unlink my number to an account, so i could use it for another. it’s so dumb, you know that feature you recently added where you can hop on to another account without having to logout, kind of the instagram one, why cant i connect my phone number there? please please !! let there be an option to delete all your videos at once. i don’t understand, like two years ago tiktok deleted all of my old videos and now they’re back? i don’t want to have to delete them manually!! please make an option to delete all your videos at once or a select multiple option as well.
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2 years ago, Nanamills51
I like tiktok a lot better than Fb
I can say what I feel about what I don’t like about what the president is doing to our country without being band from my account. I can say how I feel about my love for Jesus and not get band. I can say how I feel about my fears of the Covid and without getting band from my account. I can say how I feel about my fear of getting the vaccine shot without getting band from my account. At first I was completely against getting the shot, but after I was aloud to hear all sides . I decided to get them. I was completely against them to start with simply because Biden ,dr foulice ,( I know I didn’t spell his name right but I don’t care) and Harris are soo dishonest , with us , and flat out lied to the American people so much that we couldn’t and can’t trust a word they say! Then he starts to demand us to get it while letting everyone at the border walk in with nothing. He has shown the American people that he doesn’t care about us at all, if we live or die while he gives everything to anyone coming in at the borders. So thank you for letting me be able to make videos expressing how I feel! I am a Born again Christian, and I love my God given Freedom of speech! I’m 70 years old so I’m ready to go to Heaven, it’s a shame Biden isn’t! Thank you so much tiktok
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1 year ago, tiktok rating app.
my review personally.
I love tiktok bro, I spent everyday scrolling. But what annoys me sm. Is when i try to make a tiktok and it says access to camera and microphone, but when I go to settings I don’t have the camera or microphone to access it. So I can’t make videos/save videos. And as well is when I report something that has a girl actually breastfeeding with her shirt halfway down and you can see. They don’t take it down. They take down videos that are not against the community guidelines like harassment/nudity/etc. they don’t take that down they take down fun/no problem/not against anything/ etc. they need to get better community guidelines and more let’s say stricter, on videos. I got banned on my account for being underage. Although I know that’s against community guidelines your really worrying about kids underage more than videos that have nudity/harassment/gore/etc. I don’t think I’m your problem, plus I’m pretty sure you should change the age to at least 10+ What is great ———————- Is that tiktok never gets boring for me and I think the best decision was to make a “repost” button. I’ve reposted sm videos that I relate to. There’s not a lot that’s great, I just like watching videos like (GRWM’s) aka (get ready with me) videos, and story’s that people post, and many things. The videos are the main point of the app. And it’s great.
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1 year ago, love yourself please
So personally I think it’s a really great and functional app, but there are some downsides which is why it’s a 3 star review. My friends repost video that they relate to or that are funny, but some are really serious. They repost BAD mental health videos and just knowing your friends are going through something similar, putting on a smile when they’re really not okay. And getting exposed to that kind of content ruins your own mental health. Also seeing depressing videos make others people relate and get sucked into this whole other world where they thing their ugly, everyone hates them, their not good enough, basically no self love whatsoever. I personally have learned about new things that have harmed myself. For example eating disorders, I have a eating disorder now because of tiktok/social media because they make you belive you have to be skinny, have an hourglass body, have clear skin, smooth skin, pretty hair, EVERYTHING. I also would like to say I learned about sh which is self harm and now I have it because once you get exposed to it you tend to get sucked into wanting to do it, then a few seconds later boom I have a bunch of red marks in my arms, would buy clothes to fit in even when I hated wearing them. Tiktok made me hate the way I look. So yes it is toxic if you get pulled into this type of situation. But other then that it’s good!! You can learn life hacks, cooking and much more!!
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1 year ago, roblox ! :)
my opinion on Roblox..
My opinion on Roblox is is that it’s alright. Just needs to be fixed a bit, I really like Roblox because you can make a ton of new friends and it’s great, but some people can leak your address and find out where you live. That’s the dangerous thing about it. Something I don’t appreciate is that you can say “hi” or “hey” and still get banned, I don’t appreciate that. I once have said “ hello “ to a friend I have met online and got banned for 3 days. Roblox is a pretty good game but can also damage your vision. I’m not trying to act like a pick me but I assume you should wear glasses. I give Roblox 4 stars because of all of the issues. Another issue that probably all the robloxians hate is when Roblox will randomly have an issue, unexpectedly. You can be playing something and it will kick u out and u have to sign back into your account. This needs to be fixed. The good thing about Roblox is that it is very fun , and u can have a blast on this app. I really like Roblox but not the issues. Roblox is a very nice app and me and my friends will be on it a couple hours of the day, whenever we are bored. I also like that there are a ton of mini games to choose from. Games like royale high , adopt me , Bloxburg , put a finger down , the mimic , and ALOT more. I think you should download the app if you shouldn’t , but please.. be careful.
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4 months ago, Johnny......
Best thing to ever to Grace this world .. So many lives have changed for the better ........ Better than that annoying Facebook crap .. ...TikTok rules ….truly 🔥🔥🔥🔥hot …Don’t even watch the overpriced cable anymore straight to TikTok Love u guys……. TikTok ….has BECOME the next streaming entity !!!!…..Love to stream and this platform has progressed to containing the BEST moments of streaming……. If I have to pay $$$ rather it be for tiktok which is far more entertaining…….. TIKTOK HANDS DOWN …HOLDS THE WORLDS TITLE AS THE BEST EVER ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS PLATFORM …… should have their own CRYPTO….!!!!!!! …… take a bow 🌺🌺🌺 Everyone this is the new entertainment addiction!!!!!! Nothing else compares ….. oh yeah and the competition knows it ……. Shhhhhh even the competition is on TikTok’s 👍👍👍👍👍👍 Don’t know if TikTok’s aware there you all have no competition……..!! Now take over the world 🌎!!!! OMGGGGGG Thank u for the easy ordering products online thru tiktok….. THE MOST AMAZING GADGETS and typical products …… Simple to order and we don’t get scammed ……..let’s gooooooo create online catalog !!!!!! TikTok’s unstoppable!!!!Tiktok it’s time u get into digital currency since the worlds headed this way ….. Thank u for the amazing cooking Tiktoks…. Learned some NEW AND AMAZING RECIPES!!!!!!!!!Tiktoks unstoppable….. so amazing I can’t paraphrase any of my comments….. just ♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏love this APP
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2 years ago, enhpad13
The app is astounding, but...
I love TikTok; it is one of my favorite apps. However, TikTok randomly asked me to confirm my age, for some reason (which wouldn’t normally bother me because I had already confirmed it before), so I confirmed my age. I put in my real date of birth (I’m 13 years old) and TikTok made my account private, made it to where people are unable to duet, stitch, or download my videos, and I can neither send nor receive messages. I completely understand that TikTok doesn’t want young children to get access to the app and post videos with their face or make unintelligent choices, but I have not done anything against TikTok’s policies or spread any negative energy. I am unable to send videos and messages to my friends or receive videos and messages from my friends. This has also happened to one of my old friends; someone reported him for being under the age limit (he is 13 years old) and TikTok private’s his account. I completely understand if you want people who are 13 years of age or younger to have privacy and not share personal information, but it doesn’t make sense that there are only some people (around 13 years old) that are being forced to have their accounts private’s when others do not also have to go through this. Thank you for taking the time to read this (I will change my star-rating to a 5/5 stars if this issue is fixed).
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1 year ago, Daddy Milagro
Ok Social Media App for sharing video
The app could definitely use better customer support. If you own the right to audio material and it is flagged as copy written by mistake the audio will be removed and appealing the decision usually does not result in the mistake being corrected. Terms of service are often violated due to inexplicable mistakes on behalf of whatever algorithm TikTok uses to filter content. The app has a problem with illegal content that is harmful to minors surfacing and being widely shared before it is reported and taken down. There is a problem with the algorithm favoring White content creators over Black content creators. When you report racist material that targets African Americans it is usually not removed or addressed but if you make a video addressing aforementioned racist content as an African American content creator your response is often taken down due to violating the exact terms of service you are trying to bring attention to. Overall the app has potential but the racism on the platform and content that is dangerous to minors means that users need to be monitored by parents or guardians if they are not adults. Hopefully there will be a similar app with a much better algorithm that will surface in the near future and replace this one making TikTok obsolete.
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2 years ago, aelyn r
Great app
Tiktok is a very famous app and has entertaining content that you can find on your fyp. There are some videos that aren’t appropriate for kids under the age of 11, but in order to fix this, you can restrict time limits and what videos they can see. If your kid is super addicted to tiktok, or is on the app 24/7, deleting the app or account is not the solution. This has happened to me once, on accident. I thought tiktok was deleted and I was really sad because tiktok was my favorite app and I watched it a lot and made many videos on my account. Parents, don’t delete their accounts or apps. Don’t go farther then that. If you go on tiktok settings, you can set time limits and restrictions and you can set it to where your kid can see videos appropriate for THEIR age. Don’t scroll through your kids phone, even I they look worried or guilty that your scrolling on it, they are not always doing something bad in it or inappropriate things. Sometimes they are just nervous you’ll delete the app or account, or lose their online friendships. You can also download tiktok so you can see what your kid posts, and gain them a new follower ! Anyway, the tiktok app is amazing and you can make many friends on this app and express your feelings and post about your life, or maybe gaming! Overall, I love tiktok and this app is amazing!
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2 years ago, vee33$
I love tiktok
Hi my name on tiktok is mosthated_vee34 and I am so in love with this app only thing I have a big problem with is the fact we get banned for things we really didn’t do and blocked and I really feel it’s not fair the community guidelines are kinda destroying people pages because it’s people like me who work hard to build they page and keep being blocked and banned for no reason the kids and the adults who act like kids and the fake pages are taking over and it’s hurting and affecting a lot of great creators like myself I feel like banning people pages should not be a option especially when we over 10k followers we work hard to build our pages and we don’t intentionally try to hurt or harm anyone but then people really say a lot of mean things to us when we are live I had people wish death on my kids and me call me trans sexual and I’m a girl and we not suppose to defend our peace or ourselves but they can come on our live and say rude and mean things to us I have been blocked for someone calling me the N word and it really hurts cause I wanna turn this into a career and I’m being held back by fake pages and crazy rude people please help us creators who are there for what it is have some type of peace other than that I love it thumbs up
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3 years ago, Titanic lover!!!!
Great app but I have a suggestion/issue
I enjoy using TikTok I’m already at 4K and it is fun to use but the issue is and Ik it may be a need sometimes but I want unfollowing to not be a thing anymore it takes away a lot of confidence for me to be able to make videos and I’m being unfollowed for no reason even if I post or if I say I’m taking a break and when I say I’m taking a break bc somethings going on I’m being serious and people unfollowing me for it makes me feel like they don’t care that something’s going on.I am really tired of it and it makes me feel like I’m not good enough anymore and if I lose enough confidence I’ll end up not being able to make videos for other people anymore. I don’t even make offensive videos or anything I hate it when I reload my page my followers went down once or twice and there isn’t even a reason why I need to be unfollowed and it does honestly make me upset I really hope it’ll stop being a thing I like entertaining people but if they keep unfollowing it’ll take away confidence and there won’t be anything new on my page. :/ but otherwise fun to use I would recommend getting if you are bored but beware time flies by really fast when using so if you have somewhere to go I would be careful lol 😅.
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4 years ago, Maeve Ranaan
Great app but alot has changed..
I LOVE TikTok! It made me have better relationships with my friends and it genuinely helped me become a more confident person. But over the past few months things have started to change, and not in a good way. TikTok has stopped put Lgbtq+ and comedy videos on the FYP. (People call this “shadow banning”) Instead of funny videos and videos that make me smile, I find myself feeling trapped on TikTok. I use TikTok to express myself and have a laugh once in a while, but now all I see is politics and inappropriate dancing. There are only a few good videos and everyone hates on them. I miss old TikTok, where if I was sad I could feel happy. If I was insecure, I would learn that I wasn't alone. And I know its great to spread awareness and share the news, but I’m always getting in arguments over who’s political views are correct. This app is mean’t for children and teens. It’s supposed teach you how to spread positivity. Most if the time I learn about dangers in the world faster than my parents. Most if the people on this app are too young to be into politics, including me. (I am 13) And yes, we should know whats going in the world, but not nearly half of the things shown on the FYP (For you page). I loved this app, but I’m starting to drift away because of its new content.
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6 months ago, ThatRed.SS: TkTk
Why TikTok can be Good and Bad for the car community purposes!!
TikTok is a popular social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos. It has become a popular platform for car enthusiasts to showcase their cars and share their passion for all things automotive. However, TikTok can be both great and bad for the car community for several reasons. On the positive side, TikTok provides a platform for car enthusiasts to connect and share their love for cars. It allows them to showcase their cars, share tips and tricks, and learn from other enthusiasts. It also allows them to connect with a larger audience and gain exposure for their content. On the negative side, TikTok can also be a breeding ground for misinformation, dangerous stunts, and reckless driving. Some users may post videos of themselves driving recklessly or performing dangerous stunts, which can give the car community a bad reputation. Additionally, some users may spread false information about cars or car maintenance, which can be harmful to both cars and their owners. Overall, TikTok can be a great tool for connecting with other car enthusiasts and sharing your love for cars. However, it's important to use the platform responsibly and avoid dangerous stunts or spreading false information.
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1 year ago, shaggy and scobby
Tiktok Is disgusting they are allowing children to be exploited by their family. They are allowing a child to be groomed by the internet. And though they have nothing to do with it. They need to ban the accounts with children in them period. These children have no idea what their families are truly doing to them. As in the wren Eleanor situation, she has no idea what her mother is putting online. Shes just 3 years old and is having fun being filmed. She has no idea there are creeps on the internet saving her videos and doing who knows what with them. Just as the other kids on tiktok and instagram and really any kind of social media app, have no idea what the comments mean. There are ppl saying they are gonna kidnap a child. They are literally grooming children, and tiktok is allowing it. They love to ban just dancing videos (ones of adults), but when it comes to a child getting groomed by predators on the internet they are no where to be found?! It’s honestly disgusting these accounts are still up. And for any mother or father who runs across this, please i am begging you take your children off social media. Their lives need to be private until they are old enough to even understand what the concept of internet means, meaning a 6 year old is NOT old enough for the internet, any kid under 13 just shouldn't be on the internet. And even 13 year olds don't need to post themselves, there are predators please protect your children.
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2 years ago, SweetBBW63
Review Erased?
I did submit a review and I never did see it pop up on here and then I looked again and saw it was gone. I have been waiting a couple days now since my life was banned. The reason they banned me was far from the truth as I do not drink and I do not smoke and I do not have any artillery. It seems that you were guilty until proven innocent and they really don’t respond to you whenever you submit anything to support and asked to know why or what happened so you know what it was. People can have a vendetta against you or they can feel threatened and then just report you and then you’re just shut down. This happened to me two Sundays ago and then it was removed and seeing that nothing was done on my part and then sure enough another week rolls around and on another Sunday the same thing happened and now it has taken days on the appeal. There needs to be a better process and I don’t think that it’s fair. I do think that TikTok is an excellent platform but they really need to work on customer service and personal interaction. I do agree with one review that I saw on here, where they said that they believe that if they don’t like you for whatever reason whether it is personal parents or whether you’re able to entertain the executives; or whether you’re able to bring in money, then this happens quite often until you are completely banned forever. What is society. What a horrible society.
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11 months ago, Singin87
Catered education, entertainment, and activism
TikTok for myself is first and foremost an entertainment app. What’s amazing about it is how it’s algorithm will personally cater your feed to your interests and inevitably lead you to educational content that you are genuinely interested in and want to know more about. With plenty of opportunities to go down any rabbit hole you receive well paced breaks from related content and even have moments when the app, get this, suggests you take a break and come back later. What started as an app teaching an entire generation how to express themselves in dance has turned into self help, political activism, crowd funding, mental health care, and an amazing fluid way to transfer ideas and of course the most amazing pet and animal videos that will take you on a well regulated entertainment journey. Thank you for your contributions to supporting the LGBTQIA and minority communities via your app and for promoting a more worldly perspective. We are all on this one planet together and I hope Tik-Tok can help us all band together to protect it, educate ourselves, and share ourselves and our ideas with each other! Truly this is my favorite app on my phone and I encourage everyone to take advantage of this amazing algorithm! Find your people and follow your curiosities!
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5 months ago, godzilla_1014
I still haven’t gotten a feedback and people are really true that they do not even respond or help you when there you try to reactivate your account and soon its going to be permanently banned and deleted and I have some really important stuff on there and it will be deleted on 11/15 so i hope it will be up sooner or faster because I need to get on there and save my videos and I have some really important friends on that app and they don’t go to my school and I don’t have the number so idk what to do when It gets banned so it better get reactivated faster I hope that they fix it Becuase I don’t want to lose the fun memories with my friends and also it made me put 12 when I tried to put 14 for my age so it permanently banned me so I’m trying my best to get it reactivated so I can get back on my account and it’s been like a whole day already and it wanted my id identity and I’m young so I didn’t wanted to put my information onto a app so when it autocorrected to 9 not 14 and now it got banned so they better reactivate my account soon and bye my account name is gxdzill_1014autmn and it said that I was banned so now I’m trying to get my account back to have all my memories with my friends so pls reactivate it thank you if you do
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5 months ago, Lovermusic4ever
Honestly helped my mental health
This might sound silly but the FYP really is for YOU. Once I realized I was in a bad headspace and started working on myself as a person all together, I got on positive side of tiktok. So many down to earth people making content that not only helps me but others. So many comments “I needed this today” I know most people see tiktok as some dancing joking app but it genuinely has helped me feel less alone, gave me more ideas to further myself mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I feel more in touch with my true self than I ever have and I am honestly so grateful for this platform. The fact I am able to see every day people just like me talk about their vulnerable moments and that I am able to share content that I create. Yes it can be hard sometimes to get off the app because there is so much content that is wonderful to see but I believe there is an option to put a limit for yourself so you don’t spend too much of your day on here. I never thought I’d be writing a review for any app but I really do wanna put it out there this app is not just for jokes or dancing, although if you’re interested in that stuff I’m positive it’s on there for you. There’s something for everyone on Tiktok regardless of who you are.
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4 months ago, 1boss chiefs
Tik tok
I want change my number to name please love my tik tok I want get more followers so I can go live the gift are so great. Like be positive good vibes love everyone stay safe have trouble doing up dates I really enjoy TikTok. I really would like to change my name from Carol instead of using my real name so I don’t know when you will let me do that but I would like to change it. Maybe you can send me a link or contact me on how to change my name on my profile and on my videos besides Carol. I would like to change my name and not use my real name. Do I have to sign in and re-sign and & out to change it if you could help me that would be nice. Thanks TikTok for doing awesome job. I would like to change my name instead I have an any number or Carol. I want to change it I do not know how I would appreciate it if you would give me a link or someway to do it. Thanks for the great job you do on TikTok, keeping us all safe. Thanks, TikTok. So when I can change my name from a number to a unique name that I want to change it to I tried to change my name from a number and it will not let me. I don’t understand why I Fowler, all the guidelines, and I have respect for everyone and I have respect for the people that runs TikTok. Thank you so much happy Thanksgiving.
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12 months ago, By far the best!!!
Great for content creators but….
Great platform to grow on. Their algorithm works well to reach audiences that want to follow and like your content but… their review process is very annoying. I do motorcycle content (@_OtherAdam_) safety content and funny skits but they seem to hate motorcycles and always flag my videos. My last video didn’t even have a reason, it just said community guidelines. I have tested their review process and I guess it depends on the person that gets to see judge your video and their views. For example it’s as if my videos often fall on the desk of a reviewer that hates motorcycles so they are just inclined to deamplify my video. So when I upload the same video twice. One will get removed because someone who reviewed it thought it was dangerous and the other one will go viral because someone reviewed it and didn’t feel it was dangerous. I’ve been dealing with this for 2 years on TikTok and have 230k followers so I’ve had time to come up with these conclusions. It has to be the only explanation since their customer service is non existent and you’re completely unable to get a hold of anyone regarding a issue. Other then that, it’s a great platform for going viral and most likely the best place to start if you want to be a content creator. TikTok please fix your review process. It’s terrible.
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2 years ago, MrsProdigyz
So Frustrating/Rigged
I Love this App for many reasons, one of them being my ability to creat art! But I have been on the app since it was Musically (over 4 years now). I’m Almost Positive that the app is rigged to only push sexually explicit content, already famous people’s content, or people who have money to pay for their content to be pushed. The app is high school popularity in virtual form. There are so many deserving creators that go unseen on the app including me. I have practically worked two full time jobs trying to create original content that actually means something & constantly go unseen on the FYP, & cannot build my account! No matter how many tips & tricks you follow on this app you won’t go anywhere unless you can meet TikTok’s popularity standards! At this point it makes me wanna rid of the app all together & bring all my friends & family that joined because of my referral with me! Big accounts get bigger for doing nothing while small creators work their back sides off to wow people just to find out Tiktok is never gonna let any of your content go viral. Doesn’t matter how inspirational, kind, or creative it is! If you are drop dead beautiful, have money, or post half naked stuff. Tiktok will not push your content. I have wasted three years & I highly suggest no one else starts if your time and energy matter to you! Luck of the draw my a$$$
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6 months ago, crvazquez
People are amazing
I discovered TikTok during quarantine…. At first I watched “funny videos” about puppies. But it very quickly became a tool to learn. Political events, BLM, covid etc. I feel like it was the first time I could understand and see what people were actually going through. It helped me navigate my emotions and figure out how I could contribute to the world… our country…. My neighbors. It’s taught me what truth looks like and how untruthful the powers that be are. My grout lines are immaculate, I fixed my dryer, learned a ton of new recipes,learned that I’m not the only one fascinated with zit popping. I watched soooo many people become their creative selves, become stronger, teach and most importantly grow. I believe that TikTok has created a true sense of community….at least the start of one. I’m still bothered that the mediators take down content from creators simply because haters report it. There has got to be a better way for you guys to see what true bullying is. Please don’t silence the people that are trying to make the world better, educate us and respectfully show us our truth….science based truth…. Historical truth…. Social truth. They are the ones that will make this world a better place for all of us…. And the earth. I am so thankful for the platform.❤️🌞🌎
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2 years ago, Laila R.S
It’s perfect ✨ there are some people who DJ cosplay, people who do history, people who do science things! There’s lots of fun stuff, my mom is on the burlesque side of tiktok, she doesn’t go on it a lot but I think some things make her happy which makes me happy! So, there is one disappointing thing, that is live’s. You can’t go live unless your sixteen and have 1000 followers. And sometimes if you see someone’s profile which is live and you click on it, it has already ended. Also there are adds but you can scroll away from them so I don’t think they’re a big deal. There are people from all over the world and make lots of different types of content, it’s so easy to watch a lot of tiktok but you can’t sit at on your phone forever lol. It used to be a struggle to get off of tiktok because I was addicted but I’ve gotten over that struggle. Oh, there’s another thing I find annoying, every once in a while there will be a video made by tiktok and it’s things like “hold up, you’ve been scrolling for way to long” etc. and they can get annoying. That’s pretty much it. There’s emo tiktok there’s slime tiktok there’s gacha tiktok there’s plant tiktok there’s animal tiktok etc. HAVE FUN WATCHING IF YOU DECIDE TO GET TIKTOK!!! Have a great day/night/afternoon/morning!! BYEEE
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2 years ago, gabriella N•T
Community guidelines.
I enjoy scrolling though TikTok. It’s fun and gives me something to do. But I enjoy posting edits I create. I had posted a video, with a single photo of a gun. It took it down for “minor safety” for this I understand. As I look young for my age. And you could not see my dad. But in the state I live in I am above age l have been shooting with my dad for about 2 years now. And have posted a few videos with me shooting. After this video got taken down I reposted it. And made another one with me shooting and that only. This was in December 2021. It has not been taken down since. Then 2 days ago I got I made another video with me and my friend. And got taken down for “minor safety” now both my friend and my dad suggested that it was due to the last 2 photos being in our bathing suits. And I agreed. Although I had zoomed in for that reason. To where it almost looks like a regular shirt or a tank top. I ended up getting temporarily banned from posting. I then saw I could post again. And so I reposted the video. It got taken down again. I can’t post till tomorrow. I plan on reposting it. If it gets taken down again I’ll repost it again. I’m not going to take down my art because “TikTok says shoulders are not allowed” this isn’t elementary. So stop. I still enjoy TikTok but this is getting annoying. I hope TikTok can fix their community guidelines.
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4 years ago, rayrayray2122
I’m having many problems
I’ve had tik tok for about a year now, and it’s one of my favorite apps. It’s got some major issues though. First of all, I don’t have a post button. Where it says drafts, there is just one button, and that’s to add the video to your drafts. I have looked up videos on where it is, because I guess I just don’t have one. I have put a lot of work into making tik toks, but I can’t even post them. Please at least tell me why this is happening, or if I’m just being dumb, tell me. Second of all, whenever I try to search ANYTHING, literally anything, it says “sorry this feature is currently unavailable” and I can’t search up anything AT ALL! It’s just super anoying, again just tell me if I’m being dumb, but I don’t think I am. Also it’s the same thing for writing comments :/ Third of all, I DONT HAVE A “FOR YOU” PAGE!!! I enjoy watching tik toks that are related to the ones that I already enjoy. But I still, have looked through the entire app, but I don’t have a for you page. Please try and fix these issues, because I think that they ruin almost the entire experience for me. (Also I have an iPhone 6s so if that’s something that effects the way that the app works, sorry about that, but I mean idk)
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3 months ago, Cesar661
Embrace the Love for TikTok: Easy Sharing and Captivating Videos Await!
We completely understand why TikTok has become your new favorite, and we’ve got exciting news to share. Introducing a seamless way to spread the TikTok love – our latest feature designed to make sharing your favorite moments even easier. 🎉 Easy Sharing: We’ve made sharing TikTok videos a breeze. With just a few taps, you can now effortlessly share your favorite videos with friends, family, and followers. Say goodbye to complicated sharing methods – it’s all about simplicity! 📷 Photo Copies: You know that feeling when you want to keep a video you loved? TikTok’s got you covered. Each video you post is automatically saved as a photo copy. So, relive your cherished moments whenever you like! 📺 Captivating Content: TikTok is all about captivating content, and we couldn’t agree more. From dance challenges to DIY hacks, there’s something for everyone. Your feed will never be boring again! Share the joy of TikTok with your loved ones and let the good vibes flow. Spread laughter, inspiration, and creativity with every video you share. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on your TikTok journey. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant community. Happy TikToking! 🎵🕺💃
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7 months ago, Hestergin
I love watching TIKTOK It is very enjoyable to me. I don’t participate in lots of plat forms but I enjoy watching. The ones I d participate in is always fun. We have some very nice people on here and lots of very rud ones also. I am on here to met people from all over and love to watch the different things such cooking, giving advice, make up, doing, hair, and just have fun. Their are plenty of things to watch so if you don’t like something that you see just scroll on by. That is what I can’t understand is why many people can’t understand that. My favorite thing to watch is the elderly people who are having dementia . It is sad but very interesting how their mind works and how the caregivers can handle them. They are so cute and blessed to have family to take care of them. I would like to thank the makers of TicTok for having this so we can have something to enjoy. I am a widower and I watch this instead of TV and get so much enjoyment out of it. Their a few things that seem a little unfair at times but I don’t know the whole story so I can’t know who is right or wrong. There are so very riska things on here but I just watch what I want and keep scrolling. Thanks again for giving us some entertainment that we can enjoy. Silent watcher
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2 years ago, callmeagentd
Tik tok is the best social media app period!!!
Tik tok is so authentic to the point that it started to make Instagram look bad. Everyone on Instagram always tries to be perfect and fit into society so they can be accepted and not feel alone or like a misfit. Whereas TikTok shows the REAL side. People looking however they looking. Saying whatever they feeling with out out it becoming an unsafe social environment(aka bullying etc). It’s a safe place for me to have fun laugh and share the joy with my family and friends. additionally it’s even more informative than any other social media platform for example at first I was a little confused about what is going on between Ukraine and Russia and Instagram mislead me into thinking America was going into war with Russia through memes, videos etc however I was able to learn more than I ever did through 30 second accurate and precise tik tok videos and even help my friends understand better and correct any misconceptions. I feel as though social media needs more of the real side to people instead of creating a false narrative of what we as regular human beings should abide by in order to be considered apart of the norm I can only speak for myself but I feel as though a lot of people would relate Peace and love
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2 years ago, Amelia Vaughn
It’s good, but please fix this.
First of all, if I worked for TikTok, I would actually take down videos that need to be taken down because you know how that one dog got ripped up by a pitbull and that took over a month to get taken down, yetMy cousin made a video with my brother doing a dance and on my cousins birthday a.k.a. March 9 the video got taken down after like eight months for grooming which she never did, my cousin was just doing a dance with my brother because they both like what the sound was and yet it was weird how almost every account got banned on March 9 that was not verified like my account with almost 1000 followers got banned for no reason, I was at like 960 followers, please fix this, also, whenever I updated my TikTok today, I thought it would give me like a tag people option but it didn’t. They changed my inbox, removed the favorites button and moved it with the other things like private vids, and liked vids. But they also switched the liked videos and private videos, and I honestly liked the stories and they got rid of it. In one of my captions, I said “TikTok can you please remove the inbox update but keep the stories because I like that?” But they did the complete opposite for me, please just fix this.
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12 months ago, 😄sarah
I love it!!!
Tiktok is my number one reliance when I’m sad, happy, curious, or wanting to see what my friends are doing. Tiktok is so fun to use and I love making videos!! Tiktok has made me realize the good in everything! And there’s LOTS of content on tiktok, you can even choose what you watch! By adding a video to your favorites, you can save it and watch it again! Same for you liked videos! When you follow someone, you can see their videos! If you’ve made a video and don’t want to post it yet, or you want to edit it/save it for later/finish the video later on, you can save it to your drafts! The only person who can see it is you! If you don’t feel comfortable with everyone seeing your posts, you can set your account to private and only your followers can see your posts. You can make a profile picture, a bio to share a bit about yourself, and follow your friends! When you’re confused about a trend, you can click the search button and look it up! You can make audios, videos, live-streams, and more! I think tiktok is suitable for anyone above the age of 10, but that depends on parent options of course! Tiktok is a great app, and I think you’ll enjoy it too! GET TIKTOK!!! 💗🫶 thank you for everything, creators!
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3 years ago, Whatdoyoumeanineedanickname?
Drafts Button
I love this app. I think it’s a great way to connect with people of similar interests and create a unifying experience for everyone. I’ve always thought of the app as very easy to use and accessible to all people (especially with the captions added to the app), but the new update that caused the drafts button to shrink has been a big problem to many creators. People are fond of their privacy, yet they still love the idea of making videos. This leads to many creators making little cringy videos that they would then just save to their drafts to post later or to just save the sound. Many have that muscle memory of just automatically clicking the middle of the drafts button, but because of this new update, they have been accidentally posting their drafts. Not only is this a nuisance to mentally check every time that you are not posting a draft, but it can be very compromising to creators who need videos to be only saved in their drafts, away from their followers. These people would be minors or others who are uncomfortable with their face being public, Islamic women who like making videos with their hair but cannot show their hair to the public for religious reasons, and others who make videos for themselves and not for the public eye. This new update has caused a lot of frustration in the community and as an enjoyer of this app, I, and the whole community, would please like it if the drafts button was changed to its original size.
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1 year ago, sammyssheep
Please don’t overuse this app
I’ve had this app for over 4 years and it’s been a problem, most of the community on this app pushes this mentally ill mindset and I know some people can just ignore it but it’s EVERYWHERE. When you see that stuff so much for that long it starts to get to you. TikTok has changed my generation so much, (hear me out I know this sounds like something your grandpa would say), there’s just something wrong with all of us, I think it is because TikTok is so addictive. The short videos on this app make our patience way shorter, and our attention span. The addiction of TikTok keeps you on your phone 24/7, when you are addicted to something you put it above all else, even other human beings, real people with feelings. I’m not making this up, I am seeing it happen to people I know, I’ve seen this generation get meaner and meaner everyday, it could be because of the mental illness trends or the selfishness the addictions push. And the terrible racist algorithm is another reason people are so upset on TikTok, POC creators are getting banned way more than white creators are, and POC creators barely get any reach. In conclusion, please don’t overuse this app, it’s very easy to get addicted to so I suggest not getting it at all.
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1 year ago, Call_Me_Spuddle🐒
Trash app permanent ban for no reason
I loved this app until recently I ran into complications. One day I say a video and thought it was funny and shared it to my friends. Didn’t realize that none of them were being sent and it was because it was saying that every time I sent a message that it was violating the community guidelines. I even sent the letter “O” and told my girlfriend “I love you” and those were immediately taken down too. I did an appeal and they all came back and said it was a mistake. Then it would happen again. Today I went to log into TikTok bc for whatever reason I was logged out and it said that my account was permanently banned because of multiple violations of community guidelines. This is me coming back for being inactive for several days and just and apparently it banned me just for logging back into the app bc I wasn’t banned according to my girlfriend and my emails until I logged in again. Never have been banned before but yeah permaban right out of the get go and the best part is that it didn’t even give me the option to appeal just let me request to download my data whatever that means. So yeah years of memories down the drain bc of that dumb bug. Trash app. Unless I get my data back I’m never using it again because that’s a waste what’s to stop it from happening again anyways? I’m not the first and they didn’t get their accounts back either and apparently they never even got called back just ignored so yeah I’m done.
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1 year ago, alylop1005
Not for anyone under the age of 16. Do NOT let your kids on here.
As a 21 year old I honestly enjoy this app, I’ve been using it since I was in high school. It can be great entertainment and a great place to learn about different things and topics. HOWEVER the biggest issue I have with this app is nudity. I have seen probably 20 videos where men had their penis in full view or slightly out of view in the last 2 months. And they do NOTHING about it. I’ve reported so many videos and they always say it “doesn’t violate guidelines” and you can’t get them to reconsider. You can’t write anything to help them know what the report is exactly about to help them see the issue, if it isn’t in full view right at the front of the video they don’t care. It’s honestly infuriating. It’s actually insane. They aren’t even hidden well, any person with eyes can see it but they just don’t care! It’s disgusting. The videos will get mass reported and called out for the nudity and nothing happens! They say this app is for 12+ and you can’t have an account if you aren’t at least 13 but that’s not fool proof. And even then 13, 14 and 15 year olds shouldn’t be seeing that. It’s disgusting. Their team is extremely lazy and terrible moderators. Don’t let your kids on here for their own safety. Not to mention all the pedos, I know they can’t necessarily do anything about that. Don’t let your kids post and don’t let them use the app.
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2 years ago, qywusu
Good app, but somethings could change
Overall Tiktok is a really good app in general, however there are just some minor bugs that are pretty annoying. For example sometimes the audio just starts glitching and sounding staticky if you’re recording a video. Another thing is that recently my videos have been delayed after i post them. So i would assume it’s airpods delay however all my videos are delayed now and that’s including ones i posted months ago. Also there are a few things that could make the app better like, when you stitch a video instead of the audio not carrying over, you can have a choice on whether you want to continue it or not. I feel that it would be more efficient and a lot easier if you want to finish an old transition you posted or anything else you might need. I also personally liked the old drafts layout, but it’s fine as is. Another problem is when you’re watching a video and a text or something may be covered by a profile or the caption or anything else on the side, it’s hard to see or read anything so I feel there should be a feature where you can swipe to the left and all those buttons would go away sort of like how it is on a live stream. That’s all I have for now, but Tiktok is a really fun and enjoyable app.
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7 months ago, KollierWallace
I have had my fair share of issues with many websites when it came so spam, scams, and horrible content that shouldn’t be allowed on the platform, and for the most part they are good at detecting spam accounts and fake content… not great, but most of the time it gets done or at least worked out. TikTok does none of this, and instead plugs its ears and says there’s no problem. A majority of the accounts that like my posts or bookmark my videos are fake porn accounts trying to steal private information, and in spite of making multiple emails to TikTok and filing over 100 reports towards these fake sex accounts, they have told me there’s nothing they can do about it. Furthermore there are constant issues with e-beggars who steal other people’s content begging for cash or straight up pirating movies and making money off of them, as well as multiple pornographic posts that have been reported and TikTok has insisted don’t violate their TOS. Even many of their ads are scams or spam as well, leading to fake sites pretending to “go out of buisness! We have 99% off sale on product!” or “We’re hiring! Click link below for more info!” I have never ran into so much spam on any other social media platform in my life, and I have never had this many issues with the company refusing to listen to me when I show them the problems at hand. Not worth your time and effort when all the engagement you’re getting are from bots and fake accounts.
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9 months ago, vbmsn10
OK I keep trying to write this with you but it keeps not letting me so I took one store away from it because I was going to rate it 2 stars but now I’m rating it 1 start and the reason why the rating so low is because I TikTok will not let me follow anybody anymore. Every single time I try to follow an account it always says you’re following people too fast. Which is not even true because I haven’t followed somebody in a long time and I’m only following 112 people right now it has been saying this since like 415 which is ridiculous. Normally I would right it’s a 10 out of 10 or a five star out of five stars. I just want to follow these accounts but it’s not letting me and that is why I am upset so yeah. Update from me 3 years in the future: I was recording a little video for fun that I was NEVER intending to post trying out a new filter and when I went to watch the video tiktok glitched and made me post it to my story, before it was all the way done posting I left the app and powered off my phone on hopes that it would not post and just save the video to my drafts. I waited a minute then powered my phone back on swiped out of TikTok then got back on it and my daft was POSTED. I am very very upset because I know that people will see that TikTok EVEN THOUGH ITS ALREADY BEEN DELETED. I know this because sometimes tiktoks will come up on my fyp and then when I try to like it it will say that the tiktok is deleted but I still saw it!!!!! I am EXTREMELY upset.
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