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User Reviews for X

4.61 out of 5
7.7M Ratings
3 years ago, gopconservative
What Happened To Twitter?
This app used to be a staple for news and content. Unfortunately it’s now a hardcore censorship engine that evolved the app into a propaganda machine for specific political points of view pushed by Twitter Corporate Office. They’ve watered down the Timeline, show popular recommended Tweets instead of Latest Tweets, they have partisan Trending News only showing terrible things about the United States President, constantly (who would allow such a thing other than foreign enemies of the USA), and the settings now filter content on a second level (hidden) which you have to shut-off to see your preferred content (outrageous).. All trending news is always slanted to favor One political party promoted also by the Twitter CEO daily. News corporations, who even claim alien spaceship parts are in Las Vegas (2017 NY Times) are given priority over citizens to ensure the broadest brainwashing of political propaganda with an emphasis on hating the United States President. Who remembers when the internet was a melting pot of diversity? Freedom of speech? Not so much anymore. Great work Twitter!
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7 months ago, ~pickle~
Twitter’s inevitable decline
I never liked Twitter before Elon but gosh, he some how made me hate it even more. The reason for this review specifically, however, is the glitch(?) that happens when attempting to change your display name. I personally have 5 twitter accounts (personal & business) so the inconvenience of being locked out of one of my more insignificant ones isn’t that bad. However, after troubleshooting, logging out, logging back in, even changing my password, I’ve still been unable to regain access to my account. This wouldn’t be much of an issue if I could log into one of my other accounts, but I can’t. There’s a blank screen with the only button being “options”. When selected the options are “help” and “sign out”, which I’ve already attempted. This issue never happened before Elon, at least not to me. The increase in promotional tweets, ads, and paywalled features that were once free have resulted in the downfall of twitter as a whole. I was able to log back into one of my other accounts briefly by opening a dm that was sent to it. As soon as I tried to re-add the account I’m locked out of, the same black screen appeared. I knew of this issue prior to attempting to change my display name. I had changed my display name on another one of my accounts since hearing about it so I didn’t think it would affect me. All in all, my experience with Twitter has been disappointing at best.
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2 months ago, toqepi
Would give it 0 stars. Horrible account recovery system.
I logged onto X recently to find my account suspended. I found out that the reason was that a few months ago, I was exposed to a security and date breach that lead to my account being hacked and used for scam/fraudulent activity. After sending a request to restore my account, it was declined even though I stated that I was inactive when the incident occurred. Losing that account is fine by me, I had nothing important on it. What was truly ridiculous was that because my account was suspended, the system did not allow me to remove my email, phone number, name, or accounts that had been associated with it prior to the incident. That means that even if I wanted to start over with a new account, I would not be able to. My information is forever stuck online associated with an suspended account. Furthermore, the suspension of my account means that I am not able to access the login history or devices that are currently under the account. Due to this, I will never be able to locate the source of what took over my account and used my information. I find this outrageous, but it isn't as outrageous as the manner at which the support team closed my case without any investigation. X has truly disappointed me with its downfall in support. I will not be using this app ever in the future, and I advise everyone to stay away from it.
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1 month ago, Zumis
love Spaces; don't like follow limits! overall great for info sharing
Big fan of Spaces!!! Thank you for this great option! Something I really miss is when I used to go to someone's profile page, if I had a pending request from them, it would show on their page, too, not only in my requests tab. I've tried asking if this moved somewhere I'm not seeing, but no one from the Cstn Srv team ever answers any questions I've asked. Also not a fan of any tech company censoring speech or misrepresenting data (trending, etc) based on the personal biases. Of course private companies can do what they want - that's a big part of America's success - but if marketed as a platform for people to practice freedom of expression as set forth in the US Constitution under our First Amendment rights, then people should not be suspended for different opinions that don't involve any plots of death or other illegal activity. I also don't like that I can't follow whomever I want to because X thinks we need limits and won't allow me to follow whatever number of accounts I want to follow. I do like that @ handles in replies no longer count toward space max; would be great if at least a "grace" number of spaces or handles were also allowed in new tweets.
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2 weeks ago, Guido "Pistols" Mista
Not what it used to be.
Ever since Elon acquired TWITTER, he's been turning it into an echo chamber of hate. He claims the changes were made to promote free speech, yet the moderation favors bigotry and silences justice. All the while, running thousands of blatantly misleading advertisements, and inserting his political views into users' interests, flooding their timelines with misinformation and vitriol. The verified badge used to be a symbol, a sort of icon of authenticity, given out to only those who are trusted. However, it's now an indication of gullibility, fascism, and inability to accept the consequences of your own actions. I say that last part, because paying monthly for the verification badge literally makes you less susceptible to acts of moderation on your account now. Crazy, to be honest. Gone are the days of meaningful interactions, welcome to the new age, where scrolling down a comment section bombards you with unrelated viral videos, crypto self-promotions, and porn. Despite all of this, people somehow still try to justify these changes, because it means they get to have their political views prioritized over actual conversation. If you've read through this entire thing, congrats! You've just wasted minutes of your life that you will not get back. But if you didn't read this, and instead downloaded the app expecting sunshine and rainbows, you'd be wasting even more of your time.
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5 months ago, GuyInAMask
Elon, don’t change the stuff that doesn’t need changing
After Mr. Musk bought Twitter, things have honestly been feeling like they’ve been going downhill a lot faster than before, especially due to the unnecessary/unwanted changes <-(such as renaming Twitter to “X”, and said letter tends to be used to refer to a different website, which results in making video links on Twitter sound kinda questionable/suspicious) and some pretty bad ideas for changes <-(like how you were considering to completely remove the option to block accounts [even though it’s something that’s required for a social media platform], saying something along the lines of “the option existing/being-a-thing makes no sense and that it serves no actual purpose” when really it does make sense that it-exists/it’s-a-thing and it does serve an actual purpose, anyone with common sense would agree. And those who think that the option existing/being-a-thing makes no sense and say that it serves no actual purpose are likely people with ulterior motives). And now I hear that things from accounts labeled as 18+ are being effected now too. You may wanna rethink that before it’s too late and Twitter ends up like Tumblr, and nobody wants that to happen.
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3 months ago, Darcatone
Severely degraded/disfunction-able version of Twitter
There is almost a complete lack of unbiased and timely news and information once so plentiful and reliable on the previous platform. What once was a vast array of diverse subjects and topics both interesting and informative is now nothing but a political party battleground of anger and angst, where actual discussion, debate, and dialogue has been reduced to name calling, trash talking, and one upmanship . Vital and functional features of the app have been removed and/or replaced with useless non-social-media pay for/pay wall related garbage extensions, verification schemes, etc and subscription schemes designed to monetize the platform. Algorithm for X is highly slanted towards the right-wing MAGA agenda. Reporting of (what are we supposed to call them now) posts no longer includes the ability to report political attacks or blatantly misleading information/ lies. Most reports for vile posts/comments go unanswered. Lots of hate speech allowed/condoned under the guise of “free speech”. Even the owner of the company participates in posting/reposting vile content. Appeals for wrongfully reported posts go unanswered for months. This leaves no other recourse other than users must accept the strike to regain access/remove restrictions and it appears that the appeal is totally dropped at that point leaving a permanent strike on the user’s profile.
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4 months ago, 249Dp
Tweeter is a place where you can have an opinion. Your opinion is not what everyone else may like or agree with, but it’s yours. It will expose you as a person of high or low character and that’s not either good or bad. We live in a society that has welcomed people from all around the world and it will take time to trust and appreciate each other. It’s what we do with the time that matters! I use to think Tweeter was a great place where everyone could express their opinion, but since it has changed hands and ownership I feel it has lost credibility. Everyone should be able to express themselves as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. I hope that truth is more important than greed and power. I still like the platform that use to be Tweeter, but I am saddened by the negative controversy that came with the new owner. The country is being torn apart by self absorbed individuals who think everything is about them. It’s not about one individual and no one human being is God. We can make the world a better place if we recognize our limited time on earth. Let’s embrace humanity and work for the betterment of mankind.
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1 year ago, gracechen.us
Take away 30-day deactivation = deletion limit
I am a professional ceramic sculptor and have had 17 Instagram accounts deactivated on false reports, mod bias, and hackings, so to say I cherish the freedom on this platform not found elsewhere is an understatement. However, Twitter has put other restrictions on my account that arose from nowhere, probably due to competitors and their incessant spam of reports in attempts to get my work taken down so that theirs can appear like the original. Three stars because due to their 30 day policy of account deactivation prior to deletion, an account with almost 2K followers was accidentally deleted with me forgetting to re-login while overseas. It also doesn’t make the platform look good to have users who post content that gets hits elsewhere be unable to grow a following like before on their platform. I’ve been back on Twitter with a new account (post ig deactivation of an account) for 3 months, post several times a day each day, and have only around 50 followers due to my account not being searchable and the professional option removed and no way to appeal and reach support. If these issues can be fixed, naturally the app rating could be as well.
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2 years ago, American _____user
Utter Garbage
“Oops something went wrong. Please try again later,” is the typical response you get when trying to resolve an issue. Twitter’s arbitrary software allows some users to abuse others with impunity, while innocuous posts or singular instances of merely “liking” a post may get you suspended. When you try to resolve the issue, good luck. You will rarely get a human to look at your issue, only an endless circle of useless articles and login tasks which may be impossible if you run both a business account and a private account. The “appeal” option is little more than a memory hole from which you will never get a response, or sometimes an automatically generated instant denial. Twitter does little to control spam or bots. It will disable an account but still send you email notifications linking to it, yet not permit you to login simply to unsubscribe. Deleting arbitrarily suspended accounts is nearly impossible. The user-generated content is poorly and capriciously monitored, often laden with the worst sentiments and epithets so-called humanity has to offer. If you anger someone by promoting human rights or legal reform in the wrong country, you will be locked/suspended without warning. It is a time-wasting garbage app run by those who profit from toxicity and spit on the very ‘rules’ they comically established.
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7 months ago, sat5226
Twitter is a victim of BDE (billionaire dummy energy)
I’ve been a Twitter user since 2010 so you can imagine I have seen a lot in the last decade, but watching the disaster that are the recent changes that El*n has made has been a wild ride. While I’m enjoying watching this fool unveil himself as the incompetent business person (if you can call him that) with a fragile ego that he is, I cannot ignore the significant damage that has been done to this app. Twitter was a great place to get real time news updates, very funny takes on current events, and a really important platform for open source data research. It is now a shell of its former self and it’s usability has significantly decreased. The disaster of these changes in terms of Twitters brand value and user experience will be studied in business schools for years to come. I, for one, will enjoy watching the inevitable crash and burn documentary that will be coming out about this whole disaster. In a way I feel bad for Elon because clearly he has no one in his life that cares enough to stop him from making insanely stupid and reputation damaging decisions. It seems that money can’t buy you everything! Despite everything, I will unfortunately be on this stupid app until the day it finally succumbs to the foolish, insane actions of the billionaire baby man at the helm.
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8 months ago, Stephya7
Account Suspension since March 2023 Need Resolution ASAP
My account is still suspended for no reason. Been suspended since March. Keep sending multiple appeals and followed on how to un suspended my account that shows on the website for my account to be active again. No resolution and after sending the appeals kept saying will notify by email for more info no email but a notification from Twitter app. Apparently the reason was that I have broken the Twitter rules. I haven’t broken any Twitter rules I read what determines the Twitter rules. Twitter says under review of my account it was suspended but can see my profile and activity that I didn’t harass anyone nor made inappropriate content nor comments. I can’t even access my previous posts for evidence if needed. I don’t know why my previous posts aren’t accessible I saw them before. There’s no Spam accounts under my account. I also asked for proof on Twitter Inc based on this decision. I want this to be escalated because I didn’t do anything wrong. I have been very patient and kept appealing for a resolution. The only notification I got from my email was that how was the customer service in June. I gave it a bad review due to not getting the required proof nor assistance of activating my account multiple times. I want my account to be active asap.
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12 months ago, JustJimTV
Littered with bugs, obvious inconsistencies, and continued issues.
Twitter as an iOS app has had continued issues since the change of ownership. This ranges from UI to UX experiences. The most egregious of which are notifications within the app that do no reference actual accurate information. An example would be the horribly implemented and terribly unoptimized Community Notes. Where your rating says one thing but your profile says another. You will be suggested and recommended to begin writing notes but when you attempt to you will then be informed that your rating displayed is not the same rating internally which prevents you from writing notes. This notification error has existed for months now and has been reported by me for months. Twitter support seems to not understand what the screenshots or screen recordings indicate or are willfully ignorant. This previous issue extends to Twitter Blue implementation where you will see in the notifications tab that you have been approved however this does not reflect accurately to your account for upwards of 1 week or more. Against Twitter support does not seem to understand screenshots or screen recordings of this being shown/demonstrated or are willfully ignorant. All messages to support or confusingly misunderstood or outright ignored going unread.
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7 months ago, Clarity Sydney
You’re better off with something else. *2023*
I have never felt the need to write a review for an app, especially not one as big as this one. And you can probably guess what I’ll be leading with. The speed at which this app is hurtling towards an utter cesspool of garbage is unprecedented. With all the changes Elon has been making and will continue to make, you’re better off using some other social media. He’s using your tweets as lab food for his AI program without your consent. He’s driving off users (especially artists) in droves. He fired most of the original staff for whatever reason. You have to pay for the most basic of features. Your DMs will no longer be as private as they once were. You can no longer easily tell who is *really* verified because of Twitter Blue and misinformation is as rampant as ever. He rebranded Twitter into some mediocre Disney channel supervillain sounding “”””X Corp.”””” and lost millions because of it. It’s bad decision after bad decision after bad decision. I have met amazing people through Twitter and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t a generally good time until now. So it really hurts to see it go like this. It’s not hard to see where this app will end up quite soon. So save yourself the trouble and watch the garbage fire from a safe distance. Thanks Elon Musty!
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1 year ago, 😚😚💖💖😍😍
Terrible since new management
I loved Twitter for years, it’s been an integral part in helping me find like minded ppl when I’ve struggled to find them in real life. It’s a platform that has truly helped me transcend country barriers to find lifelong connections. But since Elon has taken over, I’ve been using it so much less, the least I’ve used it ever since I’ve had it as a late teen. I’m almost 26 now. He consistently shows he doesn’t listen to the populous and what we actually want/need from this platform. Every change he’s made, for ex), this Twitter blue fiasco and now making views known for every tweet is ridiculous. Twitter blue divided all of us not to mention caused other problems which led to him getting rid of it for a while😂 How he couldn’t anticipate those issues from arising is beyond me, but you do you man. The tweet views thing is actually mentally draining, I’ve come across so many tweets where ppl have said they feel alone, with so many views and no likes for ex). Don’t you realize how damaging this narrative is? At least make it optional, but we all know he just does things like this as a power play, if he actually cared about ppl’s preferences, it would be optional. Not to mention the interface is messy. I will probably deactivate soon, barely tweet at all anyways now.
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1 year ago, Ragerrtre
I tried to like it.
I have always used Twitter for news and general comedic relief. It’s has its downfalls over the years, but in general provided a legitimate site for me to find information and a reprieve from life’s day to day stuff. Ever since the purchase, I’ve remained hopeful the app would stick around. I really tried to continue liking and using the app, but I just can’t anymore. I can no longer trust any news from the site because of how much impersonation there is. There’s also so much political rhetoric that it’s frustrating. Elon, I don’t care about your political views. You misguidedly been trying to use this app as a way to push your political agenda. You’re not different than the last head of Twitter - you just simply have a different political agenda you push. I normally wouldn’t care about one meaningless billionaire’s opinions… but all I see if Elon’s tweets all over my page. Even after I muted him, my whole feed was just people talking about him. Maybe in a few years once things calm down and Elon gets rid of Twitter, I’ll come back. But right now, I don’t trust the content on the app, nor the verified user strategy. At the end of the day, I don’t care what Elon thinks. I just want news and comedy. I can get that on Tik Tok and the news apps for now. :)
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2 years ago, ThAdEa82
Just allow editing
Just put in an edit option. You hit delete and sometimes the edit function comes up, sometimes it doesn’t deleting everything you wrote. Now everyone has to copy and paste before making an edit making the entire process tedious. Apparently getting suspended on here for to stupidest thing while people get away saying tons of stuff with no moderation on twitters part. Seems very one sided. Appealing a suspension also takes longer than the actual suspension. Bravo Jack. Bravo. 👏🏻a 12 hr suspension is now a 96 hour suspension. It’s pretty obvious how bad the censorship is getting. Also if having a conversation is important, why silence the other side? Great way to divide a nation. Maybe jack is getting paid by China. Oh no, I might get suspended...also trump got modded and banned while people are out there stoking hate and Twitter turns a blind eye because it’s their side. No mods or bans. Twitter is ok with people spreading disinformation and one sided reporting as long as it’s from the left. Double standard. Now the Soviet Union 2.0 is spreading tyranny and violence and Twitter is ok with that because of their communist views. Also if you post something and get suspended for it, you can always screenshot what got you banned and post it. Twitter seems that acceptable.
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1 year ago, sureshot64
Our freedom of speech is so important!
I went off big tech because I couldn’t trust them when fact checkers was kicking anyone off that didn’t go along with the left on all their craziness. I think Elon has done good putting truth out and proving what we was all saying was 100% true. We was being silenced and that’s our Constitutional right to have freedom of speech. It was so bias and still is on Fakebook and Instagram is still pretty bad, and Utube a little too. I got on Truth, Gettr, Rumble, Telegram and seen what I was missing! It’s nice getting facts and truth and open discussion! I’m coming back to Twitter hoping it’s a fair platform now and things will be so much better when truth isn’t being fact checked as untrue. Somebody needed to shut the fake fact-checked down. Thank you, Elon for all you do to make social media better for all! Oh and when you wanting to know if you should stay on as CEO, I tried to vote for you too, but it wouldn’t let me:( Hope there aren’t still enemies around in Twitter that aren’t good honest people.
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1 week ago, 00112235377
It’s gone down hill
I used to really enjoy this app but now it is my least favorite app. my biggest issue is the spam bots! you get atleast 100 bots following & messaging you every day you go to report them & nothing is done about it what’s even worse is they don’t even notify you when these bots follow you which makes it seem like they are apart of it which leads to you putting your account on private which decreases the amount of interactions you get on the app! also the for you page is another added feature I dreaded… very copy catish why would I want a whole page dedicated to see people’s tweets that I don’t follow??? Meanwhile they limit how many tweets you can see on the following page a day unless you have the blue check which is dumb! the amount of pornography on the app is crazy I understand they do allow it but it should have sim restrictions the premium or subscription option really took the authenticity and joy out of the app and I also don’t like that you can no longer look at your previous tweets from years ago it only allows you to go back so far noticed it happens after some update back in April of 2023 overall the app has just flopped 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
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1 year ago, Nathan218
Bad app for a great service
I LOVE Twitter as a service and have loved it for over a decade. The Twitter app, however, is just bad. It stutters when scrolling, jumping between lists does not save my position at the last read tweet, and the app tries to force annoying accounts/others’ insignificant interactions down our throats. Third party apps were of great benefit to the service and made it better - additionally many third party features were eventually copied by Twitter (Twitter even bought a third party app called Tweetie and rebranded it as their own app many years ago). Elon has decided to ban third party apps like Tweetbot, which unlike Twitter’s app was a marvelous piece of software. Twitter thinks this decision will push users to their sorry software but really, at least in my case, I will be using Twitter significantly less. I know that many small developers’ and companies’ livelihoods depended on these apps and Elon decides to unilaterally bar these innovative apps from accessing Twitter entirely. I will truly miss using innovative software and navigating Twitter in a coherent way. I continued hoping for the best for Twitter since Elon purchased the company but I’m beginning to see these big, rash decisions are not conducive to longterm success.
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1 year ago, $@&-?
“Blocking” Thanks Elon
In my opinion a “Tweeter” should not be able to “Block” someone just because someone challenges their tweet. Example: I was following Larry Sabato, UVA Center for Politics a few years ago (I had a child who was attending UVA). I disagreed with many of Sabato’s statements and opinions regarding politics and I said so without threat or offensive language, just my opinion. He “Blocked” me because I challenged his narrative. He never bothered to challenge my opinion or thought, simply eliminated any challenge by Blocking. Some say Sabato is a smart fellow, if so, you would think he could have easily taken me to the intellectual wood shed, told me how I was wrong, and others could have learned from the exchange. On the other hand, perhaps my thoughts and opinions had validity and others could have learned from my challenges (I mist assume that was Sabato’s primary concern). By allowing a user to block a follower just because they are challenging someone’s tweets obviously limits debate. I don’t have a solution, just identifying a problem or concern. Thanks. Jim
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3 months ago, Nik’s_Reviews
Security is a key
I was not much of a twitter user previously. I have been on the “x” platform flow for a bit. I was slow getting started with the app only because of personal things in my life. I am finding “x” is much like any other social media platform like FaceBook and LinkedIn. I like the face that there are blue check marks showing the verified accounts. This keeps the information more secure and you know that the information being provided is from a legitimate source. I personally experienced over the past 6 months a breach of my security and information. Knowing there is a way to easily see the verified content posters now is key for me. While I personally don’t have funds to pay become a verified user at the moment, I would definitely pay for the validation once I have the funds available to me. As stated before, I was hacked and trying to still recover. The hack because I clicked on someone’s information that was not verified opened me up to all my information appearing in the dark web, locking me out of all of my accounts l and loss of everything that was important in my life including everything that was in my clouds that I can no longer get back especially since there are no hard copies anymore after the hack cost me my home. I don’t use X much personally for social interaction with others, but I like to read the content and if I see an ad I would like to know more about I will click it, but only from a verified account.
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6 days ago, Disappointed Yet Unsurprised
Utterly Atrocious Customer Support
It seems as though X has made it virtually impossible to be able to receive customer support regarding any issues not addressed in the Help Center. There is no customer service/IT help desk phone number to call, no live chat to receive support…there is no method of contacting X short of tweeting to Elon Musk himself. Not to mention that the Help Center acts as a sort of hamster wheel to always bring you back to the same webpage — it’s like a loop where no matter how hard you try, you somehow are always brought back to the same page asking you to describe your problem. I don’t usually take the time to make reviews, but attempting to get actual case-specific genuinely has been the most frustrating experience of 2024 so far. Even if I am able to resolve the problem with my account that led me to try and contact a help desk, the only thing I will be going on X to do is to writing an equally scathing tweet regarding this abhorrent lack of customer support to Mr. Tesla and proceeding to delete the app entirely. Elon, I know that you are probably very preoccupied with colonizing Mars or hoarding your wealth, but please at least pretend to care about people using the app you so kindly bought, horribly renamed, and almost comically ruined. Thank you!
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4 weeks ago, AllChokedUp
Great except………
At first it seemed like this was such a great place to share thoughts and opinions then I quickly realized it was a great place for SOME PEOPLE to share their thoughts and opinions while the rest of us have their posts(tweets?)go into an “Algorithm Limbo” where you might be lucky if 10 people actually see their tweets. Tweets I may have spent more than an hr fact checking and finding the perfect photo to accompany it go completely unnoticed much of the time. I have been on X for about 2+ yrs and have about 4k followers and almost 5k I’m following. I would spend ALot more time and energy on the site but most of the time I feel like I am screaming into the wind on a rowboat on the mighty Pacific Ocean. I feel lucky if I get 4 or more likes for a well crafted, thoughtful and often clever/humorous tweet with just the right photo, then I see someone respond to the same post and just say something like “screw those guys!!” And they get THOUSANDS of likes and reposts in one day!!???? Much like FakeBook it is a bit of a popularity contest. And the more ignorant, confrontational MAGA voices seem to get amplified and ruin actual constructive, intelligent discussions.🤷‍♂️
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7 months ago, jeffstokely
“We made improvements” BOLD faced lie.
The constant degradation of this app, then lying about it is insulting. Twitter has been going down hill for quite awhile now so it’s not entirely Musk’s fault, but boy has he escalated things. It’s clear that this app is no longer in service of users, but advertisers. Every. Single. Change implemented lately has ONLY benefited advertisers or paying users, and even then BARELY. I’ve been using this app since 2009 and can say this is easily the worst it’s eve been. It is clear Musk wanted his own app, but didn’t want to invest the time, development, and audience building a new app needs, so he bought one with a built in audience. Which honestly, is not a terrible idea… Until he made numerous changes that only service paying users, inhibit non-paying users from using basic functions, then lie about why he’s doing it. Oh and he changed the name, throwing away years of viable well known brand recognition in a matter of days. A LOT of people have come to depend on this app, gaining followers to support their livelihood. These changes are dangerous for a lot of people, not to mention major turn offs, especially when they are taking away simple quality of life things like taking away the ability to DM anyone for free users.
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2 years ago, born American die American
Free speech from but sides of the street
I was always brought up this was the home of the free in the land of the brave and someone should be able to speak their mind and speak their piece as long as it was not in a derogatory way towards another people race religion. With Yahoo and Google it before with Twitter if you disagreed with someone you couldn’t say that you disagreed with them now on Twitter at least you can peoples difference of opinion is what made this country great when one political party or want to leave is dominant with Yahoo and Google it before with Twitter if you disagreed with someone you couldn’t say that you disagreed with them now on Twitter at least you can peoples difference of opinion is what made this country great when one political party or one belief is dominant above all others it’s not right. And just because someone is different doesn’t make them any better or any worse than anyone else but they shouldn’t feel that they should be given special treatment because of race creed color gender stop having your hand out or the respect that you want.
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7 months ago, Reecicupg23
loved it but currently frustrated
I NEED BACK INTO MY ACCOUNTS! I’ve contacted support but essentially, I had my phone reset and restored and as a result, I had to re-login in to my accounts. I set up 2-factor authentication months ago for the accounts but the app i used I guess also reset with my phone because there are no saved codes for twitter. So i can’t get into my accounts and support won’t respond to me about how to get into to them like if there’s a way to verify that it’s still me so I can get in and then disable the two-factor authentication. Also, I had another account I was able to get into and starting using more frequently and got LOCKED OUT less than 36 hours later. X WILL NOT LET ME UNLOCK MY ACCOUNT. It just shows a white screen with a blue loading circle. Then it says “error please reload data” and so i click it and then it just loads indefinitely. I need back into to all 3 of these accounts and am very frustrated that there is no one that I can talk to immediately about this over the phone. I’m scared i’m going to lose the first two accounts simply with how long it could take for a reply from X.
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4 weeks ago, Me1949301
I have been trying to get help with a hacked account for two weeks. You think this would warrant a certain urgency to maintain a secure platform. But no. I have been waiting TWO WEEKS FOR HELP. I've been in it trying to get help from 'x'. I've submit multiple cases through the contact us option. Multiple times, I have gotten AI responses that make ZERO SENSE. I mention that I have already deactivated my account (but the hacker reactivated it) and I get stupid dumb AI response for "help with deactiviting account". WHICH I HAVE ALREADY TRIED. I haven't heard from a human, robot, or ANYTHING that can delete or immediate deactivate my account! This is piss-poor treatment for your users. Twitter has FALLEN OFF, at least I could get help with my account from a person before some idiot took it over. elon musk let me leave your stupid platform, why is your user support dragging its feet for help I urgency NEED. I am stilling waiting for help, 4 cases later. I just need confirmation my account is gone, so I know there are no hackers getting more of my personal information. I have not recieved this at all. This experience has told me all I need to know about your company. You never care about user and help is never, if barely, available.
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6 months ago, Lego Assembler
Why this app still gets 5 star reviews is beyond me.
Ok, first of all, what happened to my initial review? Was it not to Elon’s liking because it contained legitimate criticism? Did Musk’s sycophants mass report me? Who knows. Second, why did you change Twitter to X? What does “X” have to do with social media? Also, “Blaze your Glory”? Really? What does that too have to do with social media? Now for the most critical part: Elon Musk’s inability to distinguish the difference between free speech and dangerous speech such as hate speech and the difference between moderation of dangerous content and censorship has caused the platform to be overrun with Anti Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny. The platform that used to be known as Twitter is now the most toxic platform to ever exist. Musk has effectively made Twitter into a multi billion dollar version of 4chan. Elon Musk has even embraced Anti LGBTQ and Anti Semitic conspiracy theories and happily interacted with those of peddle them. Why this app is still getting five star reviews is beyond me. It is like people are so enamored by Elon Musk’s personality that they refuse to see the devastating flaws plaguing the platform under Elon Musk’s poor leadership. There is only one solution: Leave. Start leaving. Leave this site and everything on it.
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11 months ago, tonyricenoodles
Hope lost, updates have made the application user-unfriendly
You’d think with a new owner, the application would be better than it was, I was hopeful. The application has gotten infinitely worse. Why should we get recommended people we dislike (apolitical people getting force-fed Andrew Tate, “End Wokeness”, and “Libs of TikTok” despite never clicking like on their posts), shown interests we don’t have (getting force-fed NBA posts when we don’t even follow basketball), and taking away everyone’s verification badge so now we have to double-check everyone’s page to ensure they’re the real person? Politics aside, even both Donald Trump and Joe Biden lost their verification badges. It seems the new retention method for Twitter users now is evoking the emotion of anger, to debate and slander: but it won’t work on me. While Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat aren’t much better, they aren’t as bad as this. For users looking for an alternative or looking for something better, I’d suggest TikTok. A company who actually cares about the user experience, doesn’t hide critical political news such as the French protests and riots, and is filled with comedy-gold. That is particularly why this inept government wants to ban it, and why cringelords like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg lobby such bans.
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3 months ago, RenaeMom
The algorithm is manipulated by Elon
Elon’s presence has magnified the worst of X while suppressing the best of Twitter. His own example is now typical of what he allows other posters to see. Since Elon fired Twitter workers, I’ve stopped seeing posts from the people I follow. I see very few posts from women & people of color. Ads are more frequent than in the past. Racism, antisemitism, threats of violence, misogyny, sexism, inappropriate comments about children, & other nasty posts are no longer removed by moderators … making this experience not pleasant. The free exchange of ideas has been replaced by nastiness & fake news that is destructive. Attacks on teachers, reasonable public leaders, the environment, healthcare, & support for LBGTQ people are regular, hateful, & involve presenting false information as fact. Bots & bot networks abound and are never removed. Nothing about X supports the first amendment … the algorithm suppresses ideas not supported bybElon. It’s nothing more than the worst of right wing attacks & money making ads. Elon’s idea of “citizen journalism” is a joke shown in proliferation of lies, attacks, & hateful rhetoric with the intent of suppressing anything that was good before his tenure. In summary, X has become yet another tool of Elon & other extremists to promote harmful propaganda.
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12 months ago, Reignlight7
Divine Rights of People to Freedom of Expression
Twitter as a public venue to express people’s various opinions is very valuable source of meeting different ideas that come objectively to the truth of the issues presented. Particularly at this difficult times when Political and Ecclesiastical theater showed us its bold and impudent drive to usurp power in very unaesthetic way. The major illegality and Sin of monopolistic industries of Banking and Pharmaceutical dictatorships is marginalizing people to below their human capital value, thus putting them into defensive mode, which it will not contribute to rational solving of the human condition. This present jungle competition between Nations is Lawless and Godless. If ancient people understood Divine Law as expressed in Genesis 9:13 Rainbow in the clouds as a covenant between people of this Earth and the God. The Divine Entity provided His real signature of Aesthetics, beautiful thoughts and actions of every human being is respectfully required. #Liberty of Expression is most important part of #DivineLaw it is granted upon people as their Divine and Sovereign Right that no public actor can challenge or take it away from individual actor.
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1 year ago, Lizzz08090712
Elon ruined Twitter
I used to use a good amount but slowed down a few months ago prior to Elon acquiring it. And let me tell you when I went back on I was left w an awful taste in my mouth. This nepotism baby that has bought his way to any recognition and has grifted on his so called “ intelligence” and influence has single handedly ruined an app that has been a major campus of pop culture for more than a decade now. He’s shown how much of an imbecile he actually is and how most of his money he makes of the work and backs of other people much more intelligent and capable than he, and how narcissistic he is to not be able to run a platform like Twitter in a way even resembling unbiased. He claims to be for freedom of speech while suspending people he doesn’t agree w and he’s so out of touch he doesn’t even know what Twitter users want. Do us all a favor and slowly back away from mainstream media because every time we here ur name an “ugh this guy” follows. I have never been one to encourage bullying but it clearly would have done him some good to humble that narcissistic ego he’s got going on and I pray for his kids that making a public fool of themselves isn’t hereditary. Deleting the app or probably never coming back thx for ruining it Elon.
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3 years ago, flight fan 2000
I don’t like repression, being held down by people who are more powerful than me. I don’t like it when they have something nice and I like to play with it but then they use it against me. They’ll take it away from me because I don’t play how they like to play. Or keep from bring active for accidentally breaking a rule. My “mistakes” cost my voice, but I must be heard because words are important. Free people should be free to speak so we can decide if they are worthy of be heard or no. One day there maybe no one to listen to because everyone worth hearing has broken the law and has been silenced. The ones that can be heard still have also broken the same laws I have broken, however, the people work for the service provider or they are friends with the service provider so they receive higher regard and are not susceptible to the same punishments I am at my lower valued station in this arrangement. How much more wealth does a Twitter employee gain by silencing their fellow Americans?
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9 months ago, Mariatalbott
Just deleted it after 10 years
So I got Twitter, about 10 years ago when I was in high school and I didn’t really do much on it except for follow friends but also follow all the major news sites so that I can get breaking news as quickly as possible and for the last 10 years it’s worked so well I would get the breaking news is something important happening before the notification for my news app or anywhere else however, in the last year my notifications have become so idiotic and useless. The notifications I get are so dumb and don’t even come from major news sites or official journalists and all I get are just notifications of someone spreading hate, commenting hateful stuff. The site has been riddled with incels and “anti-woke” people (which that phrase is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard). And now even the major news sites don’t tweet anything important anymore, it all has become click bait and such. To this end, I really have no reason to keep this app. Additionally the buying blue check mark thing has really been giving people a false sense of importance and make them seem like they know everything and people just say the most horrible hateful things with no consideration.
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2 years ago, DaSoUlAngel
Twitter Review
I enjoy the platform on a whole. The other accounts really make it interesting and fun. What I DONT like: The platform has OBVIOUS BIASES. I have had my account restricted SEVERAL times because I defended myself against an obvious troll in the site. These troll accounts- no matter how harassing- racist- bulling they are - still remain. I get told that I “violated” some rule.. Whereas the person harassing me hasn't violates anything. The biases about Covid and people’s right to choose to vax or NOT.. is also obviously against your policy- when discussing medical choices and options- users should be able to discuss a pandemic publicly- because of Social distance social media is some people’s only form of socialization or feedback.. how unfair to take that away because your site is behind vaxxing obviously. Your political biases are also showing like a little girls panties- You obviously support Insurrectionist and liars over decent Americans.. I won’t even get on what it’s like for “Black Twitter”.. people of color on Twitter get treated just like they do in the world.. You look for ANY reason to shut us down.. forever. So, in short.. it’s your other users that keep me.. not Twitter itself.
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4 months ago, DeAndre Zemora
X is out of control
I like Elon Musk, but this app is not good for humanity. I was on the app for 4 minutes and I saw a guy get jumped by 6 people, a guy run a red light deliberately, and another fight at a restaurant. How is this good for humanity if everything going viral is violent, illegal, and harmful. This encourages more of this. I get life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but viral content should be harmful. Bad things happen, but it doesn't mean we should promote it and encourage this behavior by it getting traction. I love Tesla and space X, but X is a depressing nightmare and it feels like it even affects Elon Musk as we heard on his earnings call. This app can still turn around and a way to do that would be to eliminate any viral content that is fighting, running red lights, and robbing people. Ya I saw someone get robbed on the app and it's so sad, but that stuff should be private or else now we have encouraged bad behavior. On another note twitter isn't the only one to blame. I got off Tik tok after the day I saw a dog get swallowed whole by an alligator. It feels like that's where X is heading right now so I'm deleting both of them off my phone. I also have bought the 8 dollar verified and to me it's still not worth it to just be at the top of a fighting viral video.
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5 months ago, 666joanna
The replies feature of this app is horrible
Sometimes there is a post that I am genuinely interested in, but when I click it to read the replies, literally none of them are relevant to the post. Some are people replying with other random memes to try and piggyback likes off of a viral post, and others are promoting their only fans/porn links/actually posting videos of porn. I know the age requirement for this app is 13 or older but I don’t think it’s appropriate for a 13 year old looking at a meme to suddenly stumble upon multiple videos and links to porn in the replies section. If they were relevant to the original post it would be more acceptable but these people are just spamming links to their only fans trying to get attention on a viral post. This issue is why platforms like Reddit seem superior for having any sort of meaningful discussions about a post. If you actually put effort into filtering out the spam replies I think X would be a more successful application. But as of now it seems that the priority is to put any verified accounts posts at the top of the replies, and that system is causing the quality of content on your app to decrease.
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7 months ago, Kella1994
So glad I deactivated my account
Elon turned this app into a literal dumpster fire. The man is so childish. He spent all that money on it just to run users off of the app all cuz he really didn’t want it in the first place. Since he fired most of the staff, the app barely functioned as a social media app. Notifications did not work. If u reported someone for bad behavior such as calling others racial slurs, threatening to harm others, etc the report would go no where or the system would tell u that their was no problem with the tweet u reported and that the company would do nothing. Elon will let anyone say anything on this app. He does not care. He will reinstate anyone no matter what they did in the present or in their past. He would let a known sex trafficker use his app to prey on others as long as they pay him for his blue check mark. I didn’t think Twitter could get any worse until Elon bought it. Twitter hasn’t always been a great app. It had its issues but at least under the previous owners made u feel like they were actually reading ur complaints and even though they didn’t always agree, u still felt like any issues were acknowledged. Elon just encourages those who remained to not even open the report.
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3 years ago, Willow207X
Very problematic
I use Twitter a lot to follow artists and friends, but it’s very difficult to keep track of everything when the options are so limited. I see advertisements and promoted tweets way too often. There’s no Twitter Pro that I can buy to not have to see ads. The tweets I see are time-stamped, but they’re always out of order (2 minutes, 5 hours, 5 minutes, 2 weeks ago) and there’s no way to filter the tweets I see on my dashboard. I would love to be able to see only pictures or only text posts, but there’s no way to do this except for searching on a specific Twitter page. On top of this, once you scroll down a certain amount, you can’t scroll anymore so you can’t know what you missed unless you go through Twitter pages manually. I’m most disappointed about the ads, but all of the problems here are very inconvenient, annoying, and time consuming. The only reason I’m here is because all of the good artists moved here from Tumblr
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1 year ago, Jack Bickers
Twitter has lost all of its charm.
Deleted my original twitter account a couple years ago, just recently redownloaded and made a new account- after logging in for the first time I was suspended for 12 hours before I was able to tweet anything. It has now worn off but I still can’t log in because it keeps asking for a phone number instead of email. I have messaged support multiple times over the weekend and I still have yet to be helped. Twitter just isn’t worth the headache. edit: A few days later and support is still useless and I’m still being forced to put in a cellphone number when I do not have service. At this point, I wouldn’t give them a phone number even if I could. Evidently, phone numbers are a requirement to use this platform instead of email as it used to be. How very disappointing. edit: Now a couple weeks later and I can confirm that twitter is an absolute mess. They have absolutely no human support staff, just useless automated messages that don’t help in the slightest. What a ridiculous joke of an app. edit: been months now and twitter is still a useless, flaccid, rancid garbage fire with absolutely no support. Thankful that Reddit exists as they actually have customer support.
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7 months ago, A realistic outlook
I’m sorry everyone hates you Elon
I feel so bad for Elon, most of these reviews hate him and I don’t get why he deserves it, he didn’t inherit wealth, look it up. he smoked weed on a talk show, cool he’s human. He has his own political views, isn’t that also why you all hate him, because you all also have your own political views? Maybe everyone hates him for exposing so many lies, I know the media hates him. Why does everyone think Elon wants world domination, I think he’s a smart guy who wants to make a name for himself, and be memorable while at it, and I personally think he’s funny. Living a life managing so many things can be boring and extremely stressful, he barely has time to do anything, he runs all day on 6 hours or sleep and he said it himself! Try doing that. And on another note, I’d like to thank Elon for changing the world, and making it possible to be yourself while making huge accomplishments, something we all brag about but hold others back when doing so. Thanks for reading.
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3 weeks ago, Twitter ❤️ Violence
Doom scroller pro
This app use to be an app of ideas, conversations and jokes. TODAY; I’ve seen 2 suicides, 3 people killed/injured (2 victims of crimes and retaliatory defense of a gunman), and frontline combat footage of mothers sons getting blown up by grenades. I witnessed all of these videos within an hour. While we all know this world is evil, does every post have to remind us? Can we be allowed an app that lets us escape from the world? I follow news accounts which inform me of current events, but other accounts actively promote and sometimes encourage the evils that are being committed. This app is naught but propaganda to divide the masses against each other instead of informing and encouraging unity. PLEASE for the love of God (or for humanity’s sake if you’re not a believer) strive to promote kindness, fellowship, and tolerance WITH the understanding of importance current events. Here in America, the 1st amendment is important protecting our rights to free speech; but the hatred, violence, and ignorant comments (that seems to be encouraged (AND most likely funded)) need to be filtered on a much larger scale. I’m calling on twitter/X employees to quit following minimal moral standards and create an environment where discourse and solutions are not outshined by violence and hate. Please. Please. Please.
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10 months ago, Reflective Kite
Twitter, A Dominant Era Of Once A Failing Platform
As we turnt the bend amongst the ages, stars above twinkling & the humans carrying onwards, large amounts of money were being funneled through the ex-‘Twitter’ whilst having hired, wether known or unknown Federal Agents of ‘GOV’ who transpired to modulate the algorithm to inspire political change, many men ‘donating’,“money” to ensure that the Media & Narrative of the United States was pushed forward; whilst this was effective in it’s efforts Twitter the platform itself had lost it’s way unto the various media & social interaction amongst community it had previously stood for. Elon’s efforts into Reestablishing it’s Prominent Promptitude for others to interpret & interact properly was key to its current success, having adjusted the business model alongside reducing the overall operational costs associated with such. Elon has done an excellent job, as per usual. I hope that the upcoming app that he is working on carries the same idealisms & messages of the prior work, whilst establishing a fair means of relationship between networks. Best Of Luck Elon.
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7 months ago, k1cel
A shadow of its former self.
Since the sale of Twitter the owner has inflicted his whimsical and arbitrary standards and practices. It is inconsistent and often if anything the host application for conspiracy theorists and sometimes dangerous disinformation. The fact that I have to pay extra to be able to edit my posts and have the space required to fully explain a statement is not worth the extra money and frankly it’s interpretation of free speech often is based on the owners personal lexicon and point of view du jour. The medical disinformation is eventually going to result in deaths and disabilities that could become of tragic magnitude. The fact is that it is just another toy for the owner and I really don’t have any further interest in playing. Within a few days I will cancel my blue check mark and allow my account to become inactive. I don’t intend to close it because occasionally I will come back to counter some of the dangerous political statements that are allowed for select political celebrities because they are getting attention. Apparently the application subscribe to the adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Eventually the platform is probably going to become something else entirely or wither away and die.
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2 years ago, Uriel51
Easy to tweet, follow, get notified BUT……. not useful
I can only use Twitter for direct messaging & getting notified of some of my selected accounts in my followed set for notifications.. No one ever sees my tweets. I used to get interactions but none in more than a year of daily tweets. Now the app keeps logging me out taking so much time to log back in each time since latest IOS updates. Annoying without Touch-ID sign in & having to enter long passwords. Getting ready to stop tweeting & getting notifications elsewhere that I can rely on. Also, after writing this review no support or willingness to help even if I send a DM to Twitter support, not wanting to tweet something nasty! I am not sure who is designing, supporting or what goals the developer has for this app but I wish another developer would offer a better app to use for Twitter, not wanting to have to log in to my account every time I want to post, view notifications details or just look through my feed.
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1 year ago, Manleypciii
Less of a fan since Elon might have my account suspended
I was never the biggest fan of being on social media every day and every minute of every day. But I do use it for work in the political realm getting my messaging and messages out there for those I work for and my own views. I’m a bit less of a fan of Twitter now that I know they respect the free-speech, a little less meaning that because I don’t agree with Elon Musk, my account may be suspended. Others might argue that those who are inciting riots, and doing things such as attacking other political views, or attacking them, because of their race ethnicity, social economic status… That’s not the type of politics that I comment on. I respect free speech, but when it turns into ways to attack others or incite riots to hurt others, are overthrow the that is the limit of what free speech is outlined in the constitution. But I have not inciting riot just expressing my views if I don’t agree Elon Musk and his minions or other billionaires as punishment they will prevent me from using a social media platform like Twitter. I do not support this in for that reason I will rated at three stars
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1 year ago, JR Sears
Twitter - chaotic and annoying…again.
Now that Elon Musk has swept out the former Twitter world, a new chaos has emerged that is annoying and disturbing most of the times. Is it ‘better’ now? Perhaps, if you’re more pugilistic in nature. I regret that the ‘basket of deplorables’ have re-emerged in large numbers. I was hoping they would stay on Truth or Parlor and that ilk of right wing hate mongering social media. It’s like when Trump created all that insanity during his 2020 election year. You were horrified to look at the responses but sadly accepted that a huge number of bigoted and poorly educated Americans have such vile and hateful comments. Personally, I don’t know anyone like that. But it’s an eye-opener to see that millions of Americans really harbor such hate and disdain for their fellow countrymen. So the clown show goes on. I’m really hoping Elon loses a large chunk of his fortune on this folly to control the global narrative. Who knows. His plan may really be to leverage the power of this platform to protect his other business interests. And very likely to influence world politics. We shall see.
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2 years ago, Jimneedsanewnickname
Need to be apolitical
No matter your political leaning, and no matter how hard you try to avoid politics you will be inundated with ideology that only cleans One Direction. No matter who you follow.I don’t go to Twitter to discuss politics. I am politically independent. hi follow people on Twitter because I want to see things about history and funny Memes and the like. But it’s nearly impossible to avoid the politics. additionally, there are people that moderate the information is posted. These people have no background in science or medicine yet they try to play God as a relates to what information is allowed to be seen by the public. A perfect example are all all the people who were suspended or banned or “shadow banned“ by moderators for questioning the safety of Covid vaccines. of course, now many of those concerns have been proven valid. Pfizer has now admitted that nearly 44% of pregnant women who received the vaccine miscarried. But open discussion on that topic this time last year or two years ago would’ve gotten you banned or suspended. It might even to this day. Anyway, the platform is fine as long as you don’t expect genuine open discussion any contentious or politically sensitive topics.
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4 months ago, rynn_ryder
Suspended for no reason.
I opened my app one night to find out that my account had been suspended. I often used X to promote my OF account, as that is my main source of income. However, I never posted anything worse than the average that most 18+ creators do. I got an email saying I was reported by a user for “evading suspension.” First, how can a user report me for that? Second, how could I have evaded suspension if that was my first and only account? I couldn’t have been evading a prior suspension if I didn’t have another account… I emailed and tried to appeal, but they basically just told me no. Their reason being that I “broke a rule,” however I was not told what rule that would have been. As far as I was aware, I was following the community guidelines. I never received any warnings for breaking any specific rule. I just want my account back. I had almost 2.5k followers on there and most of them don’t know my other platforms. X was helping me support myself and grow my community. I don’t know what to do, but I’m hoping maybe someone will see this and help out. Anyways, please be careful guys. I’m not sure what you can do to evade suspension, but make sure your followers are aware of your other platforms.
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